I just realized this morning that on April 12th, I will celebrate my 20 year anniversary of being initiated into my college sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha Inc! I can remember the day that I “went over” like it was just yesterday. There were 7 of us and our line name was “The Blossoms of a New Beginning”. Happy Anniversary Sorors!!
The Blossoms of a New Beginning....that phrase got me to thinking about the onset of Spring which is right around the corner. I don’t think there is anyone anywhere in the USA that would deny that this has not been a long, harsh winter! I think we are all looking forward to the spring and all that it represents - warmth, rebirth, growth. Did I mention warmth? (Oh happy day!) I am already seeing the first signs of spring here in Georgia. The tulip tree that is planted near my front door is already starting to bloom and I am sure the azaleas will start to bud any day now. I love Spring!
There is one other thing that is blossoming this spring.....ME! Towards the beginning of the year, I set my 2010 New Year’s Goals and at that time, I began to plant the seeds of becoming Fit by Forty. From these seeds, I expect to see a growth in all areas of my life. I not only want to be physically fit but also, financially, spiritually, emotionally and socially. Every day, I make sure to “nurture” these areas of my life by eating more healthy, exercising, spending more time with the Lord through prayer and bible study. I’ve also been educating myself, making wiser choices with my finances and saving more (thanks to fellow Kitchen Table sister, Sharon!) Yes, I’ve been working hard and although the changes have been subtle, I am finally seeing the fruits of my labor! I’m slowly but surely blossoming into a new ME!
The bible tells us this..."So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up."- Galatians 6: 9. This scripture is referring to the principle of sowing and reaping. You will always harvest what you plant (Galatians 6:7) It’s quite simple - every action has results. If you plant apple seeds, you would be very surprised if a peach tree began to grow, right? Of course you would be...you expect to see an apple tree. The same principle applies to all areas our everyday life...physically, financially, socially, emotionally and especially even spiritually. If you plant the seeds of eating an abundance of junk food everyday and sat on the couch everyday, you can expect to gain weight and begin to have health issues. If you plant seeds of a healthy diet and exercise, you can expect to lose weight and obtain good health. Here’s another example...if you plant to please your own desires, you’ll harvest a crop of sorrow. If you plant to please God, you’ll harvest a life of everlasting joy.
What kind of seeds are you planting?
I always tell my children. If you continue the same action day after day, you can almost guarantee that you will get the same action every single time. Sometimes, you have to change directions....or plant a different seed...in order to get a different and more favorable result.
Go back and look over both your long and short term goals. Now look at the types of seeds that you are planting in order to obtain those goals. As Dr Phil always says, “So how’s that working for you?” Take an inventory of your actions and then be honest with yourself and try to determine if you can really obtain your expected harvest from those actions. If not, it’s time to start over. The good thing is - it’s never too late!
For those of you who have really been working hard at your life changes, I want to leave this scripture with you. It blessed me and encouraged me to keep going right up to this morning and I hope that it does the same for you. The scripture reads as follows: “So think clearly and exercise self-control. .....Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then” (1 Peter 1:13-14 Paraphrased-NLT) We can’t get weary in well doing....keep moving forward in the right direction and your harvest will be plentiful!
On that note, I must go...I have to get in a run before I start my workday. My first 5K is on April 17th...the “Susan B. Komen’s Race for the Cure”. Please, please, PLEASE keep me in your prayers because quite honestly....I’m scared! (LOL) Fear and negativity are trying their hardest to creep in...LOL....but I hope to have a praise report when we talk again on April 26th.

Until then,
Don't forget to tune in on April 26th!
Tuesday's Blog: Maria our "Life Unscripted" sister is back to encourage us in the every day parts of living.
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