Through the years, according to www.winspiration.co.uk the Coca Cola Company has had 30 or so different slogans for their soda using the word Refresh. As I scanned the list, my favorite was the 1924 slogan “Pause and Refresh Yourself”. You’re probably wondering why I would even take the time to look up some obscured fact such as this. But I thought it interesting that a soda company would have such a reflective statement. Of course they are trying to sell you a soda and make you believe you would be rejuvenated after drinking it.
If a soda company can get people to buy a soda just based off of its slogan, why is it so difficult for God to get Christians to slow down long enough to be refreshed and refueled by His Word?
To be refreshed we need to come away from the daily routine of everyday living and spend time alone with God. When Jesus was doing ministry here on earth, according to Luke 15:16 (NIV), he often withdrew to lonely (private) places to pray. He made time to speak to God and for God to speak to him. There was no way that Jesus would have had the ministry he did, without constantly talking to the Father and knowing what He desired of him to do. Therefore he was determined to find time to be alone with God. You cannot give to others what you do not have. As you are encouraged by your time alone with God, you will be able to give to others what God has given to you. Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed”.
It seems that in marriage we also find ourselves in the same pickle of having a hard time pulling away from everyday routines. There is always something to do and someplace to be. It is difficult to find time to be alone with your spouse. From the time we wake up in the morning to the time we lay our heads on the pillow at night we are in constant motion. Even on our days off we tend to find something to “fill” the time and we never really slow down long enough to “Pause and Refresh Ourselves”.
In the book, 15 Minutes Alone With God, the author Emile Barnes says, “We live in a very hectic world that cries out for stillness, quietness and aloneness. For the sake of our marriage and for our own personal sanctities, we must seek solitude.” She goes on to talk about marital solitude and how you must make it happen; it doesn’t just happen on its own. If you agree with what she says than you might also agree that we must stop allowing so many things to get in the way of spending quality time alone with our spouses. There seems to be countless excuses. “We don’t have money to go out,” “Who will watch the kids?”, “Saturdays I have to clean the house”, and on and on we go. Don’t’ let the excuses be a reason to deviate from your desire to spend time with your spouse or God.
If you feel you fall into the category of “wanting to spend more alone time with your spouse” start small with making this happen. It can be something as simple as “couch” time where the two of you can talk about whatever comes to mind (if you have kids let them know you won’t be available at this time or with young children wait until they are in bed). Maybe you can schedule this weekly. Then gradually work up to spending a special day together once a month or even a regular date night. During your time together turn off the phones, have some fun by hanging up a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door and just unwind together. Talk about the things that are important to you as a couple. Set one or two goals. Whatever your plan of action, just make sure this time is all about you and your spouse.
Remember, that the joy to keeping a beloved friendship alive can be found in breaking away long enough and regularly enough to keep yourselves fresh and your love growing.
Until next time, “Pause and be Refreshed” in God’s word.

I'll be back to share with you on, Friday, March 4th, be sure to tune in.
Saturday's Blog: Pat Betters, Part II of "It's not about me!"
I really needed to hear this...Good one Rita!
Thank you Rita. I have convincingly come to the conclusion that I can not live without "pausing" to spend time with my Dad everyday. God pouring His love and grace all over me is life itself! I have however let the concept slip with my husband and I. We still manage to spend regular time together but it's often with other distractions like phone calls, texts, emails and TV. Thanks for the encouragement to make it just about us, at least for a little while :).
Glad you guys were encouraged!
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