Friday, October 8, 2010

What’s Your Testimony?

I’ve been to many different churches since my childhood which translates into many different protocols and traditions. But what has really stuck out in my mind over the years is when the floor is opened up for people to give testimonies. Now that has proven to be very interesting and in some cases just plain sinful. I guess you might be wondering, “How can a testimony of God’s goodness and mercy be sinful?” Well, it’s not—But, most of the testimonies I’ve heard in this forum were usually not of God’s glory, but stupid stuff about how the devil tried to stop them from coming to church with a run in their stockings. Now, do you see what I mean? Often (not always) when people are given an open mic the ones that should stand up and speak are afraid too and the ones who should stay in their seats are the first to jump up. And as my aunt used to say, “We end up with more test-i-lying then testifying.” ~Smile~

Once I was asked to speak at an evening service at a church and I was asked to share my Christian testimony since I was saved. (To give evidence or bear witness of what God had done in my life) It was a unusual request for me and as I began to go over the 12 years I had been with the Lord, I realized there was so much to my testimony (because it was still on going) that I didn’t have enough time to tell it. So, I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit what particular aspect of my life He desired that I talk about. What He gave me to share some 8 or 9 years ago, I’m still living out today, so it wasn’t a testimony of what God had brought me through as much as what He was doing in the midst of this particular area of my life. But you know, I had forgotten about that until last night during the Kitchen Table’s Women’s Bible Study.

Pat, our teacher was talking about how most testimonies given are about how God brought us through something, versus how God sustains us in our trials and tribulations. I have done nothing but think about that all evening and this morning because it made me remember a portion of my life that is the biggest testimony to God, it is not done nor have I come through it. Reason being, “I’m still living it!” I think we have been duped somewhat in the Body of Christ to think that God is always going to deliver us and when it seems that the trial or tribulation is going on too long, we begin to faint in spirit. But if we can begin to look at life from the perspective of how He is sustaining us during this time, (because God’s time frame is God’s time frame) we will have a huge testimony for God. Why? Because we begin to understand what the “Joy” of the Lord really is to us and how that translates into making us strong.

We hear much preaching on “Standing until you coming through the storm” or “Our deliverance” but we really don’t hear much on “How to find contentment and joy, even when there is no deliverance, or the deliverance is going to take 20 years.” If you look at the prophets of the Old Testament, you will find that their lives were far from pleasurable. The truth is their lives were HARD!! So their testimony would not be what God did to bring them through, but how great God was through it all! Look at Paul, once he encountered the Messiah. His life was far from grand in anyway. Imprisoned, shipped wracked, hated, stoned and the list goes on. And he never gives testimony of how God brought him through, he gives testimony of how he learned the secret to being content, and that when he was weak, God was strong. He talks about how God’s grace is sufficient in all things. He didn’t give account that he was believing God to deliver him from prison. No, he just believed God…period. Meaning he knew first hand that God is an all knowing sovereign God and that everything in Paul’s life God controlled for His purpose.

Our testimony should not be so much the great shout of when we come through the valley and are standing on the mountain top. That doesn’t last but so long before the next valley. But our testimony should be more about the valleys and God’s sustaining power. We should stop trying to sell others a bill of goods that God is going to bring you through — just you hang in there.

We are to be a light to the darkness of this world, and if we don’t look different to them when life is hard, why should they want our Lord. In retrospect, what good would He be to them?

Life has been very difficult and challenging for me for over a year now and in the past few months, I’ve had days when I felt like I just couldn’t take anymore. And though I know that God can change my circumstances in less than a blink of an eye, He has chosen not to. But what He has done is be faithful as He has promised. And recently when it was so hard that I cried out how much I needed to see a sign, He heard my cry and gave it to me. Am I more special than others to Him? No! So if you are at a place that you have asked God to show you a sign and He is still quiet, do not judge yourself as He does not love you the same. For me, God knew were I was in this journey and what I needed to continue to forge on—that’s all. We are all individuals and God deals with us as such. But there is one great thing He has done in the hardships of this past year, and that is remind me of the calling He has put on my life, and that it is time for me to get back to missions in a bigger way.

Over the years I had become tried emotionally as an inner city missionary and wanted a place to just rest and God gave me that. But as life has become tougher I found I had no ear there for me and as usual it was my missionary friends who have come to my aid. Not the church I have been in, but those who are like minded. I must say that missionaries are a very tight knit group of people because they have a special calling on their lives to give to others and most have experienced hard times. But these hard times build our trust in God, not because of what He does, but just because He is God. My vacation is over. ~Smile~

I am still experiencing some hardships in my life and they are things that will not disappear overnight, but I wouldn’t trade the past year for an easier one because the hardships have improved my relationship and understanding of who my God is. I would have to say, that I would never have come to these conclusions in easier times. It has been the burning off of the dross that has taken me there.

If someone were to ask you to give your testimony concerning being a Christian, what would you tell them? Would you share how you wanted a house and God gave you a house? Or would your conversation be about when your husband left you with 3 kids and no money, how God has sustained you the past 6 years since he left? Really, what would your testimony be?

Love & Hugs

Monday's Blog: Sharon will be back with more great "Financial Wisdom" for us"

1 comment:

MsB1908 said...

Very thought-provoking...