I think that once you’ve lived in God’s Kingdom for awhile you come to understand why Paul was so adamant in telling us, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 NIV When the temptation to throw my hands up comes around, some days it is harder than others to not give in. You ever feel that way? I’m sure you have at least once or twice. ~Smile~
The regional branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia in my area asked me to do a workshop on “Homeschooling”. Of course I was very excited because I have such a passion to help parents (especially single parents) find alternatives to educating and keeping their children safe. Homeschooling is a viable option to make that happen. But many parents in the city of Philadelphia do not know how to start the process or what the differences are between “private home education” versus “public (Cyber School) home education” and how to choose which is best for them. So, to have a platform of interested folks to talk to was very exciting.
There was a lot of prep work on my end, because I wanted to make sure my website was updated and more pages added. I had to get my business cards printed, help advertise the event in my neighborhood and ask other homeschool moms to speak at the workshop. Well, all the speakers showed up, I brought refreshments and handouts….we were ready! Only one person came to hear what we had to say. I can’t say I was surprised or really disappointed because I felt the person I was working with at the library had waited to late to firm up everything, which didn’t give us enough time to get the word out. Plus I later found out that the library only posted flyers (which were on the ugly side at that) around the library. The person I worked with really didn’t do much to get the word out. Well, instead of being discouraged about it I looked at all I had accomplished and how prepared I was. My website is updated and looking really good. I also had paid ads coming in from Google AdSense, which I had hoped would begin to pay my monthly website fee and generate a few dollars more for some upgrades. So, all-in-all, things were good. Well, so I thought…..
…..Google discontinued their ads with me because they said; I violated my agreement and had people just clicking the ads trying to generate income for me. I’d only had the ads for 5 days and had done no such thing. They have an appeal process that I filed and sent back, but I was very discouraged. I asked God, “Why? I try so hard, yet it seems that nothing seems to work for me?” Yeah, those are words to the beginning of a pity party for sure. But you know what sisters, sometimes it is hard not to give up. Sometimes it is hard to not become weary in trying to do good and follow what seems to be the path the Holy Spirit is taking you. Sometimes it is hard to keep hope alive about a dream when it seems that everything you do to move toward your dream seems to turn to dust. Sometimes it is really hard to keep your head up and not become disillusioned and discouraged. But you know what….in those hard times we must stand on the promises of God and not give into the temptation to “Give up!”
Truth is—I didn’t want to write a blog this morning. “For what,” I asked? “Hardly anyone reads them! Why do I keep wasting my time?” And yes, I often feel writing these blogs is an exercise in futility but I also feel that God has given me this job to do and therefore out of obedience and love for Him I will continue (even on those days I just don’t feel like it) until He says, “Ponnie, it’s a wrap!”
Sisters, we all experience times in our lives when it seems like what we are doing is a waste of effort and time, or we become discouraged because it seems that things just don’t turnout right for us. But you know what? We cannot I repeat, “Cannot!” give into our feelings of despair. We must hold on to God’s hand and His Word.
This is why it is so important to read our Bibles and meditate on God’s Word. It is in the hard times we need to remember without a doubt God’s love for us. It is in the hard times we must know what we truly believe about God. But if we don’t read His Word, then it is impossible to stand on what we don’t know.
I have convinced myself that God knows better than I do, and He was not surprised that Google Ads would do what they did to me. But more so, He is my witness that I did no wrong. Google might reinstate me and then again they may not. Am I going to give up trying to make money on my website through ads? Nope! I will just have to find another way. Google Ads are not the only game in town. And besides, my Father owns it all anyway! ~Smile~
If you have been experiencing discourging times in your life, remember the Promise Marker and His promises.
P.S. You gotta read your Bibles to know what the promises are. ~Smile~

Love & Hugs
Thursday: Ponnie will be back