Decisions are something we make continuously throughout our day. The alarm goes off—do we hit snooze for 9 more minutes or do we get up? From the beginning of our day to the end, we do nothing but make decisions—I’m a little tired I think I’ll turn in early tonight.
We make so many decisions in the course of one day it is probably impossible to count them. What’s for breakfast, what am I going to wear? What am I packing for lunches, do I have time for coffee or will I get some on the way to work. Once the kids are out the door and on their way to school, what do I do first? Do I make the beds, clean up the breakfast dishes, sneak on Facebook before I start my chores? And this is just the first hour and a half that we have been up. Get my point? Realistically trying to count the many decisions we make every day—Impossible! But with any decision making there is always room for human error and even in the little everyday things of life we are not always as prudent as we could be.
How many will raise their hands to admit there are times when you spend too much time on Facebook? Personally I have found myself washing breakfast and lunch dishes right before it is time to cook dinner. Well, I usually wash them together most days because I don’t have that many and it saves on water and dish detergent. This is supposed to happen right after lunch is finished….not four or five hours later. What happened? I jumped on Facebook for a quick minute to see what was going on and that quick minute turned into a quick couple of hours. Poor decision on my part. We all make them during the course of our day—it’s normal to stray from the script of things we are suppose to be doing. ~Smile~ But then there are those decisions that we make on a daily bases that aren’t as easy to rectify as washing the dishes before starting supper.
The decision to put off spending time with the Lord is one that has far more reaching consequences then rushing around at the end of the day to wash dirty dishes, freshen up the bathrooms and vacuum before the kids or your husband walks through the door. And though the consequences can be more devastating then your husband asking, “What did you do all day?” they are most often not as oblivious as dirty dishes in the sink, or an unmade bed.
We will try our best to rectify the things we have put off during the day, especially if someone else is going to see that we weren’t on top of things. So, by the end of the day our houses are neat and tidy and all the laundry is washed, folded and put away. But then we are too tired to rectify the fact that we really didn’t spend time with the Lord. But that is okay because He loves us and we will make it up to Him tomorrow. And when tomorrow comes we have to start making decisions the moment our eyes open, which translates into—off to the races with all the things we have to do just to get our day started. And once again we make the decision to spend time with the Lord later. But later doesn’t come.
Most of us would never think about going 10 days without washing dishes, our dirty clothes, changing our bed linens, mopping our floors, dusting our furniture, food shopping for our family…no way! But we can easily find ourselves letting 10 days go by and not really spend much time reading our Bibles or talking to the Lord. And when I say talking to the Lord, I’m not talking about our long laundry list of things we want Him to do for us or our families. I’m talking about spending quiet time so we can hear what He wants from us.
When we make the decision to put off God, we make one the worst decisions of our day. If you’ve been allowing the many other things in life to come before God, make the decision “today” that’s going to change.
Tomorrow we will take a look at the type of consequences we encounter from not spending the time with our Father that we should. Be sure to tune in!

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
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