For many Christians the lines between what is Sin and what is not are becoming blurred. And this is a big problem for the Church and us as individuals. For one, we watch way too much TV and it is a vehicle of getting the world’s point of view across in every single media that it can. And since most of us spend more time watching TV or being on the internet than we do reading our Bibles, we process more of what the world has to say then what God has to say. That really is the basis or root of the problem.
A few weeks ago a young man attending university in my area committed suicide because his roommate and another person fed a live broadcast on the internet (through a computer webcam) of his sexual activity with another man. What was done to him was unconscionable to say the least and my heart aches for his family because as with all life he had such great potential. But instead of focusing on the invasion of privacy and lack of respect for human rights there was a chain reaction and outcry from all over the United States, about the bulling of homosexuals.
Personally I don’t think bulling should be tolerated on any level to anyone. And since we are instructed as Christians to treat others the way we want to be treated, and love our neighbors as we love ourselves, then it is safe to say that God is not pleased with that type of treatment of another human being either. In the past few years there have been several incidents where both boys and girls have committed suicide because they were bullied at school and cyber bullied. But this recent incident seemed to spearhead an agenda for the homosexual lifestyle. Not just for consenting adults but for teens. Now am I the only one that has a problem with kids having a sexual orientation whether it is heterosexual or homosexual? They should have a sexual gender, but that should be about it. This new tolerance that is being taught goes against all that God says, “Sex outside of marriage (a man and a woman) is sin.” It is that simple.
I’m not sure that this same type of incident would not have provoked the same response of a married woman having heterosexual relations with a man who was not her husband if it were broadcast live on the internet. Even a pastor of a church having sex with a woman who was not his wife might fall into the temptation of suicide because he could not bear the shame of it all. What about a married couple into role playing or bondage and slavery. How would one of them react to their children, family and friends seeing this on the internet, when they thought it was in the privacy of their own home? It was curl what this young man’s roommate did to him, but I don’t see where it was bullying and how it opened up such a forum for gay sexuality?
As Christians are we to bash and condemn people because they live a life of sin? NO!! Because before I was saved, I was hanging out and sinning with the best of them. And the Messiah died on the cross for all even while we were in our sin, and it is God’s desire that all men be saved. But we are given choices. No matter how deep the scars of life are, the Blood of Jesus can heal them. No matter what the generational curse is that has plagued your family over the years; the Blood of the Lamb can break that bondage. Many of us before coming into the Kingdom of God, shacked up and played house, (like the woman at the well) had children out of wedlock, (like Tamar the daughter-in-law of Judah) used drugs, tried bi-sexual relationships, watched porn, prostituted ourselves, had abortions, were thieves, drinkers, and so on. But just as we have been delivered, forgiven and set free, we must not forget the Blood of Jesus still holds that same power for — ALL!
It is not okay to let the world teach our children that having two mommies or two daddies is okay, unless their parents are divorced and we are talking about step parents. It is not okay to accept the world’s philosophy and point of view on same sex marriages. We are not to buy into they were born that way and therefore God is okay with this. That’s a lie! God is not okay with Sin. We seem to be partnering up with the world more and more. Yet, our Bible assures us that “Christ is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle.” So, are we delaying His coming to get us by our watered down stance of the Bible or are we putting ourselves in a position of judgment from God? That’s something to really think about.
It seems more-and-more; that we are standing side-by-side with the world and trying to convince others that God’s love covers the homosexual lifestyle. God’s love covers the sin of man…Period! But we need to read our Bibles and see that it tells us that there is sin unto death. So, He has not turned a blind eye to the sin of this world and though He is a God of love, He is also a God of judgment. That’s the part we don’t really want to look at, but it is true. Sin, is judged by God. We as Believers are to convey what God has said, it does not mean we are making judgment on people, because God is the one who has already judged it as sin and wrong. The judgment is not passed on the person but the behavior. God judged the act of homosexuality as sin way before any of us who are living now were ever born. Read the book of Genesis if you think I am incorrect.
Now you might be the parent, relative or friend of someone who is living a homosexual lifestyle, and I want you to be encouraged that God is able to deal with it. But they have to come to realization that they are a sinner just like everyone else who has come into the Kingdom of God. There are no free passes on acknowledging that you are a sinner and need Christ. I read a book almost 20 years ago by Barbara Johnson. She went home to be with the Lord 2007, and some of you may be familiar with her from the Women of Faith Conferences. The book is Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy (John, Sally) by Barbara Johnson. She talks openly about the emotional roller coaster she experienced when she found out one of her sons was living a secret homosexual lifestyle. It wasn’t pretty, but it was real. You will cry and also find laughter and hope in this book. And especially if you are a mother who has a child living this lifestyle and feel hopeless or don’t know what to do; I think you will be encouraged in a big way.
In the Body we have Christians that are all the way to the right, and think showing love means to be tolerant of all kinds of sin. But we also have Christians who are all the way to the left and are anti-gay, and have no mercy or love for the person. As with all things we need balance and the balance for us is what the Word of God says. But the truth is so many of us don’t really know what it says. Why? Because in America, we are just too lazy to read what it says for ourselves. We want to let our pastors spoon feed us, (and some of them need to know more about what it says themselves) or read books about the Bible, but not the Bible itself. God has judged the act of sin, whether it is rape, incest, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, pedophilia, stealing, lying, murder, gossip, envy, lust, jealousy, unforgiveness, anger, rage, back biting, persecution of the brethren, assault, pride, haughtiness, laziness, rudeness, cheating, I mean, the list just goes on, but the bottom line is….SIN is SIN and God has spelled it out for us exactly what that entails.
We are to be a light unto the world which is dark. But because we are all over the place and have so many blurred lines we are not the light that we should be. Picture it...Judgment Day! You are standing before the Messiah giving account for your life, and He informs you that because you turned a blind eye to the sin of someone close to you and did not tell them the truth they are now going to spend eternity in hell and it was going to be held against you? Take a moment and think about that….
The Priest Eli (the one who raised Samuel) had wicked sons (who were priest) and they were doing some really nasty things to the people (in the name of God), and as their father and head priest he did not call them on it and God, ended Eli’s life for that, and killed his sons. In fact He cut off the bloodline. When we read the Word of God in its totality we begin to see how God works and know exactly what the Bible says, and not what someone else has told us it says.
We are to be gentle and kind to others. We should season our words with love, and live a life that reflects Christ, but we are not to accept sin and try to convince others that they should too!
What are your blurring lines? How much do you really know about what God has to say about things? If you are not sure — Read your Bible.

Love & Hugs
Monday's Blog: Sasha, "Healthy Lifestyles"