Friday, August 30, 2013

Looking for the Wealth in Our Lives

Wealth: an abundance of valuable possessions or money, synonyms: affluence, prosperity, riches, means, substance, fortune….This is the world’s definition of “wealth” but does not apply to the Believer.

To Kingdom dwellers, money is the last rung on God’s ladder of prosperity “aka” lowest priority. Why? Because there are so many things money cannot buy—God’s wisdom says…”17 I love those who love me and those who seek me find me. 18 With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. 19 My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver.” Proverbs 8:17-19 (NIV)

How do we look for the wealth in our lives? For starters I think we must settle in our minds and hearts that God is good…period! We are quick to shout and sing His praises when we get what we want. But the truth is…God is good no matter what may come your way. When the engagement your praised Him for abruptly ends his goodness still remains. Nothing about Him changes when the company you work for folds, leaving everyone locked out and owed 2 weeks pay with no unemployment benefits. He’s still a good God when you have miscarriage after miscarriage. And when your husband leaves you and your children for another woman, God’s greatness is not altered in anyway…He is good no matter what!

Second we have to agree with Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose.” And third, we need to stop comparing our lives to the lives of others.

The Bible tells us to not be conformed to this world, but in many ways we are. On a whole the average Christian receives more messages daily on the world’s way of doing things versus God’s. We often spend more time watching TV, texting and perusing Facebook, than we do reading our Bibles and listening to the Word of God. Seeds are planted everyday with subtle things that pull our hearts away from God and His truths. I really believe this. Why else would so many of us who proclaim to be followers of Christ, be so unhappy and dissatisfied with our lives? Why are we complaining, and feeling sorry for ourselves, instead of praising God for the wealth in our lives? Yes, the wealth, the riches, which have nothing to do with money—at all!

Money cannot buy true love. Love is a gift and it cannot be bought. If so, we would be able to buy or work for our salvation—impossible! Money cannot replace a child who was murdered, kidnapped, committed suicide, dies of natural causes or a drug overdose. No way can it replace the sweet hug of a child after they have told you how much they love you. There are many things in life we hold dear and take for granted, that if taken away money could never replace.

A friend once shared how the praise and worship music at her church is loud and can be very annoying instead of uplifting at times. One particular Sunday morning she was grumbling and complaining about it to God in her spirit, when the Holy Spirit reminded her that it could be arranged that she never heard it again. At that very moment she stopped complaining about the music. I laughed at first when she told me the story, but it really was serious business, because there is wealth and riches in being able to hear.

Sisters it is time to look at life through the filter of the Bible and Holy Spirit of God, and not the filter of the world! There shouldn’t be a morning we open our eyes, we don’t start praising God for another day and life. There are people with plenty of money yet they are lonely, sick, dying and have minds that no longer serve them. Their money might buy the care and help they need, but I’m sure they would give every penny away to be able to remember loved ones and function on their own.

If you are in a season of change or hardship, just remember God has allowed it and He is working it together for your good, if you truly love Him. If you are stuck between a rock and a hard place of your own doing, then you must accept the consequence and prayerfully you will learn from them, but you still have God’s unconditional love…and no amount of money can buy that! And please, stop comparing your life to that of others! If you really believe God is good, and He is working it out...then praise Him for what you have and where you are...Amen!

I have a challenge for you today. Go to and search the word “wealth” in the NIV translation and read all the verses that come up in the book of Proverbs. You will be blessed.

Look for a blog next week, until then….be blessed!!

Love & Hugs

Friday, August 23, 2013

Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?

Jane Curtin and Dan Aykroyd used to do a skit in the 70’s on SNL (Saturday Night Live) called, Mr. and Mrs. Whiner. It was hilarious and an era when SNL was not raked with filth. They talked in these nasally little voices and whined about any and everything. They always made me laugh. But the truth be told, “whining” is unbecoming in children, and even more so for adults. Honestly, most people do not like to be around whiners—I know I don’t.

Whine: to complain in a peevish, self-pitying way. Don't think that is pleasing to God.

Last week I wrote about the benefits of having women of wisdom in our lives and today’s blog seems to be a continuance of sorts. Women filled with godly wisdom will never edge you on to be a whiner and will always decline the invitation to partake in your pity parties. How can I be so sure about that? Well, godly wisdom knows to agree with God, and not go against Him. It’s impossible to have a grateful heart with praise for our King, if we are whining and feeling sorry for ourselves? Period! Also godly wisdom will correct you in love.

Not too long ago a Facebook friend decided to vent one day on her status and concluded she hoped she didn’t come off as whining. A couple of her friends (not everyone) told her it was okay to whine and God understood! Bad advice! It is never okay to whine. Whining is a way of saying God is failing in some way. It is complaining on the worst level possible.

As a daughter of the King have I ever been a whiner? Yes, I have! But I’ve been blessed to have women in my life who are not willing to co-sign my foolishness. They challenge and provoke me to be the best I can in Christ.

Self pity used to be a very close friend to me. I can’t begin to tell you how many full fledge pity parties I’ve held over the years. I would set the table, send out open invitations and wait for despair, discouragement, discontentment, envy, unbelief, fear, woe is me, God has forgotten you, and a host of other crazy spirits to show up to help me waddle in my self-made grief. But with the help of my godly friends and growth in the Word of God, I have learned pity parties are not beneficial and made the choice to no longer indulge. This doesn’t mean that from time-to-time I still don’t battle the spirit of self-pity or discouragement, because I do. I just choose not to let them have reign over me. And so can you.

Maturity in the Lord helps us to more easily squash the temptation to whine or complain about life by turning our focus more on what the Bible has to say about us and our circumstances. Does this happen overnight? Oh, how I wish it did, but no, we must put in the time and effort for change to come. And there lies the problem for many of God’s girls. We can be very lax and even lazy when it comes to spending the time needed with Him to have a renewed mind and build up our faith. Also, for some, we have trouble agreeing with God in ALL things. We desire to pick and choose, which never works out for anyone.

Jesus tells us, “We will have tribulations in this world” John 33:16, so why do we act so crazy when things happen? Why do we fall apart and need 100 people to pray for us? Because it is hard to build an ark once the flood has come. That’s why! How can we change this cycle? By spending time to build our faith so when and if the flood gates of hell open up on us…we are prepared to stand in the midst of the storm. Does it mean we will come through unscathed? Probably not, but we will look and smell a little more like Christ at the other end.

How we respond to the trials in our lives is the biggest witness for Christ we will most likely have. Why should people in the world want your God, when it seems you are always whining about what you don’t have or what is going on in your life? What kind of God leaves His children in positions of complaint and woo-is-me? Think about it, if you are a whiner or one who is always feeling sorry for themselves, what kind of witness are you for God? Truth is, “You are a poor witness.” This is why whining and self pity is not beneficial. They profit nothing for the Kingdom, others or you. So, I don’t care what is going on in your life, don’t agree with anyone who tells you its okay to whine.

Would you like some cheese with that whine” is an old adage and it’s a tongue in cheek way of being sarcastic. In other words, the one saying it to you really is not interested in hearing you whine.

Sisters it is time to grow up and get in agreement with God. Study your Bibles, pray and surround yourselves with godly women who know the Word of God, and can instruct you according to biblical truths versus their opinion. Remember, opinions are like eyeballs, just about everyone has them.

Let’s spend some time meditating on what 1Thessalonians 5:18 means, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” But only after you take a hard look to see where your problems are rooted. Sometimes we are the cause of our hard times. Amen!

Look for a blog next week, until then….be blessed!!

Love & Hugs

Friday, August 16, 2013

Collective Wisdom

Pursuing through my latest issue of Décor Magazine the other day, I came across a photo article titled, “Collective Wisdom”. It was about rooms decorated with antiques. But when I read the title, it made me think about the “Collective Wisdom of God” through certain friends. No, I’m not calling them antiques, but between the three women I’m going to talk about they have a total of 61 years of godly wisdom and counting!

These years are not from when they accepted Christ, but once they came to a point in life of what it meant to really serve Him.

Each of these women are in different age groups, which shows how diverse godly wisdom can be. My 40 something has 19 years, my 50 something has 19 years and my 60 something has 23 years. Wow!! That is 61 years of trials and tribulations, mess ups, growth, deliverance, failures, deserts, wildernesses, valleys, mountain tops, disappointments, great faith, lack of faith, discouragements, good times, bad times, hard times, easy times, pity parties, victories and the list goes on. Yet, the end result of all this living is three women full of godly wisdom who continue to help keep me safe! Proverbs 24:6b… “And in a multitude of counselors there is safety.” KJV

My 60 something friend has been my mentor since I was a wee babe in Christ. There are many things I love and admire about her, but I would have to say her best characteristic traits are, she is “no nonsense”! Her counsel is always based in the Word of God. She provokes me to think and when I have needed a swift kick or slap on the back of the head (spiritually speaking) she has not hesitated to help me out! ~Smile~ Over the years she has given me so much godly advice I don’t remember it all, but there is one thing that is always constant…doing things God’s way (obedience) and walking in love.

Not being married to my youngest daughter’s father made for many challenges through the years—especially me having to walk in love toward him when I felt he was being a jerk. The blessing is God used her to never let me get to far off track in the madness surrounding him. In fact there were times I often felt she was too much on his side, but the truth is…she was always on God’s side. Whenever I called to vent about something he did, she immediately turned it around to what I should be doing! But one day he outdid himself and when I told her about it, she chimed in on the vent. Finally! She was seeing things my way. Well, that lasted all of 2 minutes and then she said, “Okay, we have vented enough, the Bible says……” So, no matter what, she never allows me to wallow in self-pity or anything that is detrimental to my spiritual wellbeing.

The 50 something friend is my “Faith Partner”! We encourage one another to have faith in God and His promises. We encourage each other to remember the good times so we can praise Him through the tough times. We encourage each other to hold on and not give up or become weary in waiting on the Lord. I am able to share my hopes and dreams with her without fear of her throwing a bucket of cold water on me. Why? Because she is one who believes with all her heart that there is nothing to hard for God. Whenever I become discouraged, I can call her and before we hang up, my spirits are lifted and my heart is lighter. When you encourage someone in the things of God; you also end up encouraging yourself too. It’s just contagious that way.

Now my 40 something friend is the baby girl of the group, but she is far from being a spiritual baby. She’s the one you want next to you if you ever have to fight. ~Smile~ She has helped me move on 3 different occasions in the past 10 years. We are talking packing, cleaning and setting up before moving in. And once she and her husband rented a u-haul and moved me. Now you know why if you mess with me you might get a black eye…girlfriend is strong spiritually and physically too. LOL!

Over the years she has done so much to help me, I’ve lost count. And best of all she can make me laugh. When we hangout, people are always looking at us because we laugh loud and a lot. In fact we don’t really know how to be quiet in the movies if the movie stinks. Nope, you don’t want to hang out with us if you are embarrassed easily. What I love about her is how she doesn’t just talk about what God can do; she is often the vehicle He uses to be the blessing and show the love.

Writing about these three ladies has reminded me of how rich I am in friendships. One is a great teacher and doer of the Word, another has great faith, and the third has the gift of helps. The common thread they share is their great love for God, which overflows into everything they touch, especially relationships. They always encourage me to be the best I can in the Lord, and if they move up a step in the Kingdom, they reach back to help pull me up with them. They have all been very instrumental in helping me and Tovah over the years; truth is I can’t remember all their great deeds. Now, that’s abundance if I say so myself!

Sisters if you don’t have women in your lives admonishing you to handle life situations God’s way—it’s time to make a change. Our desire should be to have Proverbs 27: 9 friends… “Ointment and perfume delight the heart, and the sweetness of a man’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel.” (KJV)

What kind of collective wisdom is in your treasures of friendships?

Look for a blog next week, until then….be blessed!!

Love & Hugs

Friday, August 9, 2013

Hanging With Like Minded Folks

I opened my Facebook page one morning to a beautiful picture of eagles with a great commentary to boot! ”Get in the habit of hanging with Eagles. There’s a time when you have to remove yourself from buzzards (gossipers), pigeons (those who are negative and try to delay your growth) and chickens (self explanatory). Develop an eagle mentality by surrounding yourself with successful people, people you admire, those with a good name who help others succeed. Change your life now!”

“We’re only given ONE life on this earth and we all know how short life can be. I REFUSE for my tombstone to read, “Here lies a Chicken/Pigeon/Buzzard, full of potential, but squandered her life away. Rise Up!! The time is NOW!!” ~Jennifer Spence~ Jennifer wrote a bi-weekly Single Parent blog for the Kitchen Table, until she entered Nursing School.

Jennifer’s commentary definitely made me stop and think about the life and relationships of the Believer. Eagles are the strongest bird around. Eagles live very purposeful lives. They don’t have time for the petty stuff only that which will help them fulfill their destiny and live life to its fullest. Wow! Yes! I want to hang and fly with eagles. Don’t you?

Sure, most of you are shouting out, “Yes I do!” But first we must make sure we are not a Buzzard? Are you a gossiper? Maybe you are ready to admit it, or maybe you need a little prompting (conviction) from the Holy Spirit? Either way, gossip is not a characteristic of God or one that is pleasing to Him. You can’t be an encourager or hang with an encourager if you are a gossip. The Book of Proverbs tells us the damage a gossip can do… A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much, a gossip separates close friends. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts [and this is not a good thing] my paraphrase. And best of all—without gossip a quarrel dies down. Do you love to carry tales and talk about people? If the answer is “Yes” you won’t be able to hang out with Eagles until you have a renewing of the mind! Sorry, but you have to say with the Buzzards. They are your like minded folks.

Coming from a city that is full of pigeons, truthfully I am not very fond of them. Why? Because I’ve been pooped on by them, way too many times! They love to sit on building ledges and working downtown for many years, I was prime picking. There is an old saying that if you don’t get upset when the poop hits you, it will bring good luck. Now does that make any kind of sense to you? Pleeeaaseee, I was always upset because it either messed up my top, hit my face (which really grossed me out) or went in my hair. And you think there would be something really good about that…how? So when Jennifer described pigeons as those who are negative and try to delay your growth, I could really relate to that!

Pigeons are not well liked birds in many places, but then again, neither are people who are always negative. I’m talking about the “Debbie Downers” of the world. She’s the one who never has an encouraging word for you and always seems to put you down when you are trying to rise up. If you fit the description of a Miss Pigeon, then until you see the error of your ways you won’t be able to hang with the Eagles either. You will just have to stay with your pigeon friends of a like mind.

The Body of Christ has a lot of Chickens roaming around. You know, people who are afraid or too scared to do much outside their comfort zone. Their fear won’t allow them to encourage others to step out on faith or dream big. As much as they might want to they can’t! It’s the same for a person who cannot read. If you can’t read, there is no way you can teach someone else to read. Chickens are often very comfortable where they are in life, even if they are functioning nowhere near their God given potential. It doesn’t matter how much they hear about the power the Blood of Jesus has give us the chicken hearted is too fearful to believe. Well, Miss Chicken—you can’t hang with the Eagles either as long as fear controls your life. You won’t be able to keep up. When the Eagles says, “Let’s fly high!” you will say, “I can’t I’m a flightless bird!”

It would be a sad state of affairs for a Believer to live her life in such a way people could say …“Here lies a Chicken/Pigeon/Buzzard, full of potential, but she squandered her life away because she was afraid to be a doer of the Word and not just a hearer. James 1:12a

Sisters it’s time to surround yourself with the Eagles of the Body. Successful people (successful by God’s standard), people you admire, those with a good name who are willing to help others succeed, and leave the Chickens/Pigeons/Buzzards behind! We need those in our lives who are going to help us walk the walk and be all that we can in Christ. Amen!

Look for a blog next week, until then….be blessed!!

Love & Hugs

Friday, August 2, 2013

Some Water....Some Plant

I had a Holy Spirit “Aha” moment this past week, which if you are going to have—there is none greater!

Early May my oldest daughter purchased flowers for the front porch. The first batch of three were lovely, but the second batch didn’t look too hot. In fact they were trying to give them away…3 for $10! I was a little disappointed but gracefully accepted them because it was now the beginning of June and I didn’t have half as many flowers as I did this time last year

After a week or two, all the beautiful peach colored flowers fell off my favorite plant from the first batch and there wasn’t one bud to be found anywhere! I kept watering it and making sure it received good sunlight. But still no buds! Truthfully, I was upset because I didn’t have the funds to pick out the plants I wanted and started to feel sorry for myself. I know I was being ungrateful and leaning heavily on the stupid side, but let’s be honest; we can act very immature when we don’t get our way. Even at the golden age of 60!

Within a couple of weeks or so, two of the scrawny plants from the second batch began to perk up and instead of the flowers dying before they opened, they were now lush and beautiful. And just like last year my neighbors started complementing me on how pretty my flowers were. Truthfully I was surprised because I only have 6 pots and 1 hanging compared to last summer where I had 7 hanging and 10 pots! Yes, as you can see…I thought I had it going on! ~Smile~

Recently I repotted them, and not too soon I must add. They were all outgrowing their original plastic pots. But the greatest reward for me was my favorite was suddenly full of buds and new orange blossoms!!! (See picture at top left)

Was I excited? You bet!!! Why? Because, I watered and planted, and God was faithful to give the increase as promised. And what a beautiful job He did! I’m new at all this. Being a city girl, this is only my second summer trying to make the front porch homey and colorful with potted flowers. It was one of the things I really love about moving to the burbs.

Initially I was so impressed with the plant I call my “favorite” just the way we often are with people at first glance. Their appearance, the way they talk and smell can be very hypnotic and enticing. Exactly like the beautiful aromatic flowers on my “favorite”. But all that initial excitement can quickly fade away, (just like the blossoms on my plant) once we get to know the real them. And let’s not forget the two scrawny plants I felt weren’t going to make it. At first glance they just didn’t seem to have what it took and were not impressive at all.

When people don’t look or talk the way we think they should or are accustomed to, we are quick to reject them. The end result of this misjudgment is…we usually miss out on great opportunities and fellowship. In fact some of us have been on the end of the rejection. Maybe our skin is too dark, or our hair is different. Our clothes may not be up-to-date or the most fashionable. The car we drive (though running well) may look more like an ugly duckling than a swan. But I ask, “Who do you think God has more compassion for—the one being misjudged or the one judging?”

My family is blessed to reap the benefits of someone else’s planting and watering and we have beautiful perennials on the side of the house which last year bloomed in early June and lasted until late October. This year they bloomed on queue in June but because of so much rain, they are now all gone and it is only July. But I have high hopes they will return next year. That’s the way life is for us sometimes—seasons of rain, which can take a toll on us. That’s the bad news, but the good news is, with each changing season and God’s increase we come back beautiful, stronger and healthier than ever.

If I had been quick to give up on three of my plants, my porch would be bare right now. But the saddest part would be missing out on the sweet fragrance two of them give in the evenings. And the daily beauty they all bring—rain or shine.

It’s the same for us in our relationships. We should not want to miss out on the beauty that could emerge from one who at first glance didn’t seem to have much to offer. Or one we gave up on because it was taking too long for them to get it. Who knows, there may come a time when we would benefit from the sweet smell of their souls to be encouraged in our own walk, but we didn’t hang around long enough to partake of God’s increase.

My dear sisters, we can’t be too quick to give up on the work God is doing in others and even in ourselves. God’s timing is key, not ours. He gives the increase when He is ready, or better yet—when we are ready.

As Paul said in I Corinthians 3:6-8…. 6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. (NIV)

Look for a blog next week, until then….be blessed!!

Love & Hugs