Friday, March 28, 2014

Spoken and Written Words Are Very Powerful, So Use Them Wisely

Children should be taught at an early age, they cannot say everything that comes to mind. My 3 year old grandson is at the stage where he can be very embarrassing in public. He has no control when it comes to commenting on anything he sees. Of course he doesn't know any better. What does he understand about telling a little girl her head is big (which it was and probably due to some type of physical deformity) that he is being offensive? So, we are in the process of teaching him that he shouldn't say things like that because it makes people feel bad.

Once we know children are at this point in their development, we must be watchful. When my now 15 year old granddaughter was that age, I could almost always tell by the look on her face she was getting ready to say something she shouldn't! We were in Target and while my youngest daughter was in the dressing room trying on clothes, I was walking around looking at other outfits with my granddaughter was sitting in the little people’s seat in the shopping cart. She looked at me and said, “Mimi, men don’t wear earrings?” Well, we all know that they do, and when I turned around to look at her, I saw a woman standing nearby with a short haircut that was on the boyish side, and I quickly whisked her away! Why? Because she was getting ready to point to that woman, and ask me, “Why does that man have on earrings?” that’s why! LOL!!

Learning to think before you speak seems to be a lesson that continues for years to come. It seems we get it on one level, but not others. We might learn to mind our manners when with adults when we are children, but as we all know—children can be very mean when adults are not around. And it seems in this day and age they are at their worst. With social media, bullying has taken on a whole new look and feel. Young people have committed suicide because of the taunting and bullying in their lives. Words have great power!

 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue,” says Proverbs 18:21a. In other words, words can destroy and tear down or they can build and encourage. They can hurt and cut, or be soothing and healing. They can be condescending, prideful and sharp daggers, or soft, kind and sweet as honey. They can be what we choose them to be.

There was a situation last week on Facebook where someone was upset and put it out there in a post that came off being somewhat ungrateful. I know the person and I’m sure that was not her intent—but nonetheless that was how it read. I made a comment that maybe she should delete the post and rewrite one of gratitude when she had time to calm down and think about things. It seems a group of people came and helped her clean her house, and she was upset that she couldn't find things, and that was understandable, but Facebook was not the place to express her displeasure about such a kind act. Then another sister-in-Christ told her not to delete the post and how as Christians we should be more transparent and it was okay what she wrote. Truth is it was not okay what she wrote…they were not words that built anyone up. If anything, they had great potential to make the ones who helped her feel badly. Written words have just as much power as spoken words—maybe even more. And I say that because when written in a public forum, it has a bigger audience and more power to offend and tear down. 

Impulse...a sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act. Acting impulsively usually always involves sin or some type of regret after the fact. Don’t agree, just ask the sister who has been impulse buying on her credit cards for years and is now trying to dig herself out of debt. Or the one whose impulsive temper tantrum damaged a friendship or cost them a good job! Telling your boss off usually ends with being fired.  Impulses are emotional and always show up when we are angry, upset or not thinking straight. If you are one who lets it fly when you are angry or upset, it is time for a change. It’s time to start practicing, “soft answers” which can turn away anger. It’s time to take a deep breath, pray and stay off the phone or Facebook until you have calmed down. If you really need to talk about the situation then call someone who will let you vent. But make sure they will also be instrumental in helping you apply what the Bible has to say concerning your situation. There is protection in godly counsel and much trouble in listening to opinions.  

The ministry of being quiet and thoughtful has much for us to gain. And yes, as women we are communicators and love to talk, but we must be very mindful of our words. We must purpose in our everyday lives to let our words be uplifting and edifying to others. We have to be very careful about speaking harshly about family or life situations on Facebook or any type of social media. Not only can your written words have a negative and adverse effect and hurt deeply, they are also humiliating to the people you are writing about. You know that old adage about “putting your business in the street” type of thing—that’s what social media is. 

Spoken and written words are very powerful. They can bring joy and encouragement to one who desperately needs them, or they can damage and wound that same person for years to come. 

Sisters, please use your spoken and or written words carefully. 

Until next week!

Love and Hugs....Ponnie

Friday, March 21, 2014

I'm Baffled?

When I make the statement, ‘I’m baffled,” I’m referring to total bewilderment pertaining to us as Believers. I don’t know when we became so self-righteous, religious and mostly so very full of pride?

There is too much judgment living inside the Body of Christ with a great overflow to the outside world. The Church is not doing her job. We are not being the light we are supposed to be. We are falling short of even helping our own. We are pouring vinegar in the wounds of others when what they really need is the healing balm of love.

It is no wonder, people are not accepting Christ and being saved—they are hard pressed to see His light through so many of us. We are puffed up in pride and arrogance—forgetting where we came from and that our righteousness before Christ was nothing more than a pile of filthy menstrual rags.

You may be one of the most fashionable dressers around, live in a beautiful home, drive an expensive and prestigious car, have a successful husband and good looking children, but none of that will draw the world to Jesus. And I say that because everyone in the world is not looking for the “broke down gospel”! Everyone is not sick, broke, uneducated, recovering from jail, bogged down with a bunch of kids, living on welfare and eating off of food stamps or a single mom and destitute! No, so your fine clothes, house, car, husband and kid,s are not a big deal or impressive. In fact there are a lot of wealthy, healthy people walking on the face of this earth, but they still need the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Everyone is looking to fill the void in their lives that only Jesus can. Everyone wants to be loved and fulfilled in this life.

I’m a big fan of cooking challenges, such as Chopped, the next Top Chef, and Iron Chef. But there is one thing that really turns me off, and that is…arrogance. I immediately want the arrogant ones voted off with the quickness. And there is a big difference between being confident in who you are and what you do, versus arrogance and pride. And I have the same mindset when I have to deal with arrogant folks, especially those in the Body of Christ. To me, we are the worst! Why? Well, people who walk in darkness can’t do any better, but when you live in the Kingdom of God, we are to be different—especially when we have resided there for a number of years.

Here’s something to think about…a same sex couple (two men) moves next door to you or in your building (your state says this type of union is now legal) and they have a little girl they have adopted—how many of you would reach out to them and this child? Would you be a good neighbor and welcome them into the neighborhood or building? Would you bake them cookies, or just stop by to introduce yourself? Would you offer to be a helping hand? Or would you judge them “Sinners” and ignore them and pretend they didn’t exist versus talk to them? Would they see you on Sunday getting into your car heading to church with your big Bible, never looking their way?

What is your stance on a 27 year old single mother of five,  who lives in your block and has a minimum wage job which still qualifies her for subsidized housing, (most of her rent is paid by HUD), daycare subsidy (where the government pays most of her daycare fees) and food stamps? Are you one who is upset and keeps posting things on Facebook about how people like her should not get food stamps? Are you upset she keeps having babies and your taxes are footing the bill? Have you ever reached out to get to know her? Have you talked to her enough times to find out what her story is? Do you pray for her and her children? Or do you ignore her, shaking your head in disgust?

On Facebook our self-righteous is obvious by many of the things we post. There are a few popular ones with a picture of a fetus, and captions about how this aborted fetus might have been the next person to find the cure for cancer. We fail to realize anyone who God deems to walk on this earth will be born. And if that were not true, Christ would have never been born and we would all be lost and going to hell. Though God has given us a free will to choose, it does not negate His Sovereignty as God. So, we need to stop trying to shame people into doing right, and instead show them love.

I spent many years as a volunteer work for a Christian Crisis Pregnancy Center, and if you don’t think women (including pastor’s wives and daughters) in your church aren't having abortions…then you are very naive to where sin lives.

Our government can say whatever they want is legal or not legal. It does not alter what God has said about a thing. Same sex marriage has not altered God’s covenant of what marriage is—nope, not one iota.

Back in the early 90’s WWJD (what would Jesus do) became a money making mantra for Christian book stores—bracelets, pins, coffee mugs, calendars, devotionals, you name it. But I think we are in a time we really should be asking ourselves, “What would Jesus do? How would He respond?

Sisters…it is time for us to stop being so high minded, judgmental and uncaring. Take a minute to check if your light has become lackluster or still shines bright.  Jesus says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Until next week!

Love and Hugs....Ponnie

Friday, March 14, 2014

No One Can Take What God Has For Us! Only We Can Mess That Up!

Matthew’s account of the Parable of the Talents is a great example of what can happen when we do nothing. Let’s look at this parable using God given talents and abilities versus money. Now there was one servant who only had one talent and she buried it in the ground. In other words she did nothing to increase or enhance it. And when she was called to give account, she said she was afraid so she hid it, and her master told her she was lazy. Therefore her talent was taken away and given to another servant who had really invested time and hard work in increasing and developing the talents she had been given. (see Matt 25:14-28 NKJ)

No one stole anything from her—she negated whatever greatness could have come from her talent by doing nothing.

Our own lack of self-confidence and fear of failure tries to convince us we need more of this, or if we only had that, then we could move forward. Lies! All lies!!  Starting where you are and with what you have are the best places to begin. No matter how small a beginning it might be.

Being a writer, I share a lot of information with people and encourage them in their writing and other ventures. Why? Because I know that what I am working on is for Ponscella and Ponscella alone. There is not one person who can take it from me, so I’m not afraid to share. In fact, I’m planting good seed for myself at the same time. Also, any ideas I have as a writer have been given to my through God, which means He could use me to pass it on to someone else, instead of hold it for myself.  

This brings to mind something I would love to see more of in the Body of Christ, and that is as sisters we share and encourage each other more. It seems jealousy, envy, covetousness and a general spirit of fear keeps us from being cheerleads for one another as we should.

Of course I wasn’t always so confident in God and I didn’t totally understand that what God has for me is mine, so I do understand the fear of self-doubt and lack of confidence one can experience where God is concerned. I know exactly how it hinders and paralyzes us into doing nothing. But I also know the spirit of fear is a liar and does not come from God. And with the revelation of who we truly are in Christ, we are set free from this fear. We become confident to move forward in life. This confidence in the Lord also helps us to share freely and be happy for our sisters as they excel in God’s grace.

I do hate to say this, but some of us want what others have but don’t want to put in the time, work or energy to get it. We want to ride on the coattails of others. A helping hand can be a welcome sight, but if you don’t do your own research and work you will miss out. I share a lot of information with people and vise versa, but often I find things that pertain just to me and what I am trying to achieve. As should be! I’m putting in the work. So remember girls—hard work does pay off!  

As a writer, I come in contact with a lot of other writers, and one thing writers do, is write! We don’t talk about writing—we write! You may not be published yet, but you still write, because that is what writers do. But if you are one who feels you have a talent to write, yet you are not writing on a regular bases and sharpening your craft and talent, then is it possible you are being like the servant who hid her talent out of fear or laziness?  If so, we all know what happened to her.

Girls, stop being afraid of failure, rejection or anything else fear drums up in your heart. Stop making excuses as to why you are sitting still instead of moving forward. Stop talking about what you are going to do or what you did 3 years ago and move forward!

I used writing as an example because I’m a writer and speak from the heart and life experience, but your talent could be something totally different. I have a friend who is a single mom and homeschooled her daughter while running her own cleaning service. When her daughter finished school, she closed her business, found a job so she could fulfill a dream and go back to school to become certified in TESOL hoping to travel the world teaching English as a second language. This woman is loaded with God given talents and abilities and she continues to develop them with each changing season in her life. This should be the norm for all of God’s daughters, not they exception!

Sisters, get serious about what it is God has given you to work with. Don’t sit on it, don’t hide it! The world says, “You need a higher education, more money or you’re too old.” God says, “All you need is Me!” 

At age 61, I am going for it!! I am not letting any voice that is not that of the Good Shepherd talk me out of that which God has designed for me. I will not be lazy or lackadaisical and have God take what He has given me and give it to someone else. Nope…I’m on a mission to fulfill my God given destiny.

What about you?

Until next week!

Love and Hugs....Ponnie

Friday, March 7, 2014

Afraid of the Change

No, I didn’t make a mistake by adding “the” to the title.  We have all been guilty of being afraid of change at some point in our lives. But I’m not so sure we take time to look at the fear one might have when it comes to a particular aspect of the unknown? And that is where; Afraid of the Changecame from, versus Afraid of Change.

Presently I have a deep growing desire to have my own place again. Now that in itself is not frightening at all, but the particulars seem to be—so you see I’m not afraid of a change, but I’m starting to wonder about the change itself.

In my last home, I had a lovely bathroom with a deep soaking spa tub. And compared to most bathrooms in a 3 bedroom row house in the city of Philadelphia, it was pretty large. Everyone who used my bathroom for the first time was always amazed and complimented me on it.

HGTV introduced me to the jet tubs. And being a girl who loves a long soaking, candle lit bath, I feel in love. But here’s the deal…I never asked God for a spa tub. So when I got it, I was thrilled! But there was something I really wanted, and I asked God for, but didn’t get for years—an outside porch to sit on.

I was raised in a typical Philly row house with an outside porch. Sitting on the porch was a favorite pastime for everyone in my neighborhood block. Even my Nana had a porch with beautiful plants and lovely outdoor furniture. I remember playing board games and jacks with friends, sitting out late at night talking and waiting for the Mr. Softy or Italian water ice trucks to come around. Up until 2 ½ years ago, I had been without a porch to sit on and enjoy for 18 years.

The house I live in with my oldest daughter does not have a soaker tub let alone jets. In fact the tub is so shallow; you really don’t want to take a bath in it. I do miss having a nice tub to soak in, but it seems I get a deeper enjoyment from the 6 – 7 months I get to sit outside on the porch. And my new found love of creating a beautiful environment with flowers has been very rewarding. And as much as I want my own place again, I have this nagging fear of losing the one thing I really love about where I am now.

Again I find myself not trusting that God will give me His best. This fear is mudding up the waters of my excitement and anticipation for my new home. It’s hindering me from unleashing high expectations as to what God is going to do! In simple English—I’m afraid of what might be missing or lost in “the” change.

I have often looked at the scripture, which tells us not to give the devil a foothold or any place in our lives as talking about going back to old sins, knowingly choosing the wrong thing when faced with what’s right or wrong, playing around with temptation and so forth. But not so much how being a little afraid, is giving the devil place for a foothold. But you know what my dear sisters—it is!!!

It seems that overtime; I have become a fearful mess. I’m not a scary type person and would still like to think I would standup when I should, but it seems in the deep recesses of my heart and mind—I have not been the diligent guard I should have been. When did it start happening? I really can’t say, but I am grateful it can be corrected and turned around.

Reading books that help us understand God and our relationship with him can be good, but they can’t replace reading the Bible or a good Bible study. And we must grasp with all our hearts how much the need for honest and open prayer with God is as essential as air and water, if we are to remain fearless and survive spiritually.

God: “Ponnie, I know the plans I have for you, ones to prosper you and bring you no harm. My plans for your life will give you hope and a future.”

Ponnie: “I believe Lord, but forgive my unbelief!”

This new insight has led me to go back and meditate on Jeremiah 29:11, because either I trust God or I don’t! And it is time to really take a hard look at the parts where I don’t, and why!

To have the Holy Spirit of God show me how afraid I have become and what a hindrance it is to my present and future hope, has not been easy to swallow. It has taken courage to be so transparent with you girls in my last 3 blogs and fess up to this ugly truth—that’s been the hard part. But on the flipside the freedom that comes with the truth and forthrightness, outweighs the hard part and takes away any shame.

My dear sisters, as long as fear has any place, it will darken our hope and how we view the future, so don’t allow any type of fear (no matter how small) have a foothold in your life. Decide today you will no longer give place to fear or let it hold you back in anyway. Declare to fight back the doubts against God’s love and promises to you—resist the devil and he will flee. And when he comes back (because he will be back) whip him again with God’s mighty Word and promises. Amen!

Until next week

Love and Hugs.....Ponnie