I don’t remember using the phrase “My plate is full” until I became a Christian. I remember having plenty of time for me and the things that I liked to do before that. I started filling up my evenings with Bible Study, homework for Bible Study, going to different Women’s functions and then ministry work…phew! All of a sudden, “My plate was full!” And I loved it!! No complaints here. Well, not for awhile that is. But as time went on, I was asked to do more and more, and then all that joy and enthusiasm I had, began to turn to resentment and looked nothing like a labor of love. Of course as my mentor helped me to see, it was all my doing and no one else’s.
Yesterday Sasha talked about being tired and if you read between the lines, her plate seems to be piled high. So full to the point, she is not getting the sleep she needs. Not the sleep she wants, but the sleep her body demands. The truth is 4 or 5 hours of sleep a day is not enough to sustain the body, so she is not meeting her body’s requirement at all. Her blog made me think about what goes on in life that we find ourselves in such predicaments? Tired, and out of sorts.
We all experience seasons in our lives were we might lose sleep, and I think one of the biggest is motherhood. A newborn brings great joy to the family when it arrives, but one thing that is a given for all of them—they don’t sleep much. Their tiny little stomachs can only hold but so much milk, so they often feed every couple of hours or so. So sleep depravity is something all new parents experience. And it can get worse if you have to go back to a full time job outside of the home, or have other children to care for. But the good thing is, it does pass and kids do begin to sleep longer hours in between feedings, and then one wonderful day—they start sleeping through the night! We are anointed to be able to make it through those seasons. But just think if you had to do that type of schedule for say 5 years. I doubt we would make it.
There are other times in our lives when we don’t get much sleep. Mothering of young children and sick kids are defiantly on the top of the list and also caring for an elderly parent, or spouse. Being the caregiver of children with disabilities or who are fighting devastating diseases. If you talk to any doctor they will tell you that a lack of sleep was the norm, during their residency years. And we can’t forget the college student with mid terms and finals. The good thing is that all of these times are but for a season and I believe have a special anointing to see us through. But then there are those times that we fill up our plates without the wisdom or guidance of the Lord. And that is when we get into trouble.
When I found myself in a place where my plate “was too full” I didn’t know how to change that. Reason being, I thought I couldn’t say, “No” to anything. I thought I had to prove how much I was a good Christian, good mother, and great employee. I was driven and a works person. And you know what, a lot of us are—especially women.
As women, we have the tendency to over compensate in what we do at church, on the job, and at home. We must do it all, no matter the cost. Well, sisters I want to share with you, that’s sort of crazy thinking on our part. And the reason I say that is, because what it might cost is way too much. For one, when our plates are full and piled up with things to do, most often it cost us our time with the Lord. That is to high a price to pay if you really sit down and think about it.
Over the years I have learned to not be driven. I no longer have anything to prove to anyone. This change of mindset came about the more I began to realize who I was in the Messiah. Who God made me to be and what He expects from me and not what people thought I should do or be. God doesn’t put us in positions where He has not made provision. So, if you are in a situation that your plate is so full that life is not good, I do suggest you sit down and take a good look at everything that is on it. Look at each thing individually and ask yourself, “Why is this here?” You might be surprised at the answer?
For one, you have to see if everything you are doing is what you are supposed to be doing at this time. And if so, are you doing it “in your strength” or in the “strength of the Lord?” Are there things that you need to let go of or cut back on? Or is it just that you need to manage your time better and be more organized? These are question you should ask yourself and God.
One thing about a driven personality that really hinders us—we like to do it on our own, and then pray and ask God to help us make it through. We have a tendency to set everything up “on our own” and then as we become overwhelmed we start seeking God for help; when in fact we should seek God first. Also another really big part of the driven personality—Pride! Yeah, pride is a biggie, and one of our greatest downfalls. Because we have to “prove” and do it on “our own” pride sets us up big time. I have lived in this house, so I speak from great experience. So if you have a driven personality or you are one that sees your self-worth through what you do, then as you sit and look at the things on your plate, make sure to ask yourself “Is pride involved here?”
When life is overwhelming and you are not getting the rest and quiet time you need, it’s time to take a hard look at what's going on in your life. If you have so much to do and no time for God, then something is really amiss and change needs to be made—immediately. There are times in our lives when God will ask something big of us, but no matter what He asks, big or small, He always makes provision for us to succeed. He never sets us up to fail and not have time for Him.
For all you sisters out there who are tired and overwhelmed, STOP what you’re doing and find out why? Did God give you an assignment and you ran ahead of Him and set it up on your own? Did He give you an assignment and you are trying to do that while still holding on to things that you must let go of? What’s up?! There are always special circumstances and seasons in our lives when things might be turned upside down for a minute, but I’m talking about our mindsets and every day regular life here.
Just as a person who is trying to eat a daily diet of healthy foods in order to feel better and live longer, and watches what they put on their plates to eat, so should we spiritually. To sustain a healthy lifestyle we are told to eat something live every day, such as raw veggies and fruits. Our daily plate of life should always have the living Word of God. Just as lean proteins give us energy and build up muscle, so do prayer and our faith sustain and build our spiritual muscles. At a buffet you would look at your plate to make sure you have enough of the right foods. Well, the same goes for the plate of life, we should make sure it is filled with that which will sustain us spiritually and emotionally.

Love & Hugs
Wednesday's Blog: "Encouragement for single sisters to make change"