Friday, September 30, 2016

Crimes of Opportunity

If you or anyone you know is in law enforcement, they will tell you that all crimes are not premeditated. There are many that happen as crimes of opportunity or rage—never planned at all.

Today I went for a walk and noticed a delivery man get out of his car, leaving it running and the driver’s door open while he walked up a long walkway to a porch. I witnessed this same scenario in the 70’s while working in an élite part of downtown Philadelphia. But the outcome was much different.

A man pulled up to a mailbox, got out of the driver’s side (car running), and while he was dropping the mail in, a man jumped in and drove off! The owner just stood there screaming. There were no cell phones back then.

The man today, still had a running car waiting for him when he stepped off the porch, but it made me think of how we can become so secure in what we do and where we live, we let our guard down and set ourselves up for crimes of opportunity.   

Of course this doesn’t let the culprit off the hook by any means. The man who stole the car was a thief at heart.

Being raised in a large city, I all too well understand the difference between certain parts of town. Some are less crime riddled than others, which can give people a false sense of security. Living in the suburbs or gated communities also has the propensity for the same delusions. Truth is…bad things happen all over—even in fortified mansions.

And we can also have the same type of mindset when it comes to our residency in the Kingdom of God. We think we got it like that! Salvation is it! Once we secure that, we don't have to do much else.

Jesus explains what the role of a thief is…“The thief does not come except to steal and to kill, and to destroy.” (John 10:10a NKJV)

And Peter wanted to firm it up for us, “Stay sober, stay alert! Your enemy, the Adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (I Peter 5:8 CJB)

But many of us are like the woman walking around the store with your pocketbook in the kiddy seat of the shopping cart who becomes distracted. Bam! If it’s open they might only snatch your wallet, but you see the man took her entire purse…crime of opportunity.

A thief at heart is crafty. They know how to scheme, plan and execute a plan. But they are also on the alert for crimes of opportunity. Sometimes it’s as simple as trying all the handles on cars to find the one that isn’t locked. Or walking down the street and seeing UPS leave a package on someone’s porch. They roam and are opportunists!

Well, where do you think such a spirit or lifestyle comes from?

Yup—the Father of all lies and deception, himself!

Some of us are in such a mess right now, from crimes of opportunity he has leveled against us. But, the truth of the matter—it’s our own fault. We failed to stay sober and alert! Just like the woman who left her purse in the shopping cart unattended.

Your husband walks through the door a little testy. He’s had a long day, and so have you. You ask him a simple question and he’s a bit snarky in the way he answers, and before you know it—bam! An argument has ensued and you’re now arguing about something that happened last week, last month or even last year! You go to bed angry and half speak to each other the next morning.

How did this happen? Well, could it be you haven’t been spending time in the Word and with God lately? Has life been busy and really distracting and all time consuming? Do you think going to church on Sunday is enough to keep you going? Well, if the answer is, “Yes.”…you have set yourself up for crimes of opportunity. And the thief (our Adversary) will swoop in and steal your joy, kill the peace in your home, destroy any hopes for a good night’s sleep and just devour up the love!

As a Believer, I’m sure you have experienced a spiritual attack of some kind in your walk with Christ. And what I have come to realize, they aren’t always planned as much as they are crimes of opportunity.

Our enemy sees when we are not spending the time required to stay sober, strong and on guard. He sees us drifting away from the One who keeps us. All he has to do is gather those little imps and they sit patiently and wait for an opportunity to assault us!

Crimes of opportunity almost always happen when we are not as careful or diligent as we could be. Spiritual crimes of opportunity also happen when we are weak, tried and frustrated. And how do we get there? By not being careful or diligent in staying sober, strong and on guard.  

And this is why I constantly encourage you to read and study your bibles.

It is impossible to build an ark during a raging storm. In other words, when the flood gates of hell open up on us—we best be prepared to deal with it. But not only for the big things. A good solid relationship with God makes for a better life all around.

Living to please God because we love Him is a great reward in itself.

If the wife would have taken notice her husband (from his reaction), probably had a bad day and  either answered in a soft voice (because the bible instructs that turns away anger), or kept quiet and not taken offense, she would have had a peaceful night in her home and bed.

Because when we are full of the Word and focused on pleasing God, we have a tendency to grab hold of His grace quicker, and do the right thing.

What crime of opportunity has our enemy laid on you lately? Was it anger, a wrong response, tit for tact, a poor attitude, meanness, unkindness? The home is one of his favorite places to hangout at, but he doesn't stop there. A crime of opportunity is just opportunity. He could care less if it as at your place of work, church, in public or with friends.  

Well, whatever it was, review to see how you let it happen. Examine what exactly was going on with you at the time? And then do what the Word says to do and correct it.

Sisters, I can’t say it enough! Read your bibles and spend time with God! Guard yourselves against the crimes of opportunity that are levied against daily. Amen!

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,

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