Friday, September 17, 2010


Galatians 5:1 (complete Jewish Bible), What the Messiah has freed us for is freedom! Therefore, stand firm, and don’t let yourselves be tied up again to a yoke of slavery.

Part I August 20, 2010 and Part II September 3, 2010.

Why did Paul warn the Galatians to “Therefore, stand firm, and don’t let yourselves be tied up again to a yoke of slavery?” What did he mean? Well, for starters, there is “No one size fits all” answer to that question. This is one of those times where you will have to do the work in order to find out what the personal yokes are in your life.

But I do want to give you an example of how we can be a slave to an “old mindset” lets look at insecurity.

Insecurity in women (I might venture to say) might be the #1 reason in our lives for causing problems, but if not; it is in the top 3 for sure. ~Smile~

Being insecure can be crippling depending on who you are and how deep the root of this insecurity grows. For starters an insecure woman is one who always has something critical to say about everything. We have either been that person or know someone who is like that. Being critical and finding fault is the only way she can feel good about herself. Why? Because deep down, she is pledged with feelings of intimidation, low self-esteem, and self-worth such as, she is not smart enough, pretty enough, lovable enough or educated enough. The saddest part about all of this is that we put ourselves in these boxes, not people.

Don’t let yourselves be tied up again to a yoke of slavery!” Imagine sitting in a chair where you are tied from your shoulders to you feet with the rope wrapped and wrapped and wrapped all around you. And then chains are added so that not only can you not move your body, but you would not be able to move or jiggle the chair in anyway. That is maybe how the mindset of “insecurity” would look in the natural compared to what Paul is talking about. Also when you read about slavery of any kind, a slave does what her master instructs her to do. Slavery is not a democracy and you really do not have a say. Hopefully at this point you have a vivid picture of what being held captive might look like.

What the Messiah has freed us for is freedom!” Now envision being rescued. The weights are taken off your neck and the ropes are cut and you are FREE!! This is what happens when you come to the realization that you are free because the Messiah has freed you. You are free to not care if people think you are not so smart because you do not have a college degree. For one we know that is not true, because anyone who has the mind of the Messiah and operates in that truth is far from stupid. And we also know people who have graduated from Ivy League colleges, but when it comes to life and common sense, they are dumber than dirt. So what if you are a size 20, you walk in the freedom that you are beautiful because God says you are, and a size 12 no longer intimidates you. You are free to the point that others opinions cannot dictate how you act, dress, behave or feel about yourself. You love who you are, and strive on your terms to improve those things that need to change. If you are over weight then you change your lifestyle to lose weight to become healthier and take better care of your temple and honor God. Not because the world or others are trying to force down your throat size “0”. You are free to take chances and dream, dreams. You are free to understand who you are in the Messiah.

But first, you must put in the time and effort of identifying what “mindsets” you are personally enslaved too. It is the only way to get to that “freedom”.

How do we do this? You and the Holy Spirit have to get honest about things. You will have to start by asking Him some tough questions about you and why you do the things you do? Without identify our problems we cannot talk to God about them and or be healed from them.

There is no “magic” quick fix to be free from enslaving mindsets and old ways, but there is the great hope of what Messiah has done for us. But it is up to us to grab hold of the key and unlock the chains that hold us captive.

Sisters, I pray that I have planted seeds of hope and change in your hearts. And your interest is peeked to discover what “freedom” the Messiah has made you free for. I pray you will no longer settle for life as it is and will move forward into who you really are as an individual designed by God.

Reminder: Once you begin to walk in your new found freedom, remember don’t let yourselves become tired up again to the old “mindsets” you have been freed from. Make sure not to become its slave once more. How is that done? Remembering who has freed you and all the hard work you had to do to understand what that means for you!

Be blessed,

I will return Friday, October 1st, hope to see you then!

Monday's Blog: Sharon will be back with more great "Financial Wisdom" for us"

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