I think that being a parent is one of the best ways to learn about God’s love. Not just His love but His grace and mercy. My oldest daughter Zoe (11) helps me to remember God’s love for me and teaches me about how to display mercy and to be thankful for the grace that is provided daily. As Zoe gets older she further tests her limits daily. Now she does the typical 11 year old things like keeping a messy room or she loves to leave her clothing downstairs on the living room floor. I have learned over the years to pick my battles and know when I should get frazzled or just slightly dazed. However there are the times of daily disobedience, completely ignoring my instructions, or acting as if she did not fully understand my instructions. I find myself saying “I am sick and tired of telling you the same thing over and over again”. I always pause quietly to myself after saying this because I know that I have my moments of disobedience also but God never tells me that He is sick and tired. In fact he has never given up on me and never will.
I have to always remember that my children need to see God’s love through me. Does this mean that I don’t punish or correct my children? No. In fact in showing His love I must correct my children and that involves punishment and sometimes that includes the rod. The difference is that I must do it in love, not because I am frustrated or angry. (Parents, don't come down too hard on your children or you'll crush their spirits. Colossians 3:21) If I do this out of those frustrations then God’s love is nowhere to be found. My children may not see it at the time but it’s important to take the time to explain why I have responded the way I have and how it will benefit them in the long run. Do I do this every time? No. I am still learning as I learn daily about God’s love for me.
I think the truest display of love is forgiveness. Children have a way of forgiving us when we make mistakes or have to ask for forgiveness for over reacting to their foolish behavior. We hold onto grudges, keep account of past wrongs, and say screw you to those who have hurt us, all of which goes against God’s command regarding loving one another. I love when my middle child Christina comes up to me, gives me a hug and a kiss and says “I love you mommy”. This makes my day especially after a long frustrating day. Just imagine how different the world would be if we would tell our neighbors (even those who hurt us) that we love them. That would be the ultimate display of God’s love and the world would not have half the issues that exist today.
I think of my daughter Christina when I think of love. Don’t get me wrong I love all my children but she has a special gift for displaying love. At the tender age of almost 5 she is forgiving, very loving, encouraging and always has God’s love on display. She can pick you up with a song, dance, or even a smile. I have even seen her forgive a friend who has done her wrong and desire to go back and play with her. I can say that I don’t display this level of God’s love but I strive too. Who says that we can’t learn from our children? I know I have.

Until next time!
Peace & Love
Tune in tomorrow for Rita's great blog on Every Day Love!
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