As a mother if the doctor were to tell me that I needed to make lifestyle changes for my children (when they were younger) or they would not live to see adulthood, that would have been all they had to say. I would have done whatever was needed! Why? Because of my great love and desire for them to grow up healthy and strong, to become all they could be. Yet how come I haven’t loved me enough to make changes in my life, so that I am healthy, strong and all that I can be? That’s a good question!
My family health history doesn’t read as well as I would like it too. I can’t say we have a lineage of good genes and we live well into our 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. No, there is a curse of diabetes, congestive heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and several deaths from the complications of diabetes, including amputations and blindness. So, why have I been so lackadaisical about getting my cholesterol and blood pressure under control? How come I’ve allowed myself to put back on weight I had lost, knowing it affects my health and leads to all the above mentioned problems? I guess I could write about several underlined reasons, but the bottom line is—I really haven’t been lavishing myself with love. And I say that because when we really love someone, we desire the very best for them. We bend over backwards to make sure they have the things they need, no matter what the sacrifices. Well, I can’t say I have been acting that way in totality concerning myself.
The great thing about realizing you have a problem or there’s a problem, is that you are now able to deal with it. I have a problem of not caring for myself as I should and though I know my days are numbered, I now want to live them the best that I can. If God allows, I will turn 60 in January 2013. And one thing I’ve noticed is people who live to be in their 70’s, 80’ and 90’s that are able to get around and enjoy life are not 50 to 60 pounds overweight.
Well, my dear sisters if you remember Jennifer and I did a two part blog on February 13th and February 14th about loving yourself, and I now have an addition to mine. I now love me enough to do what I need to do in order to be strong and healthy!
I am starting the journey to becoming a vegan. Yup, getting rid of animal dairy products and all things that add to my high cholesterol. Now, I’m not jumping out there and throwing everything out and declaring “I am now a vegan!” Nope, can’t do it like that. The beauty of being 59 is that I know myself pretty well and I know I have to transition into this new lifestyle. But I’m still very excited about it though.
Very soon (I hope by next week) I will launch a Food Blog to journal my journey. I want to share how I’m doing and load it up with new ways to cook and plenty of pictures of things I cook and enjoy. There are two major reasons for the blog, one is to encourage other women, (especially African American women my age) that huge lifestyle changes are possible even when you’re older, and secondly accountability for myself. The reason I’m targeting African American women is we are very unhealthy compared to our Caucasian counterparts. We have a higher rate of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. And let’s not forget being overweight. But I also have Caucasian friends who fall into the same category, so it really is for all women.
I’ve been praying everyday about this because I know I can only achieve my goals with God’s help. So, I’m relying on the fact that I can do all things through Christ who is my strength!!
Sisters, I hope some of you will follow my vegan blog if for no other reason than to encourage me, but I do pray that you might be encourage to make changes in your life if needed. Not saying you will become a vegan, but maybe just start exercising more, and making healthier choices when it comes to what you eat and how much.
I don’t have a name yet for the blog and I am open to suggestions. Please write me at if you have an idea for a name.

Love & Hugs
See you next Monday!