Last Friday on “The Kitchen Table” fan page on Facebook, I posed the question “Did you ever really want something and God said, “No?” This was based on Tovah’s blog “You Can’t Always Get What You Wanted”. My response was….”Yes, a man. But God knew that he was a frog. Thank you Jesus!!” But I wasn’t alone in my response. There were others who were also thankful to God for saying, “No! Not Him.” The truth be told there are many of God’s daughters who are very grateful to His, “No” of protection and there are also many of His daughters who wished they had listened to Him. So today I want to talk about the Frogs versus Prince Charming.
The world always has everything backwards or upside down compared to God’s Kingdom. It has given us “Beauty and the Beast” “The Princess and the Frog” all stories where true love brings out the handsome prince. But since Jesus Himself warns us to…”Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves,” Matthew 7:15 (NLT) to me this is saying that you better watch out for the so called “Prince” because he could really be a “Frog”.
I am going to be focusing on men who are in the church buildings. I put it like that because everyone who is hanging out in the church building is not necessarily part of “The Body of Christ” and I don’t want anyone to be confused about that.
Once upon a time there was a 42 year old single mother of a 2 year old child who thought life would be perfect if only she could find validation by being married. Her heart was broken because the father of her child was off with another and had made it clear she would be on her own. It didn’t matter at the time that the Lord had made her a promise that if she had this child versus having an abortion He would forever supply all their needs and be with them always. Yes, that sounded good for a minute, but didn’t He see that she needed a husband?
Yes, it seems He did, because He sent her a “Prince Charming”. A man that looked good, smelled good, had a good job and excellent credit rating, generous with his money, talked the talk, looked like he was walking the walk, and to top it all off he wanted her and her baby. Wow!!! God is good! But wait! He was a deceiver and not really a man of God. Oh no….it turns out he was just another frog.
How did she find out? Well, the blessing in all of this was that this fair maiden had made the decision that she would never have sex again outside of marriage, before she met him. She had come to the conclusion that was a sin she was not having anything ever again to do with. And that one decision to obey God saved her. Even though she had run ahead of God, her desire to do things the right way, gave Him the opportunity to show her the truth (before she completely jumped off the edge) about what she had picked for herself. Because there was no soul attachment (the type you have when sexually involved with someone) she was able to call off the engagement, give back the big beautiful diamond and walk away. Was there pain involved? Yes. There was a time of mourning, for the death of her dreams and hopes with this man, but there was a celebration after her period of mourning because she had eyes to see what the Lord had done for her. And I have been grateful to Him ever since! ~Smile~
There is a seed that I have planted in Tovah and continue to water every chance I get, and that is….if a guy who says he loves the Lord is continually trying to get you to have sex with him on the guise of “If you love me, you will have sex with me.” Know that he is a frog and not for you! When a man loves God he is not trying to sin against Him. And if he loves you, he will not be about the business of trying to involve you in sinning against God.
Also there are a few other things to look for my dear sisters. How does he handle money? Is he always using credit cards or does he have cash? Has he asked to borrow money from you? Are you being foolish enough to offer him money or the use of your credit cards? What is his relationship with his mother? What is going on with his family? Does he have children? How many and with how many women? Are his actions really lining up with the Word of God? Is he busy wooing you so much that he is eating into your time with the Lord? If he is after you all the time, when is he spending time with the Lord? I hate to break this to you but….just because a man is interested in you, does not mean that the Lord sent him. And even if he is a true man of God who really is walking the walk, it still does not mean that the Lord has deemed you and him to be together. I know that is a hard pill to swallow for some, but nonetheless one that all single women in the Body of Christ should take. It will save you from unnecessary heartache.
2 Corinthians 6:14 tells us, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness, and what communion hath light with darkness?” (KJV) But do you realize that you can be unequally yoked with someone who is in the kingdom of light? Well, yes you can. Will God have you unequally yoked? No! But we can put ourselves into a relationship that is unequally yoked. If you have been walking with the Lord for 15 years, why would you want to be yoked to a man who is just coming in from living a sin filled life in the world and can’t rub 2 scriptures together? How can he lead you? But in our desperation to be “Mrs.” we get ahead of God and try to make things happen in our own way.
The best thing you can do for yourself as a single woman in God’s Kingdom, is….5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE will make your paths straight. 7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. Proverbs 3:5-7 (NIV) Got that girls?! If not read it again, and again until you do. This is key to living the good life in Christ.
Now as for men you meet who are not even pretending to know the Lord, I can sum that up in four words. “RUN THE OTHER WAY!!”
My dear sisters, I pray that today’s blog has encouraged you to continue thinking about your life as God sees it. And the more we can do that, the happier and more fulfilled we become with who we are and where we are in this season of our lives.
So…the next man you meet (or it could be someone you know now) don’t forget to ask yourself, “Hum, is this just another frog?” LOL!!!

Blessings & Hugs
I'll be back with more on Wednesday, April 14th!
Thursday’s Blog: more humor from Cheryl, “Diary of Homeschool Mom”