Friday, June 24, 2016

Are You Fully Persuaded?

What are you fully persuaded on in the Kingdom of God? This is a serious and very important question to know the answer too. I don’t mean in words. Oh, we can all talk a good game of what we believe about God and His Kingdom. But I am referring to the truth in our hearts.

It seems of late that we (as women), are more stressed and worried then I’ve seen in a long time. And it is distressing to me, because many of us should be further along than we are. I’m witnessing baby Christians grab hold of the truth and stand on it better than some of the saints who have been around awhile—and that should not be.

Am I surprised? No. Because Paul speaks of spiritual immaturity, “12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. 13 For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. 14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” (Hebrews 5:12-14 NKJV)

Why is it that some of us still have need of milk, when we should be stronger and able to handle the meatier things of God?

For one we have our priorities askew. But mainly there is a laziness in the Body. Yup, I said it!  Not too many come out and call our lack of working on building up our faith and relationship with God, “Lazy!” But it's true. And there is no other reason or excuse. 

There are personality types that want results the quick and easy way. It took us five years to gain 50 pounds, but we want a quick fix to get it off in five months. Versus doing it in a way that is healthy and good for us, we want to do diets that are no way sustainable or really healthy. We don’t want to do the work that is long term.

We are in debt (of our own doing), so we purchase books on prosperity and stand on scriptures looking for God to move miraculously. When in truth, we will have to bit the bullet and pay off that debt the good old fashioned way—one payment at a time.

Some of us have been battling depression for years, and we have used others as a crutch—until we have worn them out. When Jesus should be the One we have learned to lean and depend on.

I could give so many examples but I want to move forward to the heart of the matter—faith—or lack thereof. Because no matter what comes up in life or what we need—faith is key.

And faith is one of the biggest areas we are lax in working on. We are so quick to ask others to pray for us (concerning our life situations and crises), and always look for someone to pick us up and encourage us. Remember, I am not talking to any new converts here; I’m talking to you sisters who have been hanging out in the Kingdom for awhile. I’m talking to those of you who should be mature, but are not. Well, I guess I’m also speaking to the babes too—pay attention so you don’t fall into the trap of being spoon fed the gospel and not learning how to eat the meaty parts on your own.

When you’ve been in a Kingdom for awhile and you are always in a crisis, needing help—you become a poor example. And to tell the truth, people get tired of you. Why? Because we are human and not like God, who is loooong suffering. 

And I say this because, many people read you as the representation of Christ Jesus—not a Bible. So, therefore, why should they want your Jesus when it seems He really isn’t doing that much for you? You are always posting on Facebook that you need prayers. You are always woe is me. You go from one fire to the next, instead of faith to faith.

How many of us have Face Book friends and family who are not saved? We all do! So, how does this come across to them? I want you to seriously think about it.

“Worry is the antitheist of trust. You simply cannot do both. They are mutually exclusive.” ~Elisabeth Elliot~ I couldn’t have said it better.

Sisters, it's time to stop the madness of trying to be like Peter Pan, and stay a kid forever. It is time to stop wanting quick fixes from God and begin to have faith in Him to help us—in His way and His timing, according to His Word.

I’m sure that some of you were saying, “But Ponnie, you don’t know my life situation!” And you are absolutely correct—I do not! But God does, and that is all that matters. 

We don’t need 100 people praying for us. If we are in a place where we need prayer, then all we really need is one person who has a relationship with God to stand with us. Jesus, assures us that where just two come together in agreement, He is there with us. We should all have people like that in our lives. So, with that being said, be prudent in posting prayer request in a public forum for your personal crisis. Stop using people as if they are going to be a magical solution.  

It is time to be serious about studying and reading the Bible—daily! It really is that simple. Because the more we read the bible and begin to believe what it says, the more we become fully persuaded about the things of God. Sure, we will always need one another for support and encouragement. But not more than God. 

The words “fully persuaded” in the Greek language mean, “completely assured”. This is what Paul is talking about in Romans.

You want to have a daily confession, try, “I am fully persuaded that God will meet all my needs!” Why? Because He has promised that He will!

Life unscripted is going to happen—but when we are shored up in the Word of God, that is when we are fully persuaded He is with us, no matter what is going on.

The Word of God is a most excellent reminder that God has already been in all our tomorrows—even when they become our complicated and frightening today.

There are no surprises whatsoever to Him.

When you don’t read and study the Word, you will always be a baby with a bunch of problems and sadness in your life. You will never know what it is to have the peace that surpasses all understanding in the midst of a storm. You will never grasp what salvation is all about and what the finished work of the Cross is. It will be impossible.

It’s time to become fully persuaded about something pertaining to God! Go ahead, pick one thing that pertains to whatever it is you are experiencing now. Get into the Word, and study it out—building up your faith. There are no easy fixes in the Kingdom. You have to put in the time and work, just as we have to in most natural things if we really want change.

You want to ask for prayer on Face Book. Ask for prayer that you become diligent in reading and studying the Bible. Ask people to lift you up to have a stronger relationship with God. Ask them to pray for a desire and fire to know what the finished work of the Cross is. Personally, I would love to see prayer request such as these on Face Book. Why? Because they would be life changing.

And if you don't have a sister in your life who will pray with you and encourage you, ask God for one.  Public forums are not the place for intimacy. 

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,

Friday, June 17, 2016

Are We Spending Too Much Time In Church

Encore blog: April 14, 2014

Hopefully some of you raised an eyebrow or two when you read the title for today’s blog. I hope something stirred in you—maybe a little indignation? Or was it a bit of self-righteousness?  How dare she insinuate that there is such a thing as “Spending too much time in church!” Well, my dear sisters, I hate to be the bearer of bad news—but there is such a thing.

Okay, take a deep breath! Now hear me out before you remove yourself from following the blog or “unlike” my page on Facebook. Give me a moment to explain myself and hear where I’m coming from.

Over the years we have gotten into a culture of a “church community” versus being the “Church” in the community.  Back in the day, people belonged to the church congregation in their neighborhood or area, and knew each other through daily living. That is not the case so much anymore. We drive miles and even pay tolls to get to church. Truth is we don’t really know the people who live in the area, and some of us are not that interested in knowing them either.

I remember going to church a lot during the weekday when Jesus first became Lord of my life and I was very grateful for the safety that came with that—though I too got in my car and drove there. 

There is still a great need for that safe place in exchange for our past life for a new one in Christ. But how long are we to stay in the safety and comfort of our church community? Some of us have been attending nothing but church events for years. We pride ourselves that we faithfully attend Bible study or pick-me up midweek services each Wednesday, and have for the past 10 years. But what are we doing with all this church going? How is it benefiting the unsaved?

Now there are those who must work and volunteer to keep things going in the church building and there will always be a need for such people, but the world has a need too! It needs the gospel and love of Jesus Christ.

Yesterday in my reading I came across…Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives, or your rich neighbors, if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed.  Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” (Luke 14:12-14)

When was the last time you had folks over for dinner, outside of your circle of Christian brothers and sisters? Have you ever had a luncheon where the target audience was the lost and broken? Not to preach or beat them up with the Bible, but just to get to know them?

Are you beginning to see where I am going with this?

If you belong to a large church or one that has more than one service on Sunday, you might attend a monthly “cell’ or “small group” meeting. Well, why can’t we also start some type of monthly gathering in our home for those who don’t attend church?

Please, no one misunderstand me, I am not being critical or judgmental, I’m just trying to help us think about the need to change and do things differently.  

Several years ago I started a book club out of my home for young women when I lived in the city. It mostly consisted of single mothers, who were not working and or hadn’t finished high school. Of course they were a little leery that Miss Ponnie would have them reading something about Jesus. I searched and prayed for just the right book, and it was “Cover Girls” by TD Jake. It had enough rough stuff to keep them interested and also be able to identify with the characters. But it also lacked the profanity or vulgarity most of them were used to in their everyday lives. Friends chipped in to help me by a copy for each of the ladies. My purpose was to build relationships and it worked.

Some of us are walking around with a “past due” expiration date. In other words our season for hanging out in church all the time is over and we should be taking what we have learned and using it in our everyday lives with others.

I don’t see anywhere in the Bible where we are instructed to drag people to church to get saved. But that is what many of us focus on doing. Building relationships with people is more fruitful.

Sisters, it’s time for some of us to stop hanging out at the church building so much. I guess some of you are shocked I have made that statement, but the truth is…your church building has become your community, social life and safety net. And just maybe, over the years you have become somewhat too complacent in this role.

The organization Big Sisters could use women who love the Lord. We lose opportunities to be a light to the lost when we only work or volunteer with other Christians and the outreach is not to the lost and broken. There are many organizations out there which focus on meeting the needs of people and could use our help and light.

It’s time to reflect if you are one who is spending too much time at your church building because it is safe and comfortable? Or is it time to take what you have learned as a Disciple of Christ and use it to make a difference in the world?

Jesus wasn't afraid of sinners and neither should we be. I mean after all—we used to look just like them. 

Until next week!

Love and Hugs....Ponnie

Friday, June 10, 2016

We Are Not Alone

One of the wiles of the enemy is to isolate us in our minds, emotions and circumstances. He uses the strategy of making us think we are alone and imprisoned, in what we are going through or experiencing, but it’s just another lie.

Jesus, himself told us that satan is the Father of all lies. Well, that would mean he is the best there can be when it comes to spinning and fabricating lies. And it’s something he does every day. “God has forgotten you.” “Jesus is too busy for you.” “You are not really forgiven.” “Remember what you did 15 years ago, do you really think God has forgotten? Well, He hasn’t!” “Keep on praying for healing—it’s never going to happen.” “Do you really think Jesus can love someone like you?” “God is not really in control of your life.” “He is not going to help you with your money problems, so forget it!” “That kid of yours is never going to get saved.”

Just a few of the lies many of us battle with on a daily bases.


Because if he can steal our hope—he is happy! If he can make us doubt God and waver—he has done a good job. If he can crush our faith—he has succeeded!

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:10-12 (NKJV)

18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. Ephesians 16: 18 (NKJV)

You can read the entire segment on the whole armor of God by clicking here (Ephesians 6:10-18). But today I just want to focus on who we are up against and what a powerful and crucial roll prayer can play in us not giving into the lies and deception.

Years ago, I lived in an apartment building that was lovely except for all the noise above me. A young woman moved in with a small boy and it seemed like all hell broke loose. He would play basketball in the apartment. There was loud music and parties at night, and people (not on her lease) staying with her at any given time and a string of midnight rendezvous. It was ridiculous and I had to get up at 5am to go to work and my youngest daughter was in preschool.

I would often complain to my mentor about it and one day she said, “Stop whining and do something about it! Every time that noise starts or wakes you up, don’t lie there in bed being mad and upset—get up and pray for her!” What?! Pray for her? Are you serious? Yes, she was very serious and it was some of the best advice she has given me over the years. It has changed my thinking and life until this day.

That very night, I was awakened with loud music being turned on at midnight and the overbearing sounds of mayhem and foolishness. I jumped up out of bed, went in the living room and started praying out loud for my situation, her and everyone one else in the household of faith who had to put up with that kind of noise.

Well, let me tell you…this was not the outcome the enemy expected. No! He wanted me to be upset, angry with God for not moving her out, and grumpy and short tempered with my young daughter from lack of sleep. And for awhile that was exactly what he was getting. But he never wanted me to pray the fervent prayers that started coming out of my mouth—it wasn’t too long before he changed his strategy on that one.

You see sisters, before long, I found enjoyment in praying out loud at 1 o’clock in the morning on a work night. In fact, I would wake up at 5am refreshed because my focus was now on the real culprit and not the woman who lived over top of me. And I was standing in the gap for all the other saints who were struggling with their neighbors too!

Here’s what I want you to do—take this same mindset into your problems! And not because I say so, but because the Bible says so. That’s right, start praying for every saint in the Body who is going through whatever it is you are.

The deception that it’s only you—is a lie! You are waiting for your healing—so is someone else. You are displaced and waiting for a home—so is someone else. You have a child that's in trouble—so does someone else. You are having a rough time on your job—so is someone else. Your marriage is in the dumps—so is someone else’s. You have a broken heart—so does someone else. You’re feeling God has forgotten you—so is someone else. You are depressed—so is someone else. You have a need that seems to be going unanswered—so is someone else!

Whatever we are experiencing as individuals, someone else in the Body is too! We are not alone in whatever it is we are going through. Somebody, somewhere, is going through the exact same thing and having the same doubts and fears you are.

Even as the noise started to die down or didn’t bother me as much as it once did, I never stopped praying for this woman and her son. And one day (a couple of years into it), I saw her being picked up to go to church. And the end result was; she got saved, married, bought a house and moved out. All that happened within a 5 year period. Just to let you know—it might not happen over night! ~Smile~

No matter what our circumstances, trials or tribulations may be—we can pray! And praying for others helps take the focus off of us. Doing it daily builds faith and strengthens us. Try it! Stop being sad and depressed about what is going on in your life and allowing the enemy to steal your joy, hope and faith. Stand up! Fight him back! The last thing he wants you to do is become someone who focuses in on him and his, and stops believing the lies.

Pray hard, loud and be strong! Come against any and every lie he has told you about your situation, and pray for your brothers and sisters who are experiencing the same. And above all else read your Bibles—so you can stand on the promises of God—no matter what the devil might try to tell you.

Know the truth!

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,

Friday, June 3, 2016

I’m Good At_____________!

The definition of the word “Good” is vast and really depends on how you use it. It can be an adjective, noun or adverb. And so I must define my use for today. Good: adv, well. “My mother was not a good cook.” is a true statement for me. LOL!

Truth is, I’m an excellent cook and it didn’t come via training from my mother. I had an aunt who was a really good home cook. What made her cooking so delightful and good, was, she had a knack for using leftovers or whatever she had on hand to make a tasty meal. She took me under her wing and taught me everything she knew.

She was a godly example of the older woman Titus was referring to. (Titus 2:3-5 Amp) click. But as the years passed, I began to realize her way of cooking was far from healthy. It was good! But with all the pork and animal fat used for flavoring, and cooking green vegetables until they were dark green wasn’t the best. Yet, I was grateful because she gave me a wonderful foundation for many things through her love and care.

As the years passed, I began to learn how to use fresh herbs, garlic, and so much more. And it is still fun for me as I am learning now how to cook and bake cutting back on my sodium intake. But I still have to give credit to the foundation my aunt laid for me. I’ve just built on it over the years. And I still don’t need to purchase expensive ingredients I’m only going to use for one or two meals. I know how to pull it together from a pantry of basic and everyday staples.

It’s the same with having a good Bible teacher and getting a good foundation of God’s written Word.

“There’s no bible study in my area,” or “I can’t get to the one at church.” These are no longer acceptable excuses. Nope! Not in this day and age of cable TV, internet and radio.

All any of us needs is a good foundation, and we are on our way.

I love HGTV and DIY home improvement shows. I’ve learned a lot about house foundations and what happens or could happen when they run into one that’s eroded over the years, or wasn’t built well from the beginning. Same goes for our spiritual foundations.

There was a time in my life when I used to pray and ask God for more faith. And to this day I still have people asking me to stand with them for more faith. (Not in faith, but more faith.)

Well, the truth is—once you accept Christ as your Savior, you receive all the faith you need or will ever get. But here is what we miss, our faith can be multiplied, strengthened and developed. We don’t get more…we get stronger at exercising and building on it. It’s all part of, “becoming a new creature in Christ.” No one had more faith on this earth than Christ, and no one ever will. But the good news is, we are in Him, like Him, and seated with Him in heavily places. Now do you really see God eking out faith a little bit at a time? I used to, but then I didn’t know any better.

I could give you scriptures, but I’m not. It’s best to search it out for yourself. Biblegateway can be a huge assistance to you if you don’t know where to start or own a bible.

As we get older and the years start to accumulate on our walk with Christ, we can become complacent or puffed up and think we got it like that. And maybe not put as much effort into learning and growing as we once did. But the truth is…like an old house erodes or the not well maintained house begins to crumble, so will our faith in the spirit realm—if not maintained. 

We have become good at remembering what the Bible says, and we have lived through a couple of trials and tribulations, and have experience on our side. We are confident in what we know and before you know it—the busyness of this world is taking up more time than Jesus. But that is okay, because we got…so we think.

Samson fell into that trap. He thought he had it like that and fell prey to his weakness for women that fueled a disobedient heart. (Judges 13-16) click. You may not have a weakness for women, but we all have weaknesses in our lives and we can either conquer them or allow them to conquer us.

Though I’m a good cook and baker, I’ve found that if I haven’t made something from scratch in awhile—the first time I make it—it’s never my best. I have to make it a couple of times more to get back the right ump. Same goes for us using our faith.

When life is pretty good for awhile and you haven’t really put in the time and effort to keep your faith built up—when life unscripted shows up, it can knock you off your feet. And trust me…it’s going to show up!

I wonder how many Christians lost everything in the wild fire in Alberta, Canada a few weeks ago? Or in the mid-west from the tornadoes a couple of weeks ago? What about the flooded homes and ranches in Texas this week? Well, trust me there are a bunch of us right now who are homeless, and jobless because of life unscripted events.

Everyone desires to be good at something. But mostly to show off for others or we attach our self-worth and self-esteem to what we do well or are good at. Because by the world’s standards, it defines who we are. I understand motivation can also come from a root of rejection. Never feeling you were good enough or worth enough. But you see sisters, in Christ Jesus—it is all about the adverb—good!

In the Kingdom, it’s all about becoming good at using the benefits of the Cross.

We can become so good at Kingdom living. But I must warn you, it will not be for public display. It may only be between you and the Heavenly Host. You won’t be able to brag about it (well, let’s hope not), and no atta girl awards will be passed out. But you know what—that’s okay!

I am good at—going to God with my problems before I go to anyone else. I’m good at—being quick to forgive, slow to speak and slow at becoming angry. I’m working on being good—at listening and obeying the instructions of the Holy Spirit. You see what I'm talking about here. There are so many things to work on being good at in Kingdom living!

Whip out your Bibles on a daily bases, and read, read and study! Need someone to study with—ask God—He will supply. In order to be good at anything, we first need a good foundation to build on. If you make Jesus your foundation, then erosion and deterioration will never happen. But how strong the house will to you!

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,