Hi Everyone,
Well my second blog was supposed to be about being balanced. I got half way through it and was all ready to finish it but something happened. A couple of weeks ago I read Maria’s blog on fear and then I felt impressed to discuss the fear of homeschooling. So I had to start all over, “THANKS A LOT MARIA!” she said sounding frustrated and sarcastic (just kidding). Seriously I realize that some of you are considering homeschooling but fear is holding you back. I am here to share my experience and hopefully encourage you to move forward.
I told you in my first blog how I came to home school but what I did not tell you was the amount of fear and anxiety I felt at the thought of doing it. What was I afraid of you may ask, okay, maybe you didn’t but I ‘m telling you anyway. I was afraid of not being successful at it and my children would not learn anything. Now if you’ve read my biography you know that I spent years teaching pre-k and kindergarten, so this seems ridiculous but nevertheless I was afraid. I was afraid that I would not have time to myself and about what people may think. To give you an idea of what I was feeling I would go to bed thinking about homeschooling and wake up thinking about it. One day I was all for it the next day the kids would do something to get on my last nerve and I was like “nope he’s going to school” (I’m sure you can’t relate to your kids getting on your nerves). I made a list of pros and cons yet still felt confused. Yeah, yeah I know the Word says in II Timothy 1:7 ‘God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self discipline.”(NIV) And as far as anxiety is concerned I know we as children of God are told to cast our cares on Him and not to be anxious or worried about anything (I Peter 5:7, Philippians 4:6). Yet…
Well one reason I was afraid and I would venture the main reason most of us are afraid is a lack of trust and faith in the One we serve. You see if fear and worry are present then faith has left the building. They cannot exist together they are opposing forces just like Superman and Lex Luthor. Although in Smallville they had them as friends in the beginning, what’s that about? Oh I’m sorry I was off on a tangent. Anyhow, God encouraged Joshua in the 1st chapter of the book of Joshua, as God was sending him out that He would be with him as He was with Moses and He would not leave him. In fact He told him to be strong and courageous. That Word was not for Joshua alone but for me and for you, today!
So what now? I read and confessed Joshua, I knew what it said in Timothy and Philippians and added James 1:5 to my arsenal, “If any of you lacks wisdom he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault…” yet the fear still lingered. What did I do? Continue to stand on the Word of God and resist the fear and the one who brings it (you know who I am talking about, that nasty devil) because it says in James to resist the devil and he WILL flee. Then I did as one of my favorite teachers of God’s word often says, DO IT AFRAID. If we believe that God has called us to this then we must know that He will give us everything we need to be successful at it. When God calls us to something He also equips us. So fear or no fear do what you’ve been called to do. And that’s what I did.
I began to take the steps necessary to homeschool. I also sought Godly counsel from someone bigger than me spiritually. I need to tell you once I started a peace came over me that I know only came from my Father. Does that mean I do not still on occasion get a little anxious or fearful? Sure I do but I remember what the Word says about me and the power I have in my Awesome Dad. So I say to you today if you believe that God has called you to this, do it and know that he has given you all that you need to be the best at it. You are more than conquerors and He loves you VERY MUCH! Cast your cares on Him for He cares for you and your children.
Now as I come to a close will you pray with me? Like you are really going to say no…lol. Father we come to you in the wonderful name of Jesus thanking You for all that You’ve done and for all that You are. You are an amazing and awesome God and we love You. Thank You for loving us with an everlasting love. Now Father as we embark on this journey of homeschooling these children You have given to us please give us wisdom and understanding. Help us to live past our fears and trust You with our whole heart knowing that Your promise not to leave us is sure. Jesus, You said that we have authority over all the power of the enemy so we take authority over fear and worry. Now Holy Spirit please remind us of the Word at times when these emotions try to rise up and steal what has already been planted in us. Father we praise You and honor You in Jesus’ name we pray AMEN!
Okay now let’s get moving in the right direction. Until next time happy homeschooling!

Hugs and Kisses,
My next blog: Thursday, February 4th...see you then!
Friday's Blog: Rita, "Married People"
1 comment:
Fear can be a real stumbling block if we let it. While reading your blog, all I can say is you are more than victorious! Maria
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