There is a part in all of us that needs inspiration to succeed and develop who we are. God made us to be imitators. But I guess the trick is to make sure that those who inspire you, are ones who inspire you to be more and not less.
February can be a month of the doldrums. It is midwinter for many and a time when cabin fever starts to set in as we wait patiently for spring to arrive. Lately I’ve seen a need for me to make sure my spirits are lifted this time of year and to mix things up and not be bored. What about you? Are you finding life a little complacent or boring? If so, what inspires you to do something different?
Over the years I’ve found that I can find inspiration in many different things. It probably has a lot to do with the maturity of my age, but also, I’m the artistic type. I love magazines! Why? I find them to be very informative, but mostly they appeal to my visual senses. They remind me there is a much bigger world outside of mine. Such as—ones with ideas on the latest décor, fashions, make up and new fragrances to try. They also help to remind me I should take better care of myself and keep my relationships alive and well. If you don’t have at least one monthly subscription for a good magazine, I suggest you get one. If you go online to the magazine’s website, you usual get the better deal.
You might be one who says, “I don’t have time to read a magazine.” I’ve heard that response often. But I challenge you to make time. One place to read is the bathroom. ~Smile~ So, I’m sure that in a month’s time you can finish a magazine. And find yourself inspired to try a new dish for supper or rearrange your bedroom furniture. You might even try a new facial product with a coupon from your magazine, or it could be something as simple as just finding pleasure in the articles and short stories you have read.
I also get inspiration from my friends. It never ceases to amaze me how a good conversation or laughter with someone can make you feel so good afterwards? We need each other to bounce ideas off, and be encouraged to make change. But most of all we, need good people in our lives who will tell us the truth about ourselves (with love and compassion of course), and at the same time inspire us to achieve greater things.
My dear friend and mentor of over 20 years, is one who can make me laugh and cry at the same time. We have some of the most wonderful conversations about the good ole days. But we also have very serious conversations about God, and His Word. World events and what time we are in according to scriptures. She inspires me to strive to be more like Jesus and read my Bible and search out who God really is. She inspires me in the little things like drinking more water, being active and to treat myself good! But most of all she inspires me to always Believe God!
We are all different personalities, yet we are all the same in many ways. There is something the Lord has put inside of each of us that needs to be cultivated with inspiration. So, again, what inspires you to grow and make change in your life?
It might be a magazine, or it could be a cooking show on the Food Network, or a decorating show on the Home & Garden channel? Maybe music speaks to your soul and can energize you when it is rainy and gray outside. The great blessing from God is that we have so many good things to choose from. So, I say, “Pick something!” Pick something inspiring that will give you a fresh new perspective about life and yourself.
I think keeping oneself inspired and motivated falls under “Self Love.” And I say that, because we need to be inspired and reminded to do things for ourselves. To keep “us” a priority so we don’t end up on the back burner or the bottom of the “to do list”.
My dear sisters, make sure you have inspiration in your life that will help you live life to the fullest and keeps “you” in the forefront.
A confident, self-assured woman helps others to feel the same way. She has an energy that fills a room on the upbeat. People are happy to see her and want to be around her. She inspires others to be all that they can be. So, let us work on being that confident and self-assured woman.

Love & Hugs
See you next Monday!