Monday, December 6, 2010

Be Anxious For Nothing…Especially Christmas!

Anxious: uneasy feelings or troubled thoughts; worry; distressing. Paul admonishes us to not be anxious about anything and to take all our cares to the Lord, (Philippians 4:6 NIV). And for good reason, because worrying does not change the situation, but it can have an adverse affect on us emotionally and physically. Also worry and anxiety begins to eat away at our faith, so being “anxious” is not a good thing.

More and more as the economy is faltering and jobs are being lost and cut back, our finances have become strained to say the least. For some of us it is all we can do to pay the mortgage/rent, and keep food on the table and gas in the car. Yet, we are so engrained in the tradition of Christmas, we are now anxious because we don’t have money to buy gifts. I often ask God if He is pleased with this tradition that man has come up with? One that causes people to stand in line for hours waiting for a store to open up at 3am so that they can be rude and self-centered by pushing, shoving, and running others over. Is He pleased at the overindulgence and over spending that many seem to find themselves doing? Is He pleased that we make a fuss because the world wants to say, “Happy Holidays” versus “Merry Christmas” when His children really are not celebrating the birth of their Messiah themselves? I question Him as to, why is it so hard to find a church open on Christmas morning, if it doesn’t fall on a Sunday? I talk to Him about how much trouble I am having understanding why when it is someone’s birthday celebration other than Christ we give them gifts, but when we say we are celebrating His birth we give to everyone except Him? And I’m still very confused as to why Santa Claus rules and as Believers we take our kids to see him and have their picture taken?

When we take a step back and look at what Christmas is really all about at this point and time, it has very little to do with the birth of our Lord. And so I hope to encourage those of you who are fretting because you don’t have money to lavish and overindulge your children for one day, to really consider “Why” this seems so important to you? Why are you sad, and worrying about trying to find ways to “rob Peter to pay Paul” and do what we call, “Make Christmas”? Why are you anxious about what will or will not be under the tree? What does it all mean in the life of a Believer? These are very important questions, we should be asking ourselves.

As parents and caregivers we are to be concerned that our children have the proper things they have need of, like shoes that fit, warm coats, hats and gloves for the winter. Waterproof boots for the snow, food to eat each day, a clean and safe place to live and an education that will help them to be viable adults. But I don’t see anywhere in the Bible that God’s plan for us is to do what so many of us do during the Christmas season. My sister is a real estate broker and she has said for years that January and February are the biggest months of the year that eviction proceedings are started. Why? Because people opt to spend their money for Christmas and can’t seem to catch up on rents.

Though many churches do things for kids and others during the Christmas season, these same people would be hard pressed to get anything out of them any other time. Yet, people are in need all year round. I wonder if we as Believers took all the money we spend on each other at Christmas and gave it to the Churches and ministries that are about the business of feeding, clothing, and helping those in need all year round—I wonder what kind of impact that would have on the world?

Sisters, instead of being anxious about living up to the traditions of the world and what Christmas has become, read Matthew 25:34-36, and see where you can give to Jesus. I mean after all if we say we are celebrating the Messiah’s birth, then like the Magi, why are we not giving gifts to him?

God is concerned with our every day lives and our needs being met, not the traditions of man. So if you are one that finds yourself being anxious about where the money is coming from for Christmas, I say, “Give up your old mindset and begin to enjoy whatever it is that you have.” Think about how you want your children to grow up in the things of the Lord. Do you really want to pass down to them, this worry and stress about having money for Christmas just to buy gifts for people? Or would you rather see your children as adults living in Freedom from such worldly traditions that cause more pain, heartache and stress then we really care to look at?

Love & Hugs

Tuesday's Blog: "More thoughts on how to enjoy the Christmas Season"

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