Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Down

Ladies….The Kitchen Table had its first virtual book club meeting on Saturday, June 19th!! Everyone agreed that the Yada Yada Prayer Group, book series are great books. We ended up talking about the different characters in the book and how we related to them. It was a really good time of sharing. We had a second call last night, June 28th and again it turned into a great time of sharing and relating to the women in the prayer group. But the best thing of all it seems for everyone is that though the books are Christian fiction, they have inspired everyone in their prayer life. Now that is really something to think about.

It is not too late to join in, we are now reading book 2 and will have the book club call on Saturday, July 17th.

This is how it works.
1. You pick a date and time and register by sending an email to: thekitchentable2010@yahoo.com.
2. Place in subject : “Summer Book Club”
3. Put in your day of choice, “Saturday or Tuesday” (sorry you cannot mix and match dates, if you choose Saturday, it will be the 3rd Saturday of each month)
4. Make sure you put your name, city and state.
5. You will receive an email stating that you have been registered. And the call-in information for the call in center we will be using.
Make sure to put thekitchentable2010@yahoo.com in your address book so that our emails do not go into your spam box
6. You will receive a weekly email concerning the book we are reading that month. Just a little something to keep you engaged and excited before we come together to discuss it.
7. You will receive a reminder email (with call-in info again) a couple of days before the book club meets.

Please register as quickly as possible, seating is limited.

July: The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Down (Book 2)

August: The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Real (Book 3)

Day: Every 3rd Saturday
Time: 1.5 hrs

Sasha, July 17th,
(3 - 4:30pm ET), (2 - 3:30pm CT), (1 – 2:30pm MT), (12 – 1:30pm PT)

Ponnie, August 21st,
(3 - 4:30pm ET), (2 - 3:30pm CT), (1 – 2:30pm MT), (12 – 1:30pm PT)

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Ponnie on Facebook, the above email address or my private email if you have it.

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