Hi Folks,
Well the count down is on! 4 weeks and 20 lessons to go, YIPPPEEEE!!!!! Do I seem excited, ecstatic, shivering with anticipation, no I’m good. We have a calendar that we are marking the days off. A good friend suggested that I buy Brandon a gift to celebrate the end of our first year "together". I think I will do something for him and then something for me. I am not sure yet so please send me some suggestions. I would really appreciate the help.
This blog however, is not about the school year ending rather about how if it were not for the support received this year it would have been difficult. You are saying to yourself I read the other blogs and there were some difficulties, yeah well without support it would have been worse. In Ecclesiastes 4:12, King Solomon in his wisdom writes “A cord of three strands is not easily broken.” When I have help in home schooling and in anything in life really I am able to overcome the hardships and pressures. I want to take a little time and share and also thank those who have been a huge support throughout this first year of home schooling.
One of the first days of teaching this year was traumatic for both Brandon and I. We started our day at 9:30 and it ended at 5:00!!! I ended the day feeling exhausted and discouraged. I taught Math, Reading (which includes Phonics, Vocabulary and Grammar) Spelling, Composition, Art, Social Studies and Science. I realized I needed help so I put the bat signal out the window and in came my Dark Knight. Not really, I just asked Brian if he could teach Science. It only made sense, being a Scientist and all. After asking him I was a little concerned. You see Brian loves Chemistry and he loves teaching but he has only taught on the high school and college levels. He has often said teaching little kids is not for him. Don’t get me wrong he loves kids and they love him but teaching them is a different bowl of soup. In any case he accepted this challenge with glee. A little too much glee if you ask me. He began to prepare his lesson. It took me all of 1 to 2 hours to plan my lesson; it took him DAYS to do one Science lesson, DAYS! It paid off because when he sat down to do the lesson it had props, and power point presentation with animation and sound. There was background music and words and phrases flying and twirling in and out on the screen. OMG! What in the world! I was thoroughly impressed and I almost felt guilty for not being as elaborate with my lessons, I said “Almost.” The funny thing about it all was as blown away as I was, Brandon was not moved. His only concern was when Science would be done so he could go play or watch television. In Brandon’s defense Science was often done in the evening after dinner, not the best time to do school but a definite help to me, thanks Brian!!!
There are times throughout the week in which I need to go places. There are also times in which I need to get Brandon to and from Acting, Musical Theater and Visual Arts classes and due to having only one car it becomes difficult. At these times I get by with a little help (actually a lot of help) from my mom and my mother in law. I was just reminded of the Beatles’ song that says, “Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends.” This song sounds scriptural doesn’t? Although the next line says,” I get high with a little help from my friends,” I am not exactly sure what that means, it’s a little suspect. So now you’re thinking the Beatles, Cheryl, really? Yeah I know the Beatles and YEAH they are before my time! Anyway I was sidetracked. I was saying that the moms in my life really offer great support to me. I am not going to get into all the details now. The reason is next month is Mother’s Day and I would like to devote my next blog to really highlighting them. So for right now, thanks Mom and Mom Mackey!!!
Years ago when I left the Mental Health field in favor of Early Childhood people in the professional world looked at me strange. Their thoughts were you have a Master’s Degree and you are going to work in Child Care?! When I decided to leave the workforce in favor of coming home to be with my kids I received a few eyebrow raises. When we made the decision to home school I received some questions as to why, and what about socialization for Brandon and blah, blah, blah. I mean come on everyone knows that socialization is not a real concern until a child gets to be in like the 8th grade and that home schooled kids with the balanced life of school and activities socialize just as well if not better then their brick and mortar counterparts, Duh! Despite the questions and seemingly negative comments I have a group of family and friends who have supported me in this endeavor. They said things like, “That’s great, you go girl, work it out!” Some responded by asking me if I would home school their children, to which I responded with laughter (get my drift?). There are people in my life who have such faith in me that they are literally waiting for me to open up a school. And guess what? Both my sisters asked me to home school their sons next year who are both going into the 4th grade. I have friends who I know are praying for me for I sense strength and wisdom at times when I am too tired and frustrated to pray for myself. One friend in particular supports me with wisdom. She is a veteran home school mom. She gives me ideas and suggestions about what to do, as well as being a sounding board at times when I need to vent. I believe one of the best ways she has helped me is by giving me an opportunity to share my experiences with others. So to her and the rest of my family and friends I say Thanks!!!!!
Of course this would not be complete without acknowledging my ultimate support system, God the Father, through Jesus with the aid of the Holy Spirit. Without whom I could not do any of this. Please understand that because I put this last that it indicates the level of importance, by no means! I recognize that this is useless without God. To Him be the Glory, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!
There you have it, how I’ve gotten through this year and my life actually. My prayer for you is that if you do not have some one to lean on that God would send you help, be it a spouse, family member, friend, associate or simply through the aid of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10, “Two are better than one…For if they fall the one will lift up his fellow…” In Jesus’ Name Amen
Until we meet again, happy home schooling!
PS – Don’t forget to send me your “year’s end celebration ideas” for me and Brandon.

Hugs and Kisses,
Hope to see you in 2 weeks on Thursday, May 13th!
Friday's Blog: Rise' from the "Whampler Zoo" has a special blog for you!
1 comment:
I have a suggestion for you, mom!
Grab a friend or sister and hop the $10 bus to NYC that leaves from China Town. It drops you off in China Town in NY, and right next to China Town, is Little Italy, then SoHo. Everything is right there for a great day of hanging out! ~Smile~
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