Friday, August 9, 2013

Hanging With Like Minded Folks

I opened my Facebook page one morning to a beautiful picture of eagles with a great commentary to boot! ”Get in the habit of hanging with Eagles. There’s a time when you have to remove yourself from buzzards (gossipers), pigeons (those who are negative and try to delay your growth) and chickens (self explanatory). Develop an eagle mentality by surrounding yourself with successful people, people you admire, those with a good name who help others succeed. Change your life now!”

“We’re only given ONE life on this earth and we all know how short life can be. I REFUSE for my tombstone to read, “Here lies a Chicken/Pigeon/Buzzard, full of potential, but squandered her life away. Rise Up!! The time is NOW!!” ~Jennifer Spence~ Jennifer wrote a bi-weekly Single Parent blog for the Kitchen Table, until she entered Nursing School.

Jennifer’s commentary definitely made me stop and think about the life and relationships of the Believer. Eagles are the strongest bird around. Eagles live very purposeful lives. They don’t have time for the petty stuff only that which will help them fulfill their destiny and live life to its fullest. Wow! Yes! I want to hang and fly with eagles. Don’t you?

Sure, most of you are shouting out, “Yes I do!” But first we must make sure we are not a Buzzard? Are you a gossiper? Maybe you are ready to admit it, or maybe you need a little prompting (conviction) from the Holy Spirit? Either way, gossip is not a characteristic of God or one that is pleasing to Him. You can’t be an encourager or hang with an encourager if you are a gossip. The Book of Proverbs tells us the damage a gossip can do… A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much, a gossip separates close friends. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts [and this is not a good thing] my paraphrase. And best of all—without gossip a quarrel dies down. Do you love to carry tales and talk about people? If the answer is “Yes” you won’t be able to hang out with Eagles until you have a renewing of the mind! Sorry, but you have to say with the Buzzards. They are your like minded folks.

Coming from a city that is full of pigeons, truthfully I am not very fond of them. Why? Because I’ve been pooped on by them, way too many times! They love to sit on building ledges and working downtown for many years, I was prime picking. There is an old saying that if you don’t get upset when the poop hits you, it will bring good luck. Now does that make any kind of sense to you? Pleeeaaseee, I was always upset because it either messed up my top, hit my face (which really grossed me out) or went in my hair. And you think there would be something really good about that…how? So when Jennifer described pigeons as those who are negative and try to delay your growth, I could really relate to that!

Pigeons are not well liked birds in many places, but then again, neither are people who are always negative. I’m talking about the “Debbie Downers” of the world. She’s the one who never has an encouraging word for you and always seems to put you down when you are trying to rise up. If you fit the description of a Miss Pigeon, then until you see the error of your ways you won’t be able to hang with the Eagles either. You will just have to stay with your pigeon friends of a like mind.

The Body of Christ has a lot of Chickens roaming around. You know, people who are afraid or too scared to do much outside their comfort zone. Their fear won’t allow them to encourage others to step out on faith or dream big. As much as they might want to they can’t! It’s the same for a person who cannot read. If you can’t read, there is no way you can teach someone else to read. Chickens are often very comfortable where they are in life, even if they are functioning nowhere near their God given potential. It doesn’t matter how much they hear about the power the Blood of Jesus has give us the chicken hearted is too fearful to believe. Well, Miss Chicken—you can’t hang with the Eagles either as long as fear controls your life. You won’t be able to keep up. When the Eagles says, “Let’s fly high!” you will say, “I can’t I’m a flightless bird!”

It would be a sad state of affairs for a Believer to live her life in such a way people could say …“Here lies a Chicken/Pigeon/Buzzard, full of potential, but she squandered her life away because she was afraid to be a doer of the Word and not just a hearer. James 1:12a

Sisters it’s time to surround yourself with the Eagles of the Body. Successful people (successful by God’s standard), people you admire, those with a good name who are willing to help others succeed, and leave the Chickens/Pigeons/Buzzards behind! We need those in our lives who are going to help us walk the walk and be all that we can in Christ. Amen!

Look for a blog next week, until then….be blessed!!

Love & Hugs

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