It has always been one of my secret desires to run a marathon. There is only one problem....I don’t run...and so, unfortunately it doesn’t look like I will be signing up to run the Boston or NYC marathon any time soon. I will, however, be running the Susan B. Komen 5K this spring!
Yes, I know what I said and it’s true, I don’t run...at least not consistently. I want to though. I am always so envious when I go to the gym and see someone running for what seems like hours on the treadmill or when riding along in the car and I see someone out on a run. I admire athletes who sign up 5Ks, 1/2 Marathons and Marathons for different charitable events and I always think...Wow, I wish I could do that. I’m not really sure why though but I just think the whole running culture is cool (the clothing, the races etc) and plus, it just seems like a fun way to not only lose weight but also to maintain a healthy lifestyle either individually or with a group.
For the past few years, I have tossed around the idea that I am going to pursue running as a form of exercise. I have all of the gadgets necessary for a successful running program...ipod, running shoes, Nike Plus(to monitor my runs), running clothes...you name it, I’ve got it. I have started the Couch to 5K beginner’s running program numerous times and I actually LOVE doing it but I haven’t made the commitment necessary to be officially designated as a runner. This year will be different.
I recently had a conversation with a new friend of mine who coincidently is a runner. I told her of my desire to run as well and to eventually run a race. She immediately challenged me to find a 5k in my area (www.active.com), sign up for it and then train for it. As crazy as it sounded, I did exactly that and now, I am training to run for my very first 5K!
Immediately after signing up for the race, I started having panic attacks! All of the negative thoughts came flooding in.....”What are you, Nuts”? “You can’t do this”! “Cancel the registration”! “You have never followed through before so what makes you think you will this time”? Seriously, this went on for a good 5 minutes! But then in the midst of my meltdown, I heard a small whisper-”...forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things are ahead, I press toward the mark for the prize...” and then I heard, “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me”. Thank God for his Word!
Negative thoughts are our worse enemies aren’t they? They breed fear and unbelief, they lie to us about who we are and who we are destined to be, and they keep us from reaching our goals. If we allow them to, they place strongholds in our lives that are hard to break free....if we allow them. How many times have you started a diet or exercise plan only to allow your negative thoughts to make you give up? Or how many times have you canceled going out with a friend because you convinced yourself that you didn’t look good enough? How many times have you not followed through on a goal because you convinced yourself that you weren’t good enough to achieve it? How many times have you just given up because your negative thoughts have discouraged you? I can honestly say for me....thousands of times! That’s why it’s so important for us to meditate on God’s Word daily so that in the midst of a panic attack like mine, we are well equipped and the Truth can come to surface and remind you of all of the promises of God. John 8:32 says…”And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. God’s word is true. We as women must start believing that and when we do, we will win! Mark 9:23 assures you that with God all things are possible. It doesn’t matter how many times we’ve had to start over and it doesn’t matter about the past failures. If we put our faith in Him and believe His Word-God will do the rest and we will win!
Once I recovered from my mini- panic attack, I went to an online topical bible site and searched for scripture on “race”....to prepare myself for any future attacks while training for this race. ~smile~ Of course, I was able to find many verses but this is the one that helps me the most and I’ve posted it on my computer display so that I can meditate on it daily.....I think it applies not only to my 5K but to all of my 2010 goals towards a healthier lifestyle ....and I hope that it helps you to press on with yours as well.
“Do you know that those who run a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.” -1 Corinthians 9:24

Now, let’s all get out and go RUN!
Will touch base with you on Monday, February 1st. Hope to see you then!
Tuesday's Blog: Maria Guzman "Life Unscripted!"
After entering into my 50's I began to have thoughts that told me "You're too old." "You've missed your time!" "You just can't do this now." But praise God for being in His Word, and letting Him direct my path to show me that it was all lies!! Yes, I think everyone has to fight in the battle field of our mind when it comes to negative thoughts. Thank you for showing us we are not alone and giving us a very partial way to keep the Word of God before us.
Inspiring blog Miss Sasha! Negative thoughts really can hold you back, great word! :)
Very inspiring and motivating blog! I agree with you negative thoughts can try to hold us back, but the WORD is much stronger! Good one!
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