The weather has been absolutely off the hook this winter. Not only in the USA but all over the world. Places are getting amounts of snow they’ve never seen before; Australia had a “cyclone” a couple of days ago, only after horrendous flooding just weeks prior to that. About 3 weeks ago all the states in the continental USA had snow except Florida…wow!!! Yesterday, motorist had to be rescued off of Lake Shore Drive, in Chicago, by police officers on snowmobiles, after being stranded for up to 11 hours in their cars! (see picture to the left)
Schools are closed, mail delivery is suspended, there is no public transportation running, electricity is out, air travel is almost nonexistent and businesses are closed. And depending were you live, people have been evacuated from their homes and are in shelters riding out the many storms that are hitting the world. Phew, it is tiresome just thinking about all of this.
There is one fact for sure that will never change and that is—we can’t control the weather—but we do have control over our attitudes. I have never been stranded anywhere in my life, so I’m not about to pretend that I have a clue as to what it’s like to be stuck in a car in the freezing cold and snow for hours. I’m sure it is an ordeal. But as with anything in life, our attitudes can make all the difference in the world for us.
Prayerfully the motorists who have been stranded this winter were prepared to some extent. AAA encourages those who live in areas that get snow to have certain items in your car, ex.: blankets, flash lights, flares, water, and some type of food bars. These things will help sustain you if you are stranded for any length of time. I guess when stranded in a car you have to reserve gas by warming the car and then turning it off. But what would you do for 11 hours if you are by yourself? For me it would seem to be a time to move in real close to God. I would like to think that it would be some of the best praying time I’ve ever experienced. LOL!! I guess my greatest hope would be that I didn’t breakdown and that my attitude would be one of faith and great hope for my rescue. Much like the everyday storms of life we encounter and God always shows up!
I guess because I am getting older, my view of life has greatly changed. I’m pretty sure I have lived more days already then I have left before me. This has given me a greater appreciation for each day I have. Yes, from time-to-time I do have those days, I wish would just hurry up and be over with. But they are few and in between anymore. I no longer start Monday off wishing it was Friday. I don’t whine and complain about Mondays at all. I usher them in with a heart of gratefulness for another day. I love Monday as much as I love Saturday and Sunday. ~Smile~
Snow days have become a special treat for me like when I was a kid and school was closed. Yay! I am blessed to have a neighbor who shovels the hard and heavy snow for me and I just have to do a little clean up, which by the way I like doing. I enjoy having an unexpected day off (grands are home with their momma) or a day where I have all my grands and hanging out with Tovah. But there was a time (not so long ago) that I hated snow days and being stuck in the house. What has made the difference? It’s all in my attitude. It’s all in how I decided to view things. Again, it is about choosing “life” versus choosing “death”.
Choosing to find as much good out of a snow day or snowed in week, is my way of having the best time that I can, in one of life’s situations that I have no control over. It’s my way of choosing “life”. Moaning and complaining only makes the agitation and discontentment grow in our spirits. It is a way of choosing “death” for that particular time, because we chose to be sad and unhappy.
There are many things in life that we have no control over and never will. There are many storms in life, as in nature. Just as we ride out the natural storms, we also must ride out the storms in our lives waiting for the Lord to rescue us in our times of trouble. But while we wait upon the Lord, it is up to us to take control of our attitude. It is up to us to still find good in each day that we have been given, even in the heart of a storm or great tribulation. If nothing else, we should find great comfort in knowing that the Lord is on our side and we are not in the storm alone.
God’s gift of “free will” to choose “life” versus “death” does not just pertain to our salvation, it pertains to our every day lives, and every day circumstances. I think that sometimes we don’t recognize this truth.
Today, God’s children are experiencing some perilous times. There are hardships coming at us left and right. But that doesn’t mean you have to have a poor attitude that kills your joy and that of those around you. You know that old saying about making lemonade out of what seems to be the lemons of life, well sometimes that’s what we have to do — it’s all in our attitude.
Have a blessed day today and choose “LIFE” no matter what your circumstances may be.

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
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