I thought with all the hoopla of the impending royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton this would be a great blog to rerun for my single sisters…enjoy!
Good Morning Majestic Women of God!!
Majestic: adj. of or having majesty, grand, noble, dignified. Some days we just need to be reminded of who we are, and as daughters of the King of kings, we are royalty and we should never forget it. Yet, in our desperation (not caring what happens because hope is gone…leading to poor decisions) to be married, women often forget the position that the Blood of Jesus (Yeshua) has placed us in. Today I’m hoping to get you excited and thinking about just what that is!!
Being a citizen of the United States of America, whose government is a democracy, I had a hard time grasping the concept of a nation ruled by kings and queens. I would have to say the most famous example for me would have to be England. Growing up England’s reign of kings and queens was a large part of our history because before the Revolutionary War, England had rule over us. Still the intricate part of the royal kingdom wasn’t the forefront of my history lessons and it wasn’t until Prince Charles’ marriage to Diana, was there any great interest for me as to the private and special life of the royal family. I remember being glued to the television watching the wedding and sucking up all the news for months after the announcement of their engagement. But like most, their happily ever after, fairly tail lives had a tragic ending, starting with divorce.
Even after becoming a Believer and finding out that God was the King of all kings and that He has a Kingdom that rules in the supernatural, I still was very clueless as to what this all really meant? What true effect did that have in my life on this earth?
Though growing up with Disney’s “Cinderella” and those types of movies and fairy tales, I learned at a very early age that my life was only going to reflect the part of Cinderella’s life that had the mistreatment and servitude. This consisted of the ugliest room in the house, fewer basic needs than mother and sister, and lots of physical and verbal abuse. And no matter how hard I tried, nothing I did was ever good enough. So when I started hearing that I was seated in heavenly places with Jesus (Yeshua) and that His Blood paid the price for me to be part of the Royal Kingdom. It meant absolutely nothing! I’m like, “What???” But as God began the journey of my becoming a new creature in Him, and replaced the old tapes of “You are nothing and you will never be nothing” with “I have loved you with an everlasting love and you are fearfully and wonderfully made, because of My love.” I had the courage to look at what does it mean in my life that my Father is King of all kings.
I shared with you a few weeks ago, that marriage is between God and the man, and that we as women do not have the burden of finding a husband. Well, such is the same in a natural royal kingdom. Not just anyone has access to a princess. She is protected from those who are not on the same social standing and background as herself. She doesn’t go out and find a husband. Her courtships are overseen by her family, namely her father (the king) and mother (the queen). In fact there was a time when the marriage was prearranged (still happens in certain countries) by her parents, she could have been betrothed (promised) to someone as early as birth. But as times have changed you don’t see that so much and the prince and princesses have strayed far from what used to be. There was never a divorce in a royal family. Not so anymore. It’s as if the rules of conduct no longer apply. Sort of what some of us think when it comes to the Word of God! It applies to some, but not to me.
The point here is that a royal princess (and there are many royal kingdoms around the world) is born into a special place and standing. So are we when we are reborn through faith in Jesus (Yeshua). We are not to be connected to just anyone or anybody. We are special. And 2 Corinthians 6:14 is quick to point that out. Not only should we not be connected to a non-believer, but also a Believer who is not suited as a right match. This is why we have to wait on the Lord and His wisdom, because we in our humanist will mess it up every time. If for some reason you disagree, look at the divorce rate in the Church. Why is that? How many people get married who are Believers without God’s blessings? Sorry to say, “Way too many.”
Over the years I have come to see that (just as I used to be) many of God’s daughters do not know who they are in Him. And that causes an awful lot of problems for women. If you don’t think you are of much value, then you sort of settle for “whatever”. And the truth is, “whatever” is never good enough for royalty. If you go to Kay Jewelers or a department store they have quite a bit of jewelry on display that you can touch. Most of it is costume or of a lesser value, then that which is in the locked display cases. Go into Cartier’s of France and everything is in locked cases and their very, very, very best is in a vault and they have a special room to take the perspective buyer to, in order for them to view these special gems. As daughters of the King, we are those special jewels that are locked in the vault (our Father’s protection). We are not for just anyone to have. Only those whom the jeweler knows has the funds or standing can even view the finer jewels. I’m sure that if the Queen of England desires to purchase a piece of jewelry, she doesn’t have to leave her palace or country home. It is all brought to her to view and or custom designed to her specifications. That is the way royalty is treated. ~Smile~
I challenge you to begin to see yourself as someone who is really special. Not desperate! Not desperate for a husband, not desperate to fit in, and not desperate for attention. But that you are so very special that you wouldn’t put yourself in a position to marry just any man. He would have to be much more than just a male who professes to know the Lord. In fact, you are so special that you can’t even imagine a man in your life unless God chooses him giving you the freedom and confidence to know that he is the one for sure! Does this mean to start looking down on people and walking with your nose in the air…..NO!!!! That is not what I’m talking about. What I am saying, is that a royal princess is trained from birth that she is special and has a special standing in life. Are we to be gracious and kind in this special place? Oh yeah!! That is how we show the love of God to others. I just want you my sisters to begin to understand exactly what the Blood of Jesus (Yeshua) has done for you. And when you began to get an understanding of “Who” you are, the spirit of desperation (that so many single women in the Body of Christ are experiencing), will began to give way to a new found confidence and love in Him.
The solution is the same and won’t change. You will have to get into the Bible and see what it has to say about who you are in the Lord. The Bible is key for us and we really can’t get around not reading it if we want to have victory in our lives as Daughters of the King.
If you didn’t have a chance to read Cheryl Mackey’s special blog written especially for you, on Thursday, February 11, 2010, please take a moment to go over it. She was very open and honest about her desire to be married and what she had to learn before God could trust her to be a wife. It’s a very inspiring and enlightening read.
Seeing yourself in a new light is always exciting. So be diligent in placing yourself in high esteem as our Father does. It will begin to change how you see your every day life. Knowing that you are special in who you are this day, right now, should put a little pep in your step and hope in your heart.

Love & Hugs
Lydia is up tomorrow!
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