April 17th, I fulfilled one of my 2010 goals by participating in my 1st 5K and let me tell you, what an awesome and life changing experience!!
The race that I participated in was the Susan G. Komen Race (Savannah, Georgia) for the Cure whose primary focus is to raise funds dedicated to the fight again breast cancer in the world. On race day, there were 400 survivors present and approximately 4000 other participants to run and walk. The atmosphere was ELECTRIC!
So, I have to admit I went to bed the night before thinking I wasn’t going to go through with it. All of the negative thoughts were weighing heavy on me....you haven’t trained enough, you aren’t ready for 3+ miles, you are going to make a fool of yourself. Then, to top it all of...my sister…my support person...told me she didn’t think she was going to run either. I wasn’t going to do it without her! Nevertheless, I set my alarm clock...prayed for rain...and went to sleep.
I woke up the next morning really, really, REALLY wanting to do the race. I knew I wasn’t prepared to run the entire race but I was prepared enough to do interval running and if nothing else, there was the option to walk it. Even better, my sister called and said she wanted to do it too. YAY! I showered, threw on my pink ribbon t-shirt and headed for the race. (Oh by the way, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky...it was probably the most beautiful morning that we had so far this year).
When we finally reached the starting line, you could feel the excitement in the air. The music was pumping and you couldn’t help but to get hyped about running (imagine that)! It was great!
The best part of the race wasn’t the actual race though....it was the people that I met that have touched my life and inspired and motivated me in ways that I would have never imagined.
The first lady that I met long the route (during a walking interval) was a middle aged woman who walked in the race for the first time in 2009. She told me that last year when she walked she had completed treatment just a few weeks before not only for breast cancer but also for cervical cancer. She said it was difficult, she was tired and weak but she was determined to complete the entire walk...and she did. She is now a 1 year survivor!
There was another woman who I didn’t personally meet but she looked like she may have still been going through treatment....her hair was short and curly like it was just starting to come back....but she was out there and she was walking.
There was Ms. Louise...who appeared to be about 70 or 80...but she was there walking...and every now and then, she got a burst of energy and would even trot for a couple of steps…LOL (almost ran faster than me!!)
There were several out there like me...running a little and walking a little. There were people along the way encouraging them...”Come on…you can do!” “Just a little bit more”....”You are doing great!”
And then, there were the ones that I didn’t meet but their names were etched on signs on their friends and families backs. These were the ones who you had to imagine what their story was. The signs read...In Memory of...or In Celebration of. These were the true heroes!
Being amongst all of those survivors and warriors motivated me to hold on to my goals and to not give up. I am even more determined now to meet my birthday goal. It’s all about fighting for what you want, rising above your circumstances and never giving up. It’s all about living your best life possible and living a life of no regrets. It’s all about enjoying everyday that God gives you and taking nothing for granted.
So back to the race. I did complete the 5K course but I did not run the entire thing. I did run/walk intervals. I am still proud of myself though because I followed through with my commitment and I didn’t give up. I rose above my fears and pushed myself out of my comfort zone to try to achieve my goals. AND NOW....I am even more determined to continue running and continue training until I run the ENTIRE race. Success comes in pieces and not chunks, right?
Before I leave, I want to take this opportunity to remind you all to make sure that you routinely do your monthly Self Breast Exams. If you find a lump, see your doctor immediately. Also, if you are 40 or older, be sure to get your yearly mammograms. Remember.....Early detection/diagnosis means great prognosis!
The women wearing pink t-shirts in the top picture are all survivors of "Breast Cancer. I would have to say, "They have a lot to dance about!" The picture below is of me and my sister.

Until the next time,
I will be back on Monday, May 10th, hope to see you then!
Tuesday's Blog: Marie will be bringing us, "Life Unscripted"
Sasha...you have really inspired me to make it a goal that I do the Susan G Komen for the cure race here in Philly next year. It's too late to train to walk, that's right I said, "WALK" the 5 miles. It is in 2 weeks, but it’s on my list of 2011 things to accomplish. Thank you for sharing this great experience with us!
Congratulations Miss Sasha! This blog was so empowering! :)
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