Hello Everyone,
So it’s February and we are bombarded with hearts. Big ones, little ones, pink ones, red ones, hearts that contain sweet treats and hearts being held by a stuffed animal all symbolizing love. Valentine’s Day is a day set aside to tell the special people in our lives how we feel. Well can I confess something to you? Since beginning this journey of home schooling I have struggled with walking in love with my children. Whoever said a mother’s love is unconditional never home schooled. Now before you start wagging your heads and fingers at me and saying how this is just a shame let me say that I truly love my children. I thank God for my children. They make me smile and I am very proud to be their mom. But let’s just say while on this road of being a “mommy teacher” I realize that God had a reason for me doing this that was different than mine. My love walk needed to get firmer.
If you would have asked me prior to September 14, 2009 (the first day of school) if I loved my children unconditionally there is a good chance I may have said, “Yes”. Now before we go on let me explain what I mean when I speak of unconditional love. I am talking about the kind of love that comes from God the Father. He loves us with unconditional and everlasting love. His love for us knows no limits. There is no end to it. Jeremiah 31:3 states, “I have loved the with an everlasting love…”(KJV) God then, because we are born of His Spirit puts this love in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, “And hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom He has given us.” (Romans 5:5 NIV). Then he gives us something by which to measure our love walk in providing Jesus as our example. Jesus who suffered death on the cross did it because he loves us so much. I do not think any of us suffered that much for love! And then we have the Word of God to show us what our love should look like. I Corinthians the 13th chapter otherwise known as the love chapter gives us characteristics of love.
My pastor often defines love as the God given ability to see others as valuable and precious. So taken this definition and what the Word says about love it became clear to me that I needed a divine intervention. When your 7 year old takes FIVE HOURS to write THREE words on a piece of paper and you want to run out of the house screaming while pulling your hair (too much?) you tend to question some things. Or when both children begin to talk to you at the same time and your thought is to gather them up and say “Okay everybody out!” you have to raise an eyebrow and say “Umm…” Now I am not being down on myself, I am actually glad because I have the answer to my problem. The Word of God and the aid of the Holy Spirit. Since I have started home schooling I have been living in 1st Corinthian 13. I confess daily what love is and because that love is in me that is what I am too. So I am patient, kind, not jealous, not conceited, not selfish or irritable, well you get it. I do at times have days that I am saying over and over and over again, “Love is patient, I am patient, I walk in patience.” But the great part is that it is making a difference in my relationship with not just the kids but my husband and others outside the house as well.
Everyday I get an opportunity to see just how much I have progressed in my love walk. One day in particular comes to mind. Do you feel a story coming on? It is! Anyway let me start by saying just how bright Brandon is. He has always been an intelligent child (All Praises to God). He grasps new information quickly and math happens to be his favorite subject. This day we were learning a new way to tell time. So instead of saying 4:45 we were learning to say 15 minutes before 5’o clock. Brandon was not getting it at all. We spent all day on this and that is NOT an exaggeration. My level of frustration was through the roof. Needless to say I was not patient, kind and I am sure I was behaving unseemly. Finally I responded to the nudge I was getting from the Holy Spirit to stop and pray. We prayed for wisdom, we declared what the Word says about love we rebuked every hindering spirit and we took a break. When we came back together Brandon began to understand what was being taught and now he can tell time anyway you ask him.
The above example is just one of many opportunities I get to show my kids the love of the Father. So ask me do I love my kids unconditionally? “Yes I do!” I see them as valuable and precious. Let’s pray. Father, once again we thank You for who You are and what You have done in our lives. We thank You for putting Your love in our hearts. We can now love as You love and we commit to loving our children unconditionally. In Jesus’ name Amen.
Until we meet again happy home schooling!

Hugs and Kisses,
Check in on Thursday, February 18th for more on the life of this home school mom!
Friday's Blog: Rita...A Woman/A Wife
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for saying this! I have been feeling this way lately and have been feeling so guilty about! It's good to see that I am not alone. I am going to start confessing 1 Corinthians 13 daily today!
I agree with MSB1908...Its good to see we are not alone when it comes to homeschooling our kids. I have one that's on her way to college and one who is in 7th grade. I'm always trying t figure out why it takes so long for him to do one thing. I keep asking myself is it me? Well after reading this I'm sure of one thing. It's me! LOL Thanks so much
First of all I love the clipart! It definitely ties in to what you are saying! Good one Cheryl!
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