Two weeks ago my sisters I gave you a challenge to make the decision that your life as a single woman is wonderful and fulfilling God’s plan and purpose for your life; and to also meditate on Proverbs 18:22 and Proverbs 19:14. I pray you accepted the challenge and have made a little headway on seeing “Single Life” in a new light.
Today there is a special scripture I want us to look at. Reason being, there has been a great misinterpretation among God’s girls. Psalm 37:4 KJV Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. The misconception is “And He shall give thee the desires of your heart.” Too many of God’s daughters have been fooled into thinking that translates into, whatever they desire, (especially a husband) God will give it to them. Sorry…wrong!!
Let’s take a look at Psalm 37:3-5, (Amp) 3Trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) in the Lord and do good; so shall you dwell in the land and feed surely on His faithfulness, and truly you shall be fed. The “key” to this verse is “Trust in the Lord!” Trust that God knows better than we do. Trust that His timing is perfect. Trust that His plan for our lives is far better than anything we could ever imagine. Trust, Trust, Trust and Trust even more!
4Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart. Delight ourselves in the Lord…hum what does that mean? Well, for starters, if you are delighting yourself in the Lord and His ways, you are not unhappy, sad or lonely. “And He will give you the desires of your heart”…what is this really saying? First I want you to look at the fact it is an add-on or promise of sorts only to “Delighting yourself in the Lord!” My dear sisters, delighting yourself in the Lord, means to have “great pleasure, be pleased, have joy” in Him and what He gives you.
Sadly too many of us are not delighting ourselves in the Lord, because we don’t have a man, or God is taking too long to make it happen. True delight in the Lord says, “Father I love you and I love the life you are making and desire for me.” Uh-oh, did you see that? “The life You desire for me.” That’s right girls….God has desires for us and we can’t even think about fulfilling His desires for us until we begin to “delight” ourselves in Him. Also, when you surrender your will, wants and desires to the Lord, He begins to implant in your heart those things He desires for you. It is not about “what you want.” It’s really all about what God wants for you. And then after that you get to the “Secret Petitions of your heart.” Why? Because by the time you are truly delighting yourself and enjoying the life God has given you, then and only then can you be trusted that, if given a secret petition of your heart, it will not become a god before Him.
5Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass. Hmm, “Commit your way to the Lord” does that mean possibly giving up desires that we have held onto? Yes, it does. The more we move into wanting and desiring what God wants for us, the more old things will fall away. Committing yourself to the Lord, is saying, “Your Will be done in my life Lord, not my will!” In other words, “What you say goes Lord, what You want I want!” “And, I’m going to be happy (delighted) in that!”
If you are a single woman who is lonely or sad and thinks a husband is the answer to making your life complete, you are part of a great majority that has been so duped. Marriage in God’s Kingdom is not about broken or half people coming together to form a union in Him. It is about two whole (complete in Him) people coming together. My sisters I just have to come out and tell it to you like it is, “If you are not happy, content, fulfilled, and enjoying life in Jesus”, then you have missed the mark! So very sorry if this seems harsh, but the truth is the only thing that “makes” you free. My goal is to help those who are being held captive in the emotional prison of “Life will be better when I’m married” to be set free. If you do not, and I repeat, if you do not have joy in the life that you have now, and you feel that another human being is the answer to that joy, you are in a self made prison of misconception and misunderstanding. Before God can trust you to be a “wife” you have to be able to embrace your single life and all that He desires for you to be in that position.
If you have been one of the many women who are begging our Father everyday for a husband, please make the decision, “No More!” Why? Because prayerfully at this point you are beginning to see, it is not profitable. And I say that because if you are delighting yourself in the Lord, you will be at a place that you are not begging Him for anything. And though you might have a secret petition to be married, it is not on the forefront of your life and that desire is not stopping you from doing and enjoying the things God has set before you. So if you are begging God for a husband, you are not where you need to be spiritually.
I have another challenge for you for the next two weeks. Meditate on Psalm 37:3-5, asking the Holy Spirit to open your heart and mind to receive revelation as to how this scripture pertains to your relationship with God and Jesus. Make the decision that you want to lean more into God and learn what it really means to be delighted (have pleasure) in Him.
Father, I pray that every single woman that has read this blog will take the challenge that is set before her, and begin to move in closer to You. That she will willingly submit her desires to become Your desires for her life. Jesus, may she come to the place in her life that she understands without a doubt, that You are her true love and that through You and only You will she find contentment. Holy Spirit, comfort her as she goes through the journey of giving up and letting go of the old, to make room for God’s new in her life.
My dear sisters, please stick with me as we explore how to be single and love it!! Don’t let the enemy tell you “Oh, she doesn’t know what she is talking about.” That is a lie from the pit. I do know what I’m talking about and I have a great desire to see you set free and enjoying your life. Remember, God cannot trust you to be a wife, until you have learned to embrace Him and your single life. So stick with me and I will help set you on the right track.
Come back in two weeks as we take the next step to “being Single & Loving It!”

Love & Hugs
See you on Wednesday, February 3rd.
Thursday's Blog: Cheryl, "Diary of a Home School Mom"
Oh my sister, did you reall talk to my soul today. Thank you so much for this awesome article from the Lord. It did me so much good an I am so very glad that you love the lord enough to listen to him and write hismessages to us.
This is so true! Trusting in the Lord is the best thing to do. He knows what is best for us. He knows us better than we know ourselves.
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