Living in a world that constantly tells us that we need this, or we should have this, I think has blinded us to what it is we really should be concerned about adding to our lives. It shouldn’t be the biggest house, an expensive car, or the latest electronic gizmo. It should be…..
……2 Peter 1:5-7 "Do your best to improve your faith. You can do this by adding goodness, understanding, self-control, patience, devotion to God, concern for others, and love." (CEV)
Some of us have worked really hard to add bigger and better things to our lives, but we fall short on adding those things that Peter talks about.
It seems that Christians are under the delusion that we don’t have to work or strive to improve who we are in our Christian walk. Some of us pray to God to give us self-control, patience and a concern and love for others. Snap….just like that we are changed. Wrong! It is up to us to desire to please God and obey His commands, and then we must work or strive to achieve these things.
Reading our Bibles is the #1 way to get us on the fast track.
In our daily lives many of us do what we have to do to get on the fast track at work. The fast track means promotion, more opportunities and more money. It is a lifetime goal for many. But we don’t necessarily view our Christian walk in the same manner. We won’t spend the time necessary to get on the fast track with God, even though it will mean more opportunities and promotion in His Kingdom. No, we’d rather be envious of those around us who He is promoting and whine and cry, “How come her Lord?”
Spring will be showing up soon, and in anticipation many of us are thinking about sprucing up our wardrobes, makeup and hairdos. And there is nothing wrong with that, but—are we spending as much time thinking on how to spruce up our spiritual walk? Are we as concerned with how we look spiritually to others as we are with our physical appearance? Since the beginning of the year a vast majority of us have cut back on how much we eat and have increased our daily exercise routines. Our goal is to look good for the summer and be able to buy a smaller size than last year—and a healthier us. But have we been as diligent in increasing our time with the Lord and exercising (using) our spiritual wisdom and knowledge? What about a healthier “us” in that category?
Just as we have to work and strive to achieve anything in this natural world, it is the same for our spiritual world.
At the end of the day when you look at your food journal to see if you have stayed on track, are you looking at your prayer journal to make sure you’ve prayed for those you’ve promised? As you sat and pursued the latest issue of Home and Garden and spring fashions, have you been pursuing your Bible? Some of us have started preparing the soil for our spring planting. Are you making sure to work on the soil of your heart by meditating on God’s Word?
When spring rolls around so will many added activities for us. Personally I love the spring almost as much as fall and both seasons bring with them different activities. For me, spring is a time to refurbish and freshen up things, warmer temps, getting outdoors more and strawberry season. Birds chirping first thing in the morning, flowers popping up all over the place and cherry blooms on the trees. But it also means that it is daylight at 6am and prayer time is no longer in the dark or artificial light is needed to read. This makes me feel more energized.
Sisters, as you spend time preparing for the spring season and thinking about what you will be adding—please make “improving your faith” a top priority.

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
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