The saying, “God is good!” has in many cases become a cliché in the Christian world. But it really is a great Truth and Attribute about our God, the creator of heaven and earth! You often hear Believers saying, “God is good.” and then someone will add, “All the time.” But we are mostly using it in the text of Him doing something in our favor.
Been out of work for awhile, and you get that job you have been praying for—first part of your praise report…”God is good!” There is a fire in your apartment building and many lose their homes but you didn’t…”God is good!” Bad report from the doctor and God turns it around…”God is good!” Getting ready to lose your home, but a miracle comes your way…”God is good!” Need a car and God makes a way…”God is good!” Living in a shelter and He provides you with your own place…”God is good!” You need money, and He opens a door from out of nowhere…”God is good!” Yes, God is Good—All the time, and that is a truth that never changes even when things do not go our way.
You got the job you so desperately needed to stay afloat. But what about the brother or sister who He didn't open the door for a job and they lose their home? Is He not still a good God?
Your apartment was spared in the fire, but others in the household of faith lost everything they owned except the clothes on their back? Isn’t God still a good God? Your doctor’s report was turned around, but what about your sister who’s healing came on the other side? Isn’t He still a good God? You needed money or your gas and lights were going to be cut off, and out of nowhere God made a way for them to be paid. But when you went to church that evening you saw your sister crying because her electrify had been cut off. Is God, still not a good God?
Sisters, God is a “Good God” no matter what! This is the point I’m trying to make. He is Good—Period! And I think this is something that seems to elude us as Believers at times. We seem to only praise Him as “Good” when things happen in our favor. But the truth of the matter is He’s good even in the midst of the hardest times ever set before us and no matter the outcome. The earthquake and Tsunami in Japan were devastating and people are still reeling from its effects. Many lives were lost and who knows what the long term effects will be? But nonetheless God is still a good God.
I’m not sure why the Holy Spirit led me to write this blog today, but one thing I’m sure of and that is we need to come to the revelation that God is a “Good God” no matter what the circumstances in our lives may be. And just maybe we should start to praise Him for His goodness everyday. His goodness wakes us up every morning and starts us on our way. His goodness has allowed you to read this blog. Yes, my dear sisters—God is good all the time—Period!
When I’m in a situation where I feel “God is good” is being used as an old cliché, I sometimes interject…”God is Faithful in His love for us!” That often causes the party or parties involved to stop and think for a moment! ~Smile~
Let’s praise God for His goodness, but let it not be that tired old cliché of “God is good—all the time!” Let us be sincere about the things we say about our Father, letting our praises and accolades come deep from within our hearts.

Blessings & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
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