Yesterday we talked about how in the course of any given day we make so many decisions it is basically impossible to keep track of them all. But there is one decision we can make that is harmful—making God last! Saving Him for the end of the day, when we are tired and brain dead.
I have a friend who has a saying that describes how we as Believers often find ourselves in trouble. “We slow walk into places we never meant to go.” Over the years I’ve found this to be very true. When we don’t spend the time with the Lord our soul and spirit needs to stay strong, we begin to slow walk into places we have no business being. And since we are slowly (bit-by-bit) going there, we are often not aware it is happening—until it is too late.
One of the biggest problems we run into when we are not touching base and staying connected with God on a daily bases, is a lack of faith or a “Weak trust” in God. And that can propel us into slow walking into areas that are definitely not good for us. When our trust in God is weak, we lose confidence in Him. Shaky faith equals wavering thoughts and being double-minded in our decision making. In other words, we are back in forth from one moment to the next. Finding it hard to “believe” and stand strong—making poor decision out of fear and worry.
There are also other problems we open the door for when we are not fellowshipping with God as we should. We begin to take on doing things in our own strength. It only stands to reason, because if we’re not spending time with Him concerning our problems, then we have to take on working them out ourselves. And that leads to even more trouble.
Noah spent the beautiful sunny gorgeous days building the Arch and preparing for the storm. And when the rains and flood hit…he was prepared! We should follow his example. If we have a day where we look at our “To Do List” and feel very accomplished but didn’t spend quality time with God…then we are not following Noah’s example. Can you imagine Noah and his sons trying to build the Arch once the rains started? It would have been impossible. But that is what some of us like to do. When things are moving along pretty well, we don’t make the time for God we should, but when the storms of life hit (and they are going to come) then we are scrambling to be with God and build our arch of confidence in the pounding rain and flood.
Sisters, please spend time reading your Bibles on a daily bases. And I’m not just talking about a little 15 minute devotional you do every day. I’m talking about becoming disciplined in making quality time where you sit down and just read and talk to the Lord about what you are reading and how it affects your life. Have a conversation with God, which means sit and listen to what He has to say to you.
We cannot escape the daily decision making in our lives, and some days are more overwhelming than others, but one of the best decisions we can make in the course of our day—is time spent with the Lord!

Love & Hugs
Marcia will be joining us tomorrow!
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