The other day I was pondering the question, “Where did the idea of a daily devotion or devotional books come from?” I did some research, but came up empty handed as to where they originated or who wrote the first one….hum. My reason for asking is because the term “I did my devotions” or “I read my daily devotion” has begun to strike me as odd. How do you read devotion? You can’t. So where did all this come from? Why are there so many books written as devotionals? Are we not to live our lives as ones of pure devotion to God? So how have we come to having a few minutes of daily devotion with Him?
There’s a great possibility that daily devotional books have misled many us into a false sense of security. They have led us to believe that if we spend a few minutes each day doing the “The Upper Room” or “Daily Bread’ that we have done our duty for the day. And now with our vast technology we can open an email and one is waiting for us from a number of different ministries, or we can surf the web and find them in a flash. Our choice.
I guess my problem with all of this is the wording, “Devotional” really what does that mean?
For several years I worked in the OB/GYN clinic of a large city hospital. And many of my coworkers who professed to be Christians would sit at their desk and read their daily devotions before the clinic opened. But they spent the rest of the day stealing time from our employer and God by, talking on personal phone calls when they should be working, gossiping and trying to do as little work as possible. Yet they faithfully did their devotionals each morning for all to see. Somehow, we have gotten into the habit of doing a “devotional” and then not reading anything else in the Bible. That’s a huge problem for us as Believers. It is impossible that any particular devotional on any given day is going to inspire and speak to everyone who reads it. Why? Because it is done by a human and therefore has that person’s perspective on whatever the subject or scripture is for that day. (Just like this blog, it is my perspective.) But the Bible, now that’s a different story. The Bible is here to inspire, and provoke you every time you read it. Why? Because it is God’s perspective, instructed by His Holy Spirit—not man.
Daily devotions have the potential to feed into our laziness to not read the Bible. Take for instance the Facebook link, “God wants you to know today,” don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying not to read them or they aren’t any good, but I am saying that they are not enough! They cannot replace spending time reading our Bibles. Over the years I’ve read many “devotionals” and books to help me grow in the things of the Lord, but my greatest turning points in life have always come from what I’ve read in my Bible. I think for many of us we forget or don’t know that “the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
Personally I would like to see all devotional books called books of “Meditation” or “Inspiration” and used in that way. Not used as something we do for a few minutes each day and we’re done, feeling we have spent some kind of magic devotion time with God. True devotion to God is a way of life and cannot be squeezed into a 15 minute time frame. As parents we are devoted to our kids, and as wives we are devoted to our husbands. We all know that is a 24/7 devotion as it should also be with us for God.
If you are one who reads a daily devotional, I want to challenge you to read your Bible instead for one week, asking the Holy Spirit to show you what to read. Do that each morning or whatever time you have set aside during your day. See what you might discover on your own being lead only by the Spirit of the Lord.

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
Hi, Ponnie.
I understand a lot of what you mean by this blog, but at the same time I have an issue with an aspect of those devotionals that you've perhaps overlooked or missed. Many of them actually give you things to think about around the text you're reading, so that you actually have way to focus on the text in the Bible and a way to get something out of it that you very well might not just by reading the passage. Additionally, oftentimes the devotionals provide a guided, meaningful path through a year of reading the Bible, so that you are tying Old & New Testament passages together - again, something most of us wouldn't do on our own. Plus they also have us reading parts of the Bible that perhaps we wouldn't normally read - Ezra or Ruth, for example - on a regular basis, focusing largely instead on the more known passages / books.
I know for me personally I get a LOT more out of Bible reading when I'm doing it in a directed way - i.e., with a devotional - than I do if I just randomly open the Book and read whatever page it falls open to... I agree that there is a risk that we only spend those five minutes (or however long) as devotional, but I think there is a bigger issue at play there than the fact that we're using things like Daily Bread - I'd question the reality and depth of the actual faith / commitment (my own included)...
Having said all of that, your opinion is always welcome, and I enjoyed reading this blog! Thank you! :-)
Hi Esther-Marie,
Thank you for your comment! But in essence you confirmed my point. First as I said, I am not saying that using a devotional is wrong in anyway, but I am saying that only using a devotional is a hindrance and it cannot replace reading our Bibles on our own. We should be reading our Bibles…period. And if we are not and the only reading we are doing is through a devotional then we should take a look at our commitment to reading and studying the Word of God. It is possible (and I do suggest it) that we read the Bible from Genesis to Revelations, that way it is not random. And it doesn’t have to be in a year, but just done on a daily bases. If any of us say we love the Lord and have been walking with Him for any length of time and we have not read the Bible through, then something is amiss. Again, I looked at the concept of devotional….what is a devotional? There really is no such thing; it is a word we (man) have invented. Because true devotion to and with God is a lifestyle, not a few minutes a day.
Love & Hugs
With lots of activities - the activity becomes the action. I think that since I've read a few blogs on personal finance, I've done something about my financial woes. I attend TOPS and I think that I've done something to help me lose weight. A lot of our activities (Devotional reading being one) become a replacement for the real action that is required. These activities should be the motivator for action and change.
Just opening my bible and reading a page is not a specific action that leads me to a goal - other than ticking off something on my to-do list!
Thanks for the reminder!
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