Deuteronomy 30:19 This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. See Deuteronomy 28 for the Curses and the Blessings.
This week we looked at various scenarios in our everyday lives where we have to make spiritually “life or death” decisions, and how making a poor or incorrect decision can alter the course to our destiny. I am prayerful that you have been prompted to think (ponder/meditate) about some of the life choices you made that were not God’s best for you. It’s not that I want you lamenting over the past, (what’s done is done) but sometimes hindsight is 20/20 and it is a wonderful thing when we can learn from our past mistakes.
God has a great desire for us to live the best life we can here on this earth. Now that will mean different things to different people. And for one, everyone is not going to be rich. The “Prosperity” message that the Church has been spouting for the past two decades is a bit askew. And don’t take my word for it…read your Bible. And when I say “Read your Bible” I’m talking in its totality. Don’t grab a bunch of scriptures on being prosperous for money. Nope. Read it from Genesis to Revelation. Because you will begin to see things like — all the money in the world doesn’t matter if you are feeble minded. Look at Howard Hughes, he was a millionaire but became a recluse, didn’t have heat, wore soiled diapers and boxes for shoes—his mind was gone and his money didn’t help him. Take Michael Jackson for instance, his money truly was his demise. And one great biblical example I love is King Nebuchadnezzar…see Daniel 4:28-33
The truth is, everyone can’t handle having lots of money—even in God’s Kingdom. And our Father knows that. But that is not true prosperity anyhow. True prosperity is one of a sound mind, good health, love, a spirit of gratitude, giving, helping, kindness, longsuffering, patience, forgiveness, favor with God and man. When our needs are met we are prosperous by all means. This is the type of prosperity that God desires for us. To be in “His will” doing things, “His way”! No matter what sacrifices we have to make for Christ’ sake and that could mean a life of luxury—just ask any missionary about that.
There are days when life is hard and you might feel like giving up, or taking things into your own hands because if seems God is taking too long, or doesn’t care. But none of that is true. God cares more than we can really imagine, and He’s never late according to His will. And I say that, because when I look at “me” and my sinful ways and the many struggles I still have, only an all knowing, all consuming, loving God could love and care for me. In all honestly it’s hard to phantom the totality of God’s great love for us. (I don’t think I will ever understand it all until I meet Him face-to-face.) It’s a love that stands in wait for the worst of people on this earth to come to Him. A love that forgives and forgets our transgressions. Wow! That is heavy! That is God!
My dear sisters, God wants us to live a good life. I hope you noticed I said, “A good life, versus The good life!” He has set up His commands and statures to protect us and not to harm us. But with this comes the freedom of "free will". Our ability to choose “Yes Lord, I’ll do it your way” or “Not this time Lord, I need to do it my way.”
I pray that I have encouraged you to look at life through the eyes of “life” or “death” when making choices. To take your time in making life decisions, to hopefully weigh them against what the Word of God has to say and not become impatient and run ahead of Him. Just because we feel passionate about something, doesn’t mean it is what God wants for us, or it could be that the timing is not right.
If you are one who desires “A good life” than the secret to having that is—follow the Word of God in its totality and you will not go wrong.

Love & Hugs
See you Monday!
This week we looked at various scenarios in our everyday lives where we have to make spiritually “life or death” decisions, and how making a poor or incorrect decision can alter the course to our destiny. I am prayerful that you have been prompted to think (ponder/meditate) about some of the life choices you made that were not God’s best for you. It’s not that I want you lamenting over the past, (what’s done is done) but sometimes hindsight is 20/20 and it is a wonderful thing when we can learn from our past mistakes.
God has a great desire for us to live the best life we can here on this earth. Now that will mean different things to different people. And for one, everyone is not going to be rich. The “Prosperity” message that the Church has been spouting for the past two decades is a bit askew. And don’t take my word for it…read your Bible. And when I say “Read your Bible” I’m talking in its totality. Don’t grab a bunch of scriptures on being prosperous for money. Nope. Read it from Genesis to Revelation. Because you will begin to see things like — all the money in the world doesn’t matter if you are feeble minded. Look at Howard Hughes, he was a millionaire but became a recluse, didn’t have heat, wore soiled diapers and boxes for shoes—his mind was gone and his money didn’t help him. Take Michael Jackson for instance, his money truly was his demise. And one great biblical example I love is King Nebuchadnezzar…see Daniel 4:28-33
The truth is, everyone can’t handle having lots of money—even in God’s Kingdom. And our Father knows that. But that is not true prosperity anyhow. True prosperity is one of a sound mind, good health, love, a spirit of gratitude, giving, helping, kindness, longsuffering, patience, forgiveness, favor with God and man. When our needs are met we are prosperous by all means. This is the type of prosperity that God desires for us. To be in “His will” doing things, “His way”! No matter what sacrifices we have to make for Christ’ sake and that could mean a life of luxury—just ask any missionary about that.
There are days when life is hard and you might feel like giving up, or taking things into your own hands because if seems God is taking too long, or doesn’t care. But none of that is true. God cares more than we can really imagine, and He’s never late according to His will. And I say that, because when I look at “me” and my sinful ways and the many struggles I still have, only an all knowing, all consuming, loving God could love and care for me. In all honestly it’s hard to phantom the totality of God’s great love for us. (I don’t think I will ever understand it all until I meet Him face-to-face.) It’s a love that stands in wait for the worst of people on this earth to come to Him. A love that forgives and forgets our transgressions. Wow! That is heavy! That is God!
My dear sisters, God wants us to live a good life. I hope you noticed I said, “A good life, versus The good life!” He has set up His commands and statures to protect us and not to harm us. But with this comes the freedom of "free will". Our ability to choose “Yes Lord, I’ll do it your way” or “Not this time Lord, I need to do it my way.”
I pray that I have encouraged you to look at life through the eyes of “life” or “death” when making choices. To take your time in making life decisions, to hopefully weigh them against what the Word of God has to say and not become impatient and run ahead of Him. Just because we feel passionate about something, doesn’t mean it is what God wants for us, or it could be that the timing is not right.
If you are one who desires “A good life” than the secret to having that is—follow the Word of God in its totality and you will not go wrong.

Love & Hugs
See you Monday!
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