Many people who know me know I like to laugh so sometimes I will pickup autobiographies of comedians who have written about their lives. I like to understand where they came from and what made them want to make people laugh for a living. Well recently I came across a website that had famous quotes by some comedians. Here is one I like to share to see if you see not only the humor but also the truth that lies within the words.
“I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” This was said by the comedian Rita Rudner. After reading this and laughing, I began to think that being married to someone can sometimes cause you to be annoyed by the littlest things that they do. For instance, when my husband leaves his breakfast dishes on the counter, instead of placing them in the sink, I get a little annoyed. In my mind I’m thinking, “Hellooo, the sink isn’t that far!! Really!? Do I have maid tattooed on my forehead?” Oh, here’s another one, when he leaves his shoes at the bottom of the stairs and I trip over them. Again, I’m thinking, “When I bust my head on the wall and end up in the hospital you’ll be happy then won’t you?” Yes, that’s a bit extreme, but nonetheless after that happens I have an attitude and I am annoyed, because I think he is being inconsiderate. Some of you may be thinking I should give him a good talking to. Others are thinking I’m right in my thinking and he should clean up after himself. That would be the considerate thing to do. But before we go riding off into the lovely sunset of self-righteousness, we should think about this from God’s perspective as viewed through, I Corinthian 13: 4-7.
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.
If love is patient then that bowl and spoon left on the counter aren’t that important are they? Well, if I had to be honest, and I will be honest here, on a bad day……it is. But if I look through the eyes of love, according to God’s word, it really isn’t. God is asking us to be patient and not to be proud. If WE are so annoyed at the little things that our spouses do don’t you think they are just as annoyed sometimes at the things WE do? It’s a hard picture to look upon when we turn that mirror to our own reflection isn’t it.
Here’s a truth we may want to think about. Only you are responsible for your reaction to a situation no matter how small. When we become aggravated over the littlest thing and then respond in a negative way to that irritation we are headed for the road of bitterness, without even knowing it. It’s the little foxes that ruin the vineyards (Song of Solomon 2:15). Your attitude will affect your actions, your thoughts, and your words. You are not going to be able to control what your spouse does or does not do but you can be a gentle influence on your spouse. For instance, if I don’t want my husband to leave shoes in the floor I could say, “Honey wow, I really like these shoes and I know you do too, so I’m going to put them over here so no one steps on them.” The next time he thinks to leave his shoes he may just pick them up and place them where no one can trip over them. But if my attitude is negative and mean when I approach him my influence is lost.
We can all understand being annoyed but we should be careful what we say and do when we are irritated. It is so easy to have that knee jerk reaction and just say the first thing that comes to our minds. However, what would happen if we took a minute and responded in the spirit and not in the flesh.
God’s desire is that we treat each other well and with consideration no matter what the situation. He’s not nearly as concerned about why we respond the way we do, as he is about how we respond. In the words of Proverbs 15:1, “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.”

Love & blessings,
Tune in Friday, January 22nd for my next blog.
Saturday's blog: Tovah...Life a High School Junior
This article was VERY well written and something that I need to start taking to heart more. In the midst of my aggravation and anger, I often find myself saying things that I don't mean, or uttering words that I wish I could take back.
I know that I am FAR from perfect, but in the heat of the moment I forget all reason and speak out of anger when in all actuality the situation that took place was so minor there was no need to get mad in the first place.
I agree too that it is hard to turn the mirror on oneself when you are thinking in terms of "what are the things that I do that may not be so attractive all of the time?"
I really needed this article today.
Take care,
Um, hello do you live in my house? LOL I love it and I relate!Continue to do your thing.
Hey Shynea,
I agree with you. I'm far from perfect alss. Its hard sometimes to look at oneself through someone else's eyes. Sometimes I think I'm doing everything right and someone else is dongm everything wrong not once thinking that maybe I'm being a pain in the neck. Especially when it comes to marriage.
Yeah girl that mirror's reflection can be very telling at times....
Thanks for your comments.
WOW Mrs. Rita, what a great article and so head on. I tend to have the smae respone at times when I am tired and think. OK now really why exactly did you do that? Then when thigns calm down you think why did I say that? Boy did I over react.
I think that if we can keep the little things in perspective then we can make it through the hard stuff. If we can watch ourselves before we hurt the one person that knows us better than we know ourselves, then we wont have to say we are sorry for words that never should have even entered our mind.
Your articale really drove that home to me today.
God bless you my Sister,
Wow ... I will be thinking about your article the next time something my wonderful hubby does annoys me. I'm reminded that I do things that annoy him too so I have to extent grace and mercy to him as well.
I have to say this one was an eye opener for me. Lately, I have been the annoying one in the house... I have been the one leaving my shoes at the bottom of the stairs...LOL.
Reading what you wrote, I will be more considerate to my husband and not be so annoying!
Thank you!
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