Friday, February 13, 2015

The Bondages of Christendom, Part 5…(Reading the Bible Through In 365 Days)

Reading the Bible in its entirety is wonderful and something every Believer should do, but it doesn’t need to take a year. It’s when we start to follow formulas; we lose our joy and encounter frustration and defeat.

In talking to different women it seems they have gotten caught up in trying to follow a schedule of reading the Bible through in 365 days because—no one has ever told them to just sit down and read the Bible. Again, we like to make things complicated when God has made them very simplistic.

Just to see what’s out there, I googled, “reading the bible through in one year” and wow, I hit the motherload of several different ways to do it, but here are the 3 most popular.

  •          Immersion plan…you read the Old Testament once and the New Testament three times in a year. How does that work?     You are reading a portion of both testaments each day.
  •          Chronological…in order of events. In other words, it has you are all over the place.
  •          Book order…from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22.
One of the major problems with a reading schedule for completion in 365 days is life unscripted! We all experience it and none of us can get away from it. One little thing, and your scheduled reading for a week can go down the drain.

Then what?

How do you catch up?

Most often you don’t and the whole thing falls by the wayside.

Or are you one who is not disciplined in reading at all, but you know you should so you take on reading the Bible through in one year. Problem is you can’t keep it up because of your lack of discipline and commitment. You’re like a person who just learned the basic pearl stitch in knitting and can barely read a pattern, yet you buy yarn to make one of the most elaborate sweaters one could knit. You start out big, but it doesn’t take long before distractions and excuses cause you to fall behind to the point you just give up!

Discipline is key to reading and studying the Bible. A characteristic many of us have yet to develop. That’s the bad news, but the good news is—you can start today to turn that around!

If you are one who maybe reads your bible once or twice a week (if that), try setting aside 15 minutes a day for reading. Some might look at that and say, “Only 15 minutes a day? That isn’t much!” But it is for someone who doesn’t read at all. It is doable and will help you become disciplined in reading every day. Your time and love for reading the Bible will increase on its own…we all have to start somewhere.

Maybe you just have a desire to read the entire Bible through, I say, “God for it!” But don’t try to follow a formula or time frame of 365 days—just read it! Spend an hour a day reading and you will be through the entire Bible faster than you think. Make sure to have highlighters, sticky notes, a note book and pen. Why? So, you can make notes of things you want to go back and study and can easily find things you want to meditate on. Take 10 weeks to read the Bible through, and then spend the next 42 weeks studying and meditating on things you have read.

I don’t suggest reading a little of the OT and NT at the same time because it really doesn’t make sense. Would you take a Terri Blackstock mystery and read Chapter 1 and Chapter 30 at the same time? Of course not.

It’s great to set goals in life, but they must be realistic to our lifestyles. If you’re a mother of young children then more than likely in the course of 365 days, someone is going to have a cold, virus or something. And often those types of things run through the family. And when you are nursemaid to 3 or 4 people who are vomiting and pooping everywhere, usually the best you can do is call on the Lord to help you make it through! ~Smile~ So after 10 days of this, you now find yourself 10 days behind and you still have 9 months to go.

This is why a 365 day (scheduled portion) read of the Bible is not very realistic for the average person, especially if you are chief bottle washer, cook and maybe even work outside of the home.

There is freedom and joy in reading the Word of God. It is the most fascinating read there is and ever will be. But when we start to put limitations, and unrealistic expectations to it, we can easily find ourselves in a bondage situation. And when we can’t keep up we often experience feelings of failure and self-condemnation.  This is not what God desires for us. We are instructed to “study” and show ourselves approved unto God. We are to “study” so that we can rightfully divide the truth from fiction and not be lead astray. We are to "study" so when adversity shows up we are able to stand and faint not. And we achieve this by spending time with God on a daily bases—not a daily formula.

Did you know that the way God has designed our minds, (not brains) that if we meditate on a scripture daily for at least 7 minutes a day for 21 days—we renew our minds? I’m sure many of you didn’t know this. Only 7 minutes! But that is God—simplistic!

Here’s a link to a video (about 25 minutes long) broadcast of a recent BVOV (Believers Voice of Victory) Kenneth Copeland Ministry, with Dr. Caroline Leaf. Now this is some great information on how our mind works and how the Word of God renews it. If you don’t have the time to watch it now, please do before the weekend is over. It will change your life. She was on for 2 weeks and you can go into their archives and watch them all—I did, and it is life changing. How meditation works in our mind (click)

Sisters, spending time getting to know the God who made you, the God who saved you and the God who lives within you, is an exciting experience. And it’s a must if you desire to live the good life of the Kingdom of God. But it is not one of drudgery or obligation.

If you are one who has attempted to read the Bible through in a year and failed…start over! Have a set time each day and read what you can in that time frame. And if you have a day where “life unscripted” shows up…just pick up where you left off! Amen!

Next Week: The Bondages of Christendom, Part 6…( Being at church every time the doors are open)

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,

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