This past Friday, the New York Times featured an article on a woman who is 70 years old and has no money saved. She works one day a week at a retail store for $12.50 an hour, and makes dresses for little girls for about $200 a month and receives $900.00 a month from social security. The story in a nutshell summed up what happened for her to be in the position she is in and how in her case there is a solution of a reverse mortgage on her house and selling some land she and her brothers own. As I read the article there was a sadness because I know that many are in her position and they don’t have the land or property to help turn things around for them. But I guess the saddest part of all is that she probably doesn’t know the Lord, and up until she was given some financial advice, she was beginning to feel very hopeless.
I started to close the page once I finished the article, but looked at a comment that had been post just 3 minutes prior (7:00am this morning). Sisters, this man (whose name is not known) desperately needs our prayers.
….I am 52 years old, disabled from a spinal injury that makes me unable to stand or sit for very long as my low back goes out leaving me unable to walk. I am 6 foot 6 inches tall and that doesn't help. I get a Social Security Disability check for under $1200 a month and it is all I have. If the government goes bankrupt or the system attempts to purge me as it did when I initially was forced to file after losing nearly 60K in savings fighting in family court for the right to be my children’s father, I already have plans to kill myself. I will have no choice. In order to afford the insurance Medicare provides from another insurer, along with my monthly bills just surviving, I would need a job that paid $1000.00 a week take home. Where at age 52 will I get that, much less 58 or 62?! I cannot afford to be buried ($3000.00 minimum just to have your body processed unless you want to be stacked with 3 other corpses in cardboard boxes to decompose on top of each other). I eat a bowl of rice and an apple for my one meal a day and sometimes am able to have a piece of meat or fish twice a month. Michigan gave me $22 in food stamps, that won't feed my cat. The American way wants me to die. I already wrote my note and wrote instructions on what to do with me and my few remaining belongings when it all goes bad and I must kill myself. But that's all this country will allow me. I have Hep C, my liver is quite sick but I cannot afford the doctor. I have rheumatoid arthritis and cannot afford the medication so my joints ALL hurt all the time. I sleep in a chair because I can longer lay flat. THE AMERICAN DREAM COME TRUE after working myself to the bone from age 15 to 46......and I have nothing. My dad died today, my mom died 5 months ago, I am alone and have no hope for the future. I KNOW HOW SHE FEELS…..
Sisters, my heart was breaking as I read her post….this is the cry of a hopeless person. Let us pray that he comes to know our Lord and Savoir, and that God will open the door for him to receive the medicine he needs to help with his rheumatoid arthritis. But most of all he will no longer have plans to kill himself because his hope will be in the Lord.
Please encourage as many people as you can to read this blog or to pray for this man. Let’s not just pray for him today, but put him in our daily prayers beseeching our Father on his behalf.
It is things like this that help me put my life in perspective. My life compared to his is grand. For one I have good health and family and friends who would help me. But most of all, my hope is in the Lord! If you were having a bad day or maybe feeling a little sorry for yourself, I pray that reading this man’s desperate plight has helped you to see how blessed you truly are.

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
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