Friday, August 23, 2013

Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?

Jane Curtin and Dan Aykroyd used to do a skit in the 70’s on SNL (Saturday Night Live) called, Mr. and Mrs. Whiner. It was hilarious and an era when SNL was not raked with filth. They talked in these nasally little voices and whined about any and everything. They always made me laugh. But the truth be told, “whining” is unbecoming in children, and even more so for adults. Honestly, most people do not like to be around whiners—I know I don’t.

Whine: to complain in a peevish, self-pitying way. Don't think that is pleasing to God.

Last week I wrote about the benefits of having women of wisdom in our lives and today’s blog seems to be a continuance of sorts. Women filled with godly wisdom will never edge you on to be a whiner and will always decline the invitation to partake in your pity parties. How can I be so sure about that? Well, godly wisdom knows to agree with God, and not go against Him. It’s impossible to have a grateful heart with praise for our King, if we are whining and feeling sorry for ourselves? Period! Also godly wisdom will correct you in love.

Not too long ago a Facebook friend decided to vent one day on her status and concluded she hoped she didn’t come off as whining. A couple of her friends (not everyone) told her it was okay to whine and God understood! Bad advice! It is never okay to whine. Whining is a way of saying God is failing in some way. It is complaining on the worst level possible.

As a daughter of the King have I ever been a whiner? Yes, I have! But I’ve been blessed to have women in my life who are not willing to co-sign my foolishness. They challenge and provoke me to be the best I can in Christ.

Self pity used to be a very close friend to me. I can’t begin to tell you how many full fledge pity parties I’ve held over the years. I would set the table, send out open invitations and wait for despair, discouragement, discontentment, envy, unbelief, fear, woe is me, God has forgotten you, and a host of other crazy spirits to show up to help me waddle in my self-made grief. But with the help of my godly friends and growth in the Word of God, I have learned pity parties are not beneficial and made the choice to no longer indulge. This doesn’t mean that from time-to-time I still don’t battle the spirit of self-pity or discouragement, because I do. I just choose not to let them have reign over me. And so can you.

Maturity in the Lord helps us to more easily squash the temptation to whine or complain about life by turning our focus more on what the Bible has to say about us and our circumstances. Does this happen overnight? Oh, how I wish it did, but no, we must put in the time and effort for change to come. And there lies the problem for many of God’s girls. We can be very lax and even lazy when it comes to spending the time needed with Him to have a renewed mind and build up our faith. Also, for some, we have trouble agreeing with God in ALL things. We desire to pick and choose, which never works out for anyone.

Jesus tells us, “We will have tribulations in this world” John 33:16, so why do we act so crazy when things happen? Why do we fall apart and need 100 people to pray for us? Because it is hard to build an ark once the flood has come. That’s why! How can we change this cycle? By spending time to build our faith so when and if the flood gates of hell open up on us…we are prepared to stand in the midst of the storm. Does it mean we will come through unscathed? Probably not, but we will look and smell a little more like Christ at the other end.

How we respond to the trials in our lives is the biggest witness for Christ we will most likely have. Why should people in the world want your God, when it seems you are always whining about what you don’t have or what is going on in your life? What kind of God leaves His children in positions of complaint and woo-is-me? Think about it, if you are a whiner or one who is always feeling sorry for themselves, what kind of witness are you for God? Truth is, “You are a poor witness.” This is why whining and self pity is not beneficial. They profit nothing for the Kingdom, others or you. So, I don’t care what is going on in your life, don’t agree with anyone who tells you its okay to whine.

Would you like some cheese with that whine” is an old adage and it’s a tongue in cheek way of being sarcastic. In other words, the one saying it to you really is not interested in hearing you whine.

Sisters it is time to grow up and get in agreement with God. Study your Bibles, pray and surround yourselves with godly women who know the Word of God, and can instruct you according to biblical truths versus their opinion. Remember, opinions are like eyeballs, just about everyone has them.

Let’s spend some time meditating on what 1Thessalonians 5:18 means, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” But only after you take a hard look to see where your problems are rooted. Sometimes we are the cause of our hard times. Amen!

Look for a blog next week, until then….be blessed!!

Love & Hugs


Unknown said...

Very encouraging!

Esther-Marie said...

For some years now I've had a mantra that I remember whenever I start to feel whiny:

"I'd like to smile today, but can't... Self-pity is so exhausting."

It's a quote I picked up somewhere along the way, although I have no idea where anymore, but it does fit in nicely with this blog, Ponnie. Thank you for an encouraging and thought-provoking article!

Esther-Marie said...

I have a quote that has been a help to me for some years now, although I have no idea where it originally came from:

"I'd like to smile today, but can't... Self-pity is so exhausting."

Whenever I start to feel whiny, this quote always seems to come to mind, and kicks me in the behind. It also fits in well with the message in your blog, Ponnie! Thank you for an encouraging and thought-provoking article!