Hello my dear sisters!!!!
With the holiday season upon us, “The Kitchen Table” is going to take a 2 week vacation as we regroup and work on our new format for the year 2011.
This past year has been great!! We have accomplished things that only God could empower us to achieve. We had a virtual “Book club” and “Women’s Bible Study”! Wow!! How great is that?! But most of all, our daily blogs have been read in over 48 cities and countries. Now that is God showing off!! I would like to list the places just so we all have an idea of how far reaching the Lord has sent His Word of encouragement to His “daughters”!
These are the names of all the cities and countries our blog tracker as recorded since January 1, 2010…Romania, Australia, Norway, United Kingdom, Spain, Vietnam, Dubai, Ireland, Taiwan, Canada, Philippines, Mexico, Natal, Italy, India, Russian Federation, Germany, Denmark, Cambodia, Netherlands, Hungary, Peru, Egypt, Serbia, Brazil, Pakistan, Belgium, New Zealand, Zambia, Saudi Arabia, Burkina Fuso, Trinidad & Tobago, Columbia, France, Chile, Guatemala, Poland, Hong Kong, Bolivia, South Africa, Nigeria, Qatar, Austria, Malaysia, Bulgaria, United Arab Emirates, Sweden, “Unknown” Canada and the United States of America. Wow!!!
As human beings, we will probably never know what impact the blog has had on the lives of others, but we do know that through our obedience and faithfulness, God’s work has been accomplished, and that’s no small task…~Smile~
God willing “The Kitchen Table” will be back on Monday, January 3, 2011, with its new format. It has been a great year for our sisters at the table, and we have really enjoyed writing to you and for you. But as with all things, every day life has a way of pushing itself to the forefront of things and often that means change. In 2010…..
…..Maria lost her mother this year and went back to college part-time while still working full time. Sharon, gave birth to her first child, Sasha started homeschooling her 13 year old daughter and changed her work shift to the wee hours of the morning. Cheryl now finds herself homeschooling 7 boys (2 of her own) most days of the week, Rita has been taking care of her mother-in-law who had a stroke in the early part of the year, and I must add that she is doing quite well and started back driving short distances a couple of weeks ago and will be moving back to her own home in February 2011. Jennifer has been making plans to return to school and has made some great lifestyle changes to improve her overall health. Pat has always had a full plate, but wanted to help to get us up and running. She will write guest blogs and we have something special we are working on for 2011. ~Smile~ Tovah has been busy writing college essays, taking the SAT’s, applying for scholarships and has already been accepted at one of the 3 colleges she has applied to. Lydia is now a freshman at the University of Portland and like all freshman she is making that great adjustment to college life. Ponnie is homeschooling her 12 & 3 year old granddaughters and editing her manuscript to enter “The Women of Faith” book contest. Phew….we have been very busy bunch if I say so myself.
Many of the familiar faces will be gone in 2011 and others will be guest writers for us from time-to-time. Our daily blogs will for the most part be shorter and the focus will be on “Encouraging” all women at all times. Our topic of the day will be whatever we are inspired to write to you, and hopefully you will tune in to join us.
We pray that you have enjoyed sitting with us this past year and will continue to be inspired by all the good things we have planned for 2011.
May God bless you during this season that is to reflect His great love for us!

Love & Hugs
Ponnie & all the Sisters at the table!!