Our decisions (choices) can alter the course to our destiny. Like the Israelites we will still get there, but instead of passing “Go” and collecting $200, we spend a little time in jail. ~Smile~
The Lord wants you to go to college across country, but you decide to go to a college in your hometown so you can be closer to your boyfriend. That seems harmless enough. I mean after all you have still made the decision to continue your education. Right? Well, I sort of disagree with that thinking and the reason is—you still didn’t do it God’s way. That will always cost us in the long run. Now was it a surprise to God what you were going to do? Nope, and therefore He has made provision for this detour…but, it’s still going to cost you in someway. If only to delay certain lessons you have to learn before God will put you in a certain position.
You want a new car, but instead of waiting to make sure God has given the “okay” you make the decision to trade in your current (and paid in full car) for one with a monthly car note. You stay within your budget and can afford your payments and increased insurance rates. Wait!! That is until you are laid off. Now you are getting ready to have you care reprocessed — an old working ride is better than no ride at all.
An opportunity to switch jobs is presented to you. They offer more money and it’s the answer to your prayers to be released from a horrible boss who doesn’t appreciate you. Because you have been asking God for a new job, you don’t really stop to make sure this is His answer to your problem. You jump at this great opportunity. Six months later you find yourself out of work.
Marriage and babies have always been a part of your plans for your life. Time is ticking away and so is your biological clock. Desperation sets in and finally God has answered your prayers and sent the man of your dreams into your life. Only problem is—no one really knows him. You’re rushing into things and are not listening to godly counsel or heeding any of the red flags. You run off and get married, under the guise of a romantic elopement. Before you celebrate your 1st anniversary, you are separated and pregnant.
The Lord wants you to go to college across country, but your boyfriend wants you to stay in your hometown to be close to him. You decide that though you care for him, you care for God more and go where He says go. Your relationship with your boyfriend did not stand the test of time, but by following God’s lead He has opened doors and led you to people you would not have met. Your destiny is clearer than ever.
You want a new car and are tempted with a year end deal to trade up, but you back off and say, “No” because God has not given the “okay”. Three months after your decision to wait, your entire department is laid off.
An opportunity to switch jobs is presented to you with the offer of more money and a different manager. You’ve even been praying for this opportunity, but instead of rushing into a decision you want to make sure this is God’s answer to prayer. You decide not to take the position, because you weren’t sure about things. Six months later it is on the evening news; this company has locked its doors on its employees without notice or severance pay.
Mr. Right comes into your life out of nowhere! He is charming, sweet, and handsome, dresses nice, smells good and says he loves the Lord. But!! No one seems to know who he is. Your friends caution you to be careful and take it slow. Your pastor and his wife also have reservations about who he really is. Though he seems like all you have ever hoped for you decide to accept the godly counsel of your friends and wait for God to make things clear to you. Prince charming moves on to marry someone else, only to later discover that he is HIV Positive and now so is his wife.
My goal for today was to give you food for thought on how important it is for us to take our time in making decisions, and not let our hearts and fleshly desires out trump God.
Those who wait on the Lord cannot go wrong. We are all just one decision away from making a poor choice (death) or the right choice (life). God has given us a free will with the freedom to make choices. But He has also made it clear and easy for us as to what we should choose. He said, “Choose life!”
Are you about to make a foolish decision or run ahead of God? If so, STOP! Step back, take a deep breath and PRAY!

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
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