Well spring has sprung, the lawns are green, flowers are blooming, and the kids are acting as if they have lost their minds. I don’t know if there is a correlation between the spring awakenings of that which has been asleep during the long cold winter months and the spring unleashing of pent up energy in today’s children; but I surely can make a case for it in my home. Currently the weather in Philly is extraordinary, the sun is shining, mid 70’s with a light wind. This is the weather that I would like to live in 365days a year. With this weather comes the roar of motorcycles, loud music that vibrates your house, Rita’s water ice and ……restless children. I love the spring, it is my most favorite season but nice weather does not impress me. I don’t feel the need to rush out and “enjoy the nice weather” as many others do. I’m satisfied with my windows open, a cool breeze, and a good book or movie. However I am aware that children do like to go out during this time of year. The last blog I wrote about choosing where to take kids that don’t break the bank. During the spring children are happy with just going to the park and running around. Which is great but as a parent I too would like to enjoy myself but the sliding board and monkey bars don’t bring me the joy and excitement they did 25 years ago. Saturday we went to the zoo, an outing that we make once a year. I enjoy the zoo as much as my children do, its good exercise and educational. At times I did envy my almost 3 year old AJ as she enjoyed the cool breeze in her stroller. After 2 ½ hours we had covered the entire zoo and my mission had been accomplished, all 3 of my children were now ready for a nap including my 11 year old.
Sunday I wanted to take them to the park but that pent up energy released itself in some not so suitable ways. My 11 year old felt is necessary to write on my walls with marker which is the latest in a series of offenses. She may not get out again until 8th grade graduation. My 5 year old poured water in the television which is now out of commission and my almost 3 year old was under the impression that I enjoyed the sound of her whine. If this is any indication of what the spring will bring, Lord help me! The one good thing is that my neighbors finally brought a new grill. I would gag and almost vomit every time they grilled on the old one. If it was 80 degrees out I would close my windows and put the air just to avoid the stench of their grill. I have learned to be appreciative of the small things.
Spring is also the time of “spring cleaning” which I have yet to do. I so badly want to repaint and redecorate my home but my broods of wall artists have left me reluctant to do so. Every day I discover a new Picasso on my walls. Usually its crayon but my 11 year old decided to take it up a notch to marker. I think I might lose my mind if I redo my home and someone writes or draws on my walls. I don’t plan on this being a boring spring. I want to have fun but how much is up to my children, especially Zoe. Zoe and I are going through a rough patch right now so I ask that you keep us in your prayers. Zoe may lose out on a lot due to her behavior but I have to tow the line because if she gets bored it sets her up to get herself in trouble which is what I don’t want to happen. Tina is going to Kindergarten in September so every day she asks me if it is September yet; each and every single day. So for me this is sort of a bittersweet spring as Tina will officially become a student and every spring thereafter will be a transition to a new grade. I can only pray that I assist all of my children in the Spring transition and shower them with love as the rain covers the earth.

Peace & Love
Until next time....Wednesday, April 21st!
Thursday's Blog: Ponnie has something special for you ladies, be sure to tune in!
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