If you live in the USA or have internet access then I’m pretty sure you have not been able to escape our latest media frenzy centered on actor Charlie Sheen. In times like these I have to stop watching my local news for a few days, because they too jump on the ban wagon. You have to all but keep the TV, radio, and internet off if you want to escape what has now become a daily outpouring of his latest rants or problems. This type of goings on only magnifies the world we live in—a world that shows little or no compassion (or mercy) for a human being who without a doubt is emotionally and maybe even physically in trouble. It is a world that feeds off the spiral downfall of another human being. It is all about ratings and money. It is the epitome of a world of people who are lovers of themselves and not of God.
Charlie Sheen has a mother and father who love him dearly and they have to watch this in living color so to speak. How heartbreaking this must be for them. As a parent, I can’t even imagine seeing my child going through hell (whether they know it or not) in such a public forum. The sad truth about this all is, he’s not the first and probably will not be the last to experience this. But I wonder what we the Saints of God are doing about it?
Living in a world where people are haters of God and lovers of themselves has maybe desensitized us to some extent. I would love to have access to the “water cooler” conversations about Charlie Sheen, just to see how many of my brothers and sisters in the Lord are gossiping about him. I’m sure it’s the talk of the day at most barber shops and beauty salons. What about phone conversations amongst ourselves?
How many of us are praying for Charlie and his family? (He has 5 children.) Or are we just caught up in the media hype and judgment? His father Martin Sheen has been fighting for his son’s life for years, because of his drug addiction. He even went after the people who were enabling him a few years back. So, this has been on going for years but with the love and support of his family Charlie had gotten himself together for awhile, but as the old saying goes, “He seems to have fallen off the wagon!” And pretty hard I must say.
Do you ever wonder how is it that the evil folks of this world seem to have no trouble getting to people like Charlie Sheen, Anna Nicole Smith, Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Amy Winehouse and Christina Aguilera? Why is it we as Believers are not as determined in reaching them before their demise? Why did we watch Anna Nicole Smith’s spiral downfall, which eventually lead to her untimely death at the age of 39, as if it were just a TV show? I must confess, I talked about her and never prayed for her.
There are many things we can do as Believers to invoke change in this world and one of the biggest is “prayer”. We live in a world of sin that is calming the lives of so many and this should not be. Why? Because our Messiah died on the Cross so that all could have the opportunity to be saved. His precious Blood has covered the sins of Charlie Sheen and all who are like him.
Let’s pull ourselves away from the mainstream or as the Bible tells us, “Not be part of this world,” and pray for those in the spotlight who we see are in trouble. Let us be the light of this crazy world we live in. So, the next time someone wants to talk to you about the latest escapades of Charlie Sheen, let your response be, “We really need to be interceding on his behalf. For it is obvious, he needs the Lord!”

Love & Hugs
Tovah's up tomorrow!
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