James tells us to be “quick to listen and slow to speak” and for good reason—but what if we were to try being “Quick” to trust God and “Slow” to embrace sin? How would that change our lives?
I’m sure most of us would like to think that being quick to embrace sin does not apply to us? But in most cases it does. The reason I say that is because unlike God we seem to categorize sin. We’ve been brainwashed to think there is such a thing is a little sin versus big sin. We can look at others and say, “Well at least I don’t so that!” and think we’re okay. But sisters I must tell you, as far as God is concerned—sin is sin! And when we embrace it, the path it puts us on is death. Sin always leads to the death of something, and many times the death of someone.
Some of us are gossips in the worst way. A gossip is one who kills people’s reputation by using her tongue in a sinful way. A gossip is one who is not trustworthy and destroys friendships. A gossip is one who embraces sin. See, sin is sin and it does cause death. And when we are talking about our Pastor or their family, we don’t see that as sin. When we are sharing a confidence after we said we wouldn’t we don’t think that is a big deal. Reason being, the categorization of sin as “little sin” or “big sin”. But our gossiping tongue, which can cause confusion among the saints, is something God hates. Hate is a strong word, but that’s what it says in Proverbs. So, now when you look at it from His perspective then you begin to see there is no such thing as a “little sin” after all. All sin, according to God’s word leads to death.
Often in the course of a day we are faced with making the split decision whether or not to trust God or embrace sin? At our workplace we can choose taking the low road (trusting God) or letting people know we are tired of their stuff (embracing sin). At home we can hold our peace with our husband (trusting God) or try to manipulate (embrace sin) the situation and him. We give up on family members (not trusting God) thinking they will never change. When caught in a sticky situation we can lie (not trusting God and embrace sin) versus tell the truth. It is just a part of everyday life being faced with satiations where we really don’t have time to think about our response.
Yet, if we pray to be one who is quick to trust God, when faced with the decision to “trust God” or embrace sin” we will more than likely, quickly choose to “Trust God!”
Father make us quick to trust You and slow to embrace sin. Help us to display your character and be a light unto this world for our Messiah. In Yeshua’s (Jesus) name—Amen!
Sisters I have a deadline before me that I am working hard to meet. So the rest of this week the blogs will be reruns from last year and sisters from the beginning of the Kitchen Table. I pray you will be blessed by what you read. God willing I will be back next Monday!

Love & Hugs
Maria Guzman will be up tomorrow!!! English and Español
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