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“For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” Psalm 139: 13-14(NKJV)
A few years ago while getting ready for work I can remember listening one morning to a well-known tele-evangelist reading this scripture during her sermon. The scripture is a commonly quoted one...especially, the “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” part. However this time, the tele-evangelist stressed the very next part of this verse..."MARVELOUS are Your works". Wow, I thought....God’s works are all MARVELOUS and He created me....that must mean...I am MARVELOUS too!
For many years, like many ladies, I struggled with self-image. As a child, I struggled with thoughts of not being pretty enough, not being smart enough...simply couldn’t find anything in me that was good enough...when compared to others. I had issues with everything about me...I was too skinny...I was too dark...my hair was too bushy and thick....I could go on and on. Many of these thoughts I carried into my adult life and I even began to find myself allowing other people and situations to confirm my thoughts through their words and actions towards me. Because of my inability to see my own self-worth and by allowing myself to be defined by others...depression prevailed and I stopped caring. I had lost my true identity and let myself go. I gained weight, isolated myself from friends and loved ones and stopped putting much emphasis on making myself look good and stay healthy.
And then I heard this scripture again and realized- Everything that God creates is Marvelous. He created me and therefore, I am Marvelous! What a life changing thought!
On that day, at that very moment, I realized that the person I had become was NOT the person that God had created to be....my lifestyle, habits, environment and even my relationships had altered the real me. I had to dig deep down and discover the real me and learn to embrace and love the person that God had created me to be. Yes, I had to learn to love the person the marvelous piece of work that God created.
Since then, I have learned to love all things Sasha...my natural hair, my skin tone…everything! I am determined to get back the body that I had abused and the good heath that I took for granted during my time of self-destruction through diet and exercise. I began treating myself to pedicures, learning about skin care regiments and indulging in special treats like scented lotions and perfumes. I began getting out more and enjoying the life that God gave me. Never again will I speak or think negatively against one of God’s wonderful creations and never again will I believe that I am not good enough because of what other people say about me or do towards me! Why, because God’s creations are Marvelous!
Guess what Ladies? You are Marvelous too! Yes, you really are! Go back and read the scripture yourself...this time replace the I’s, my’s and me’s with YOUR NAME because the verse applies to you as well! I hope that you all will begin to see the beautiful woman that God has created you to be and will learn to love and embrace that woman TODAY. I also hope that from this day forward that any “self-destructive acts” towards yourself, because of your inability to see yourself as that beautiful woman will end....not tomorrow...TODAY. Remember God loves YOU, His fearfully, wonderfully and marvelously made creation....I hope that you do too!

Until next time!!
In Christian Love,
Be sure to tune in tomorrow.
1 comment:
Often times I sit and think those same things but have yet to self-destruct. Just reading your blog has given me a whold new outlook about how and why GOD created me. YES I am MARVELOUS and I am thankful as well. I also would like to thank my co-worker Tiffany Rhames for inviting me to read this blog because the few minutes that it took me to read this was the few minutes that made me REALIZE how MARVELOUS GOD IS!
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