One thing I have come to see in my years of traveling, living in different countries and being exposed to many different cultures is that as women who are used to certain freedoms; we are really not as free as we would like to think we are. And if we are free to come and go and do as we please, “Are we really enjoying it?”
Several years ago, a company in the UK ran an advertising campaign for a new perfume called “Sheila”. They placed posters strategically at bus stops and around towns of a beautiful woman wearing the Australian cork hat (see the picture), as well as running ads in some of the papers and on some of the radio stations. By ad campaign standards, it was really quite a small one – yet the response was almost overwhelming, as the stores were mobbed by people looking for this new perfume.
The twist to all of this is……There never was a perfume called “Sheila” – it was all done to show the power of advertising, and boy, did it work! People were disappointed that there was no new perfume, but it sure made a lasting impression on me!
So I ask again, “Are we really free?” “Or are we enslaved to advertising and images more than we realize?” Take a good look at your wardrobe, your hairstyle, your food cupboards, your car… How much of what is in each place is there because it’s something you – YOU – actually wanted, and how much is there because you gave in to all the subliminal messages shot at us daily through TV, radio, newspapers, billboards and ad campaigns? Are you REALLY unhappy with how you look – or is it simply that our multi-media society dictates we should be a size 2, waif-thin, blonde bombshell - and since 99.9% of us don’t even come close to fitting in that category, we’re constantly trying to do things to make ourselves fit?
Don’t get me wrong: I’m not actually anti-advertising – although I am strongly against all the messages we’re sending to our young women that they have to conform to certain measurements / specifications to be considered beautiful. This message is worldwide to most women.
The DOVE Real Women (Redefining what real beauty is) Campaign is the best thing advertising has turned out in as long as I can remember, and is definitely the exception. It has something for every woman in almost every country and language. http://campaignforrealbeauty.com/
Advertising can be – is – a very powerful thing; we just need to be careful that we are not enslaving ourselves to it consciously or subconsciously and thereby giving up our freedom to choose, freedom to be ourselves, freedom to be the beautiful women God created us to be, just the way we are, just the way He made us – in His glorious image.
Whether we live in Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, North America, or Australia, as women there is a common thread of being told in order to be considered beautiful we must be a certain size, and look a certain way. That is not so because the beauty of this world is vain. The truth is…..I am a Beautiful Woman of God. I am a capable, intelligent, and a virtuous woman. These are things we have to remind ourselves of daily. These are the things that make us “Free” in Him.
By the time this blog is posted I will be in Europe, and I look forward to sharing the wonderful experiences I'm sure to encounter through my new job. Don’t forget to come back in May to see what country I will be writing from.

Blessings & Hugs
I will be back on Thursday, May 20th!
Friday's Blog: Tovah "Life as a High School Junior"
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