OH MY GOODNESS! I woke up today at 8 o’clock, an hour later than usual. Of all the days I wake up late it would be today. Today is Wednesday and Wednesdays are my busiest days and this one is especially busy. Wednesday is the day of the week we go to prayer and Bible study and it is always my goal to be ready when Brian gets home so we can leave and be on time. Let me say that as much as I try we are late every week and I really, really, really do not like being late for anything. Well what time do you need to leave you may ask. We need to leave at 6:40 to be on time. Well don’t you have enough time you’re asking? NO because whenever kids are added to any equation it becomes an all day event to get out of the house. Now add home schooling, cooking dinner, needing to exercise and to boot finishing this blog by this evening. To top it off the reason for waking up late was due to Christian waking up several times last night breaking my sleep. He’s fine, just had a couple of bad dreams and needed mommy, but now he is tired and whiny and I do mean WHINY! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!
Let me back up a minute and explain. I try to get up at 6:30 no later than 7. I get my devotions in and dressed before the kids get up at 8. We do breakfast and try to start school between 9 and 9:30. In regards to the other things I need to do I make sure there are leftovers from Tuesday so I will not need to cook on Wednesday and when I do not need to cook it gives me an opportunity to exercise when school is over. There are no leftovers which means I need to cook and probably will not work out. And as you can imagine school has started late. I feel like I am in one of those games from The Price is Right where the contestant has to rush and match the prices to the food before the clock runs out. I feel like I am in a race to beat the clock. I am determined to win; the clock will not come out the victor today!
So today’s blog will be in real time, like the show "24". By the way have you been watching? Can you believe Dana? I mean the plot surrounding her was annoying but OH MAN! Okay, okay Cheryl stay focused! All right I’m back on track. Right now its 10:00am and we are getting ready to do Bible study, Math and Reading before lunch so I need to go and I will be back during lunch to let you know how we are progressing. Enjoy this lovely music while you wait. Oh yeah we are not on the phone. Okay be right back…
I’m back. Its 1:15pm and we have finished lunch and Christian is lying down for a nap, Halleluiah! The cool thing is we are done with school for the day. Can you believe it? We were done with everything by lunch at 12:30!! This makes my day a little easier because now I can exercise by 2:00 and start making dinner by 4:30. This day is turning out better than I expected. I beat the clock, I win you lose! Mole, mole cheek, cheek (some of you reading this are saying “What?” but if you are 35 and older, and from Philly you get it, LOL!).
As you may have already gathered, I am goal oriented and not the most flexible person out there so you can imagine how frazzled I felt when I woke up this morning an hour later than usual. As I sit writing this I must give honor where honor is due. First I must praise my God for His help. I sat in my room this morning with my head in my hands feeling frustrated and I asked the Holy Spirit to help me today. I asked Him to help me accomplish all that I needed to, help me to take my day in stride, to use wisdom on what to do and even when to do it. I asked Him to help me not to take my feelings out on the kids by being irritated with the things they do and respond with unholy anger. Finally I asked the Holy Spirit to just be with me. My prayers were answered and one of the ways God showed up was through Brandon. Today Brandon brought his “A” game. He got ready for school with little to no prompting from me. He made breakfast for him and Chris (only whole wheat English muffins and fruit, don’t call child welfare). In regards to his schoolwork he was focused, on task and compliant. WOOHOOO, that’s my boy!!
It’s 1:45pm now and do you hear that? All quiet in the Mackey home. Brandon is in his room reading, Christian, well Christian is not sleep yet but he is quiet and in ten minutes I will be putting my sneakers (tennis shoes depending on where you live) on and getting ready to “get it on.” So that’s it! No world changing life lessons today I just wanted to share a day in the life of a homeschool mom with you.
Father, please bless these wonderful people in Jesus’ name Amen!
Until next time happy homeschooling!

Hugs and Kisses,
PS. Meet me Thursday, April 15th to find out if we made it to church on time, LOL.
Friday's Blog: Esther-Marie our "World Travler"
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