Friday, April 25, 2014

Waiting On Our Breakthrough!

One of the things I love about where I live is everyone has a lawn and is big on flowers and good landscaping. But walking my grands to school this morning it was very obvious from the lack of color all around, that winter has held on longer than usual.

In the northeastern part of the USA, we are a month behind in landscaping and flowers, due to the wild winter we are coming out of. And to top it off, the temps are still basically 10 -15 degrees below what they should be and 20 – 22 degrees below normal at night. But we don’t sweat the small stuff because there has never been a year that any of us have not seen spring show up—therefore our faith is high that any day now—temps will rise to normal and stay there!!

May and June of last year we had so much rain that the perennials around our house died months before they should have, but even with all that, and a harsh winter too boot—they are starting to come up out of the ground. Yippee!!! When you think about it, they have been through a lot, but because of God’s natural order of things—they came back! He cares about flowers—you have to know He cares so much more about us.

When we look at nature, and natural disasters, they are great examples of seasons and experiences of life.

This past winter it seemed as though we couldn’t catch a break. Once the kids started Christmas break, they didn’t have a full week of school again until mid March. And it was all due to snow, ice storms and more snow! Every single week! Well, isn’t life like sometimes? One thing after another! Where it seems like we just can’t catch a break? Yes!

But unlike nature that forges on, we can become discouraged and give up—especially when things start to turn around a bit—and overnight you find yourself right back where you were.

About 2 weekends ago, we experienced the most beautiful weekend weather thus far. Everyone was out doing yard work (including me) and putting out the porch furniture. It was such gorgeous weather, and then—Bam!!! The following Tuesday we had a frost warning two nights in a row and many of the flowers folks planted that weekend didn’t make it if they were not protected properly.

That’s what happens to us—we can become so weary that we forget to “protect” that which is planted and trying to bloom. We stop working on keeping our hopes high and our trust in God fed. As the days begin to run into each other, we start to focus on how life has changed and what we don’t have or what we can’t do, versus continue to look forward to change (our springtime) and answered prayers.

There was a period this winter when I barely got out of the house. There was too much snow and ice on the ground to go for a walk, and driving just to be driving wasn’t an option because the roads were also bad. And yes, there was the temptation to give into feelings of sadness and depression. But instead I chose to look at what I had versus how my life had changed.

My grands where home a lot and they were noisy and restless—but I was grateful I had ears to hear. We had a bad ice storm and many around us were without electricity or heat (in the dead of winter) for over a week—not us! Our internet and cable didn’t go out and I was warm, had plenty to eat, hot and cold running water and 2 toilets that worked perfectly. I chose to be grateful for what I did have. And I knew this was all temporary and spring would be here before I knew it.

Well…spring seems to be taking its good old time! Yet we still have faith it will show up, so we continue to watch the 7 day weather forecast hoping for good news.

This is the same attitude we must adapt in the winters of life, when it seems we just can’t get a breakthrough. We must trust God with all our hearts, just as we trust spring will get here. Sometimes it takes longer to come, but we cannot give up hope anymore than we do on the natural seasons.

Sisters, some of us are experiencing life as a season of dead winter. We are living through blizzard like conditions, where we feel trapped with nowhere to go. Our resources are dwindling and as soon as we think things are turning around—another storm hits, dropping more on top of all that is already lying around. We feel lost and forgotten by others and maybe even God. Somehow we weren’t prepared for all of this and to top it off, we start to look at our fellow sisters as they post pictures on Facebook of beautiful skies, blue oceans and sandaled feet. In other words—their lives look so much better than ours.

Truth is—we all have our time to experience the different seasons of life. Today might be your winter, my spring, someone else’s summer and another’s fall. It’s called “living” life. But when a cold and hard winter hangs on too long, just like a hot and drought ridden summer can—we must not lose faith or hope for the change of a new season.

As many of you know there are things we must do to tend a garden, even during the winter months. So, is the same for our hearts—we must protect them. If we have an hour to watch TV, then we have an hour to spend with God. And that is how we protect ourselves and keep our hope and faith high, (clinging to God) as we wait on our—Breakthrough! 

Until next week!

Love and Hugs....Ponnie

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Free Gift of Love

Good Friday for many is a time of reflection about the Crucifixion of our Messiah—a time to remember what He endured so that we might be made the righteousness of God through Him. But I think we often miss the big picture of what was truly done for us. Yes, eternal life with God—but so much more was at stake—so much more was gained and given.

For me, “The Passion of the Christ” was the best movie ever made to depict Yeshua’s (Jesus’) Crucifixion. I remember as a baby Christian one day reading Matthew’s version of when the guards accosted Yeshua in the Garden of Gethsemane, and all that was done to Him. It lead me to read the other three accounts by, Mark, Luke and John in one sitting. I remember crying like a baby as I pictured them spiting on him and what that must have looked like. I wanted to know exactly what type of whips where used to beat him and found they had pieces of metal in them so it would tear his skin. Even now as I sit here writing this, my heart is growing heavy just thinking about it.

When Sunday comes we will shout with joy as we think about His resurrection! There will be a spirit of jubilation in the air…for He has risen!!! And then when Monday comes, many of us will go back to living lives that are far from victorious. Lives filled with sadness, dread and hopelessness. Lives void of all that Yeshua’s free gift of love has entitled us. Again, we will have missed the big picture.

When Yeshua said, “It is done!” He was talking about so much. Not only was a way made for us to be forgiven of our sins and reconciled with God, but also that life on this earth would be different for those who belonged to the Household of Faith.

It means we don’t have to wait until death to experience a wonderful relationship with ADONAI (the Lord our God), Yeshua (the Christ) and the Ruach HaKodesh (the Spirit of God). It means we have a great hope while here on this earth.

This past week a friend wrote on Facebook, “I want to lead like Jesus!” my comment was, “I want to follow like Jesus!” Why? Yeshua did everything the Father told him to do. He did “nothing” apart from God. His ministry and life on this earth—was ALL about pleasing and obeying God! Yes, even unto death. But His death wasn’t just for life everlasting—it was for joy, peace, healing and a new life while we are here on this earth.

Sisters, it is time for us to stop weeping over spilled milk (life’s past mistakes). It is time to rise up and stand tall in this wonderful gift of love that has been bestowed upon us. It is time to show the world how great our Savior and Lord is through our actions. It is time to start living a life that draws others to us.

A few weeks back I went to a meeting of my sisters-in-Christ. It was a wonderful fellowship and great food too boot! ~Smile~ And we had a great time talking about the Lord, but there was a common thread for this particular group. Several ladies were experiencing difficulties with people on their jobs. Yes, the enemy really seems to have a stronghold on Believers when it comes to troubles at the workplace. And trust me “when we are going through” you can bet others are watching—closely. I most certainly understand because I have walked in their shoes, so I’m not making any type of judgment—just an observation.

But if we could look at things the way the Messiah did through His relationship with the Father then our job troubles might go something like this—Our Father (God) is CEO of the company we work for, and all we have to do is be patient and obedient as to how we are to respond and let Him handle things.  If we have that belief and attitude we should be able to handle anything and anybody—victoriously! Yeshua did. I know, you’re saying to yourselves, “Well, of course He did—He was God! Well, let’s look at Paul then—he did too! How? He understood all the Crucifixion and Resurrection entailed for him and for us.

Daughters of the King, let us take this time to reflect on what this selfless gift of Love truly entails. It is time to grab hold of it to the fullest, so that our lives will have more joy and our hearts are at peace. Our lives should be such that people are so intrigued, they are drawn to us in ways they can’t even understand. You see, the anointing and light of Christ will do that to people. I know it did for me.

My prayer is that we start to learn more about what the Crucifixion did for us, as we study the life of the Messiah—so that the world will know that we are His. Amen.  

Until next week!

Love and Hugs....Ponnie

Friday, April 11, 2014

Are We Spending Too Much Time in Church?

Hopefully some of you raised an eyebrow or two when you read the title for today’s blog. I hope something stirred in you—maybe a little indignation? Or was it a bit of self-righteousness?  How dare she insinuate that there is such a thing as “Spending too much time in church!” Well, my dear sisters, I hate to be the bearer of bad news—but there is such a thing.

Okay, take a deep breath! Now hear me out before you remove yourself from following the blog or “unlike” my page on Facebook. Give me a moment to explain myself and hear where I’m coming from.

Over the years we have gotten into a culture of a “church community” versus being the “Church” in the community.  Back in the day, people belonged to the church congregation in their neighborhood or area, and knew each other through daily living. That is not the case so much anymore. We drive miles and even pay tolls to get to church. Truth is we don’t really know the people who live in the area, and some of us are not that interested in knowing them either.

I remember going to church a lot during the weekday when Jesus first became Lord of my life and I was very grateful for the safety that came with that—though I too got in my car and drove there. There is still a great need for that safe place in exchange for our past life for a new one in Christ. But how long are we to stay in the safety and comfort of our church community? Some of us have been attending nothing but church events for years. We pride ourselves that we faithfully attend Bible study or pick-me up midweek services each Wednesday, and have for the past 10 years. But what are we doing with all this church going? How is it benefiting the unsaved?

Now there are those who must work and volunteer to keep things going in the church building and there will always be a need for such people, but the world has a need too! It needs the gospel and love of Jesus Christ.

Yesterday in my reading I came across…Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives, or your rich neighbors, if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed.  Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” (Luke 14:12-14)

When was the last time you had folks over for dinner, outside of your circle of Christian brothers and sisters? Have you ever had a luncheon where the target audience was the lost and broken? Not to preach or beat them up with the Bible, but just to get to know them?

Are you beginning to see where I am going with this?

If you belong to a large church or one that has more than one service on Sunday, you might attend a monthly “cell’ or “small group” meeting. Well, why can’t we also start some type of monthly gathering in our home for those who don’t attend church?

Please, no one misunderstand me, I am not being critical or judgmental, I’m just trying to help us think about the need to change and do things differently.  

Several years ago I started a book club out of my home for young women when I lived in the city. It mostly consisted of single mothers, who were not working and or hadn’t finished high school. Of course they were a little leery that Miss Ponnie would have them reading something about Jesus. I searched and prayed for just the right book, and it was “Cover Girls” by TD Jake. It had enough rough stuff to keep them interested and also be able to identify with the characters. But it also lacked the profanity or vulgarity most of them were used to in their everyday lives. Friends chipped in to help me by a copy for each of the ladies. My purpose was to build relationships and it worked.

Some of us are walking around with a “past due” expiration date. In other words our season for hanging out in church all the time is over and we should be taking what we have learned and using it in our everyday lives with others.

I don’t see anywhere in the Bible where we are instructed to drag people to church to get saved. But that is what many of us focus on doing. Building relationships with people is more fruitful.

Sisters, it’s time for some of us to stop hanging out at the church building so much. I guess some of you are shocked I have made that statement, but the truth is…your church building has become your community, social life and safety net. And just maybe, over the years you have become somewhat complacent too.
The organization Big Sisters could use women who love the Lord. We lose opportunities to be a light to the lost when we just work or volunteer with other Christians if the outreach is not to the lost and unsaved. There are many organizations out there which focus on meeting the needs of people and could use our help and light.

It’s time to reflect if you are one who is spending too much time at your church building because it is safe and comfortable? Or is it time to take what you have learned as a Disciple of Christ and use it to make a difference in the world?

Jesus wasn't afraid of sinners and neither should we be. I mean after all—we used to look just like them. 

Until next week!

Love and Hugs....Ponnie

Friday, April 4, 2014

From Our Ruins—Springs Help For Others!

You've given birth to two healthy children, only to have your third die a month before their due date. The doctors can’t explain why—it just happened. Now you must deliver a child you know is not alive.

Your first born is a beautiful and happy little baby, until suddenly he’s not so happy anymore and you notice something is not quite right. Three weeks later he’s completely blind and deaf or shows signs of Autism setting in.

Life is good; you have the large family you have always wanted, a good husband who loves God, you and the kids—then bam!! He dies at the age of 40, leaving you and you kids.

In the back of your mind and heart you know something is not quite right with your teenage daughter, but you shrug it off to being a teenager and the drama that comes with that season. But then one day she tells you, she is a lesbian and denounces God!

While in your twenties you scraped, sacrificed and put your dreams on hold for your husband to finish college and really get his career started. Then when he finally gets there, he tells you he wants a divorce—he’s moving on.

You’re in your early 60’s with no savings and all of a sudden, no job! You’ve served God, you’ve been as faithful as you could over the years, and now when things should be easier and more settled, they are anything but!

The life events you just read I like to call the, “Sucker Punches” of life! Those things we are not prepared for but show up out of nowhere and take us down hard! Our initial reaction after the hurt is anger with God. Why? He allowed it to happen to us. That’s right to us! It is not so bad when it happens to someone else, even when it’s someone we love, but it is really something else when it happens directly to us.

Why is it they have 8 kids and they are all healthy? He is not a good husband or father, but he gets to live? That one is so neglectful of her children, why does she get to have them and mine die? I raised her to be a good girl and love you Lord—what does she mean she is a lesbian and denounces you? I have served you for years Lord, tithing my money, my time and doing things your way. Why am I broke and finding life so hard in my later years? Why did he leave me after all I did for him? Why was my child born retarded? Why did you let him die? Why?!

After we waddle in our anger for awhile then comes self-doubt and doubts of God’s love us. We question what we have done to bring this on and why God doesn’t love us.

Truth is—we don’t have to do anything wrong for devastating things to happen. Yes, there are consequences we must suffer for making poor decisions and sin in our lives, but that is not always the case. God does allow things to happen and we don’t always understand or know the reason why. I’m sure Job had no idea whatsoever. We know his wife didn’t because her final reaction and advice to him, was to curse God and die. Does that sound like a woman who understood?

Over the years, the people I have met that have children who were born retarded or with Down Syndrome are some of the most loving people you’ll ever know. And so are the sibs of these children. God uses the ones our society deems as broken to teach us how to love in ways we would otherwise not be able to experience, and show to others.

Until Yeshua comes back, women are going to have still born babies, miscarriages, children born with birth defects, babies who die of SIDS, husbands that die young, and ones who abandon them—loss of their money and financial stability, and children who go astray and are confused as to what they believe. It is life as we know it, but the beauty in all this sadness and heartache is the love and healing power of God.

When we read 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, what do we think Paul is saying here? Do we really think about his words, or do we just gloss over them? If we are to encourage and comfort others as God has comforted us, then that means we have to go through something. And it is not the experience of a bruise or a bump. No, deep cutting hurt and pain. It means we have been to the edge and weren’t sure we were going to survive. We were tempted like Job’s wife to curse God and die. It’s talking about when our hearts felt like they were ripped out and we would never be whole again. This is what Paul means here!

For many of us, we have already made it to the other side of a sucker punch. We are no longer lying on the floor moaning and groaning in pain. Our blurred vision has slowly become clear again. Our wounds are no longer tender to the touch or hurt when we move a certain way. Our labored breathing and shortness of breath has returned to a soft and even flow. The mountains of tears have given way to laughter. We no longer want to curse God, but instead, sing praises for all He has done for us. We are now at the point where we are able to comfort our sisters in their time of trouble.  

If you are reeling from the affects of a sucker punch be encouraged because God is with you. And if you are one who has made it to the other side—Praise Him and help your sister! Amen!

Until next week!

Love and Hugs....Ponnie