Monday, February 20, 2012


There is a part in all of us that needs inspiration to succeed and develop who we are. God made us to be imitators. But I guess the trick is to make sure that those who inspire you, are ones who inspire you to be more and not less.

February can be a month of the doldrums. It is midwinter for many and a time when cabin fever starts to set in as we wait patiently for spring to arrive. Lately I’ve seen a need for me to make sure my spirits are lifted this time of year and to mix things up and not be bored. What about you? Are you finding life a little complacent or boring? If so, what inspires you to do something different?

Over the years I’ve found that I can find inspiration in many different things. It probably has a lot to do with the maturity of my age, but also, I’m the artistic type. I love magazines! Why? I find them to be very informative, but mostly they appeal to my visual senses. They remind me there is a much bigger world outside of mine. Such as—ones with ideas on the latest décor, fashions, make up and new fragrances to try. They also help to remind me I should take better care of myself and keep my relationships alive and well. If you don’t have at least one monthly subscription for a good magazine, I suggest you get one. If you go online to the magazine’s website, you usual get the better deal.

You might be one who says, “I don’t have time to read a magazine.” I’ve heard that response often. But I challenge you to make time. One place to read is the bathroom. ~Smile~ So, I’m sure that in a month’s time you can finish a magazine. And find yourself inspired to try a new dish for supper or rearrange your bedroom furniture. You might even try a new facial product with a coupon from your magazine, or it could be something as simple as just finding pleasure in the articles and short stories you have read.

I also get inspiration from my friends. It never ceases to amaze me how a good conversation or laughter with someone can make you feel so good afterwards? We need each other to bounce ideas off, and be encouraged to make change. But most of all we, need good people in our lives who will tell us the truth about ourselves (with love and compassion of course), and at the same time inspire us to achieve greater things.

My dear friend and mentor of over 20 years, is one who can make me laugh and cry at the same time. We have some of the most wonderful conversations about the good ole days. But we also have very serious conversations about God, and His Word. World events and what time we are in according to scriptures. She inspires me to strive to be more like Jesus and read my Bible and search out who God really is. She inspires me in the little things like drinking more water, being active and to treat myself good! But most of all she inspires me to always Believe God!

We are all different personalities, yet we are all the same in many ways. There is something the Lord has put inside of each of us that needs to be cultivated with inspiration. So, again, what inspires you to grow and make change in your life?

It might be a magazine, or it could be a cooking show on the Food Network, or a decorating show on the Home & Garden channel? Maybe music speaks to your soul and can energize you when it is rainy and gray outside. The great blessing from God is that we have so many good things to choose from. So, I say, “Pick something!” Pick something inspiring that will give you a fresh new perspective about life and yourself.

I think keeping oneself inspired and motivated falls under “Self Love.” And I say that, because we need to be inspired and reminded to do things for ourselves. To keep “us” a priority so we don’t end up on the back burner or the bottom of the “to do list”.

My dear sisters, make sure you have inspiration in your life that will help you live life to the fullest and keeps “you” in the forefront.

A confident, self-assured woman helps others to feel the same way. She has an energy that fills a room on the upbeat. People are happy to see her and want to be around her. She inspires others to be all that they can be. So, let us work on being that confident and self-assured woman.

Love & Hugs

See you next Monday!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Self Love.....Part II

Happy V-Day ladies, or should I say, “Happy Day of Love!”

Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a day of love, but somehow it has turned into a day for lovers, which by the way leaves a lot of people out. But that is the way of the world and all manmade holidays, but the good thing is…we have control over how we let them affect us. And besides, it doesn’t matter if you are one half of a couple or not, ALL women can use a big dose of “Self Love”!

When Jennifer turned her blog in last week, I was very excited to say the least. Because I could really relate to the things she was saying and felt many other women would too. And though I have walked in Jennifer’s shoes of having anxiety attacks when spending money on myself, I am glad to say that is not the case at this time. Which is kind of amazing because it means I’ve gotten to the point in life that I know I deserve things and its okay to think about myself?

I started loving on me back in November of last year when I realized I had been neglecting myself for well over a year. I started with simple things like drinking more water each day, eating more whole grains, moving around more and cutting a lot of junk and sugar out of my daily diet. But January was the “I’m gonna give it all I got” starting point!

I celebrated my birthday from January 4th to February 4th! I brought it in with a bang and went out the same way. I was both practical and not so practical. In other words I tried my best to find balance in how I spent my money. ~Smile~ For starters I replenished all my vitamins (which had run out months ago), and my facial cleansers. It is the little things like these we should stay on top of because they affect our health and over all attitudes about ourselves. I even purchased a yoga matt and one of Jane Fonda’s latest exercise videos. When I went food shopping I stocked my cabinets with healthy snacks, nuts and other goodies so I wouldn’t over eat or eat a lot of the wrong things.

Now you know the practical side, so let’s look at the not so practical. I bought a ring, books, CD’s (I love my music) and a DVD. I was also given several DVD’s on my birthday, along with jewelry, and money. Before my move in the fall I let all my magazine subscriptions expire, so as part of celebrating me I renewed 3 of them for 2 years each! But my splurge gift to me was a Dooney and Bourke pocketbook! That’s right girls—that was my special treat. And you know what Jennifer was also inspired to buy one! I must say, “We really love them!!”

My new ring inspired me to make sure I used my cuticle oil every night (well, most nights..LOL!!); I’ve started taking better care of my face since I’m restocked on facial cleansers. But I didn’t stop there….I needed a new fragrance. I love smelling good for me. I didn’t buy any clothes, because I’m looking forward to the spring and buying new pieces then, but I am focusing on making myself a high maintenance woman on my terms. That means that I don’t plan to do all my pedicures and manicures myself. Here and there someone else is going to do it for me. I no longer plan to use old makeup, which for health reason should have been thrown out years ago. When we hear the phrase “High Maintenance” we think…money, money, money!! But it really just means taking better care of yourself like Jennifer said yesterday, it can be as inexpensively or expensively as you like or can afford.

Here’s a comment posted on Jennifer’s blog yesterday: "I read the title of the post and had a bath with a delightful, delectable "Phoenix Rising" bath bomb from Lush. It was amazing - just watching the bathwater change colour and the smell. Because I quit smoking on Valentine's Day, 23 years ago, I always do something just for me - this year it was a bottle of "Daisy" by Marc Jacobs. This was the first time I've bought perfume for myself”……Now this is what we’re talking about!

Self love is to love you inside and out. It means you make time for yourself on a regular basis. I love to read for enjoyment, and if you feel the same then make sure you eke out some time each day just to read, or be quiet and listen to music.

We all have different needs, but one thing we all have in common is that we all have the need to care about ourselves.

Yesterday Jennifer posted pictures of herself on Facebook after her makeover. She was Hot! LOL!! She is a beautiful young woman without makeup, but as she said, she just wanted the makeup because it made her feel good! It is her way of “loving on Jennifer”!

So, I’m with Jennifer…”What do you need to do as an act of self love? What is Valentine’s Day (the day of Love) going to mean to you? We shouldn’t depend on others to make us feel beautiful or worthy. The Blood of Jesus has taken care of that, so what are you going to do to celebrate you? Whatever it is my dear sisters….have fun!!

Love & Hugs

See you next Monday!

Monday, February 13, 2012


Valentine’s Day is a holiday that stirs up many emotions in women. As a teen, I felt hopeful, in my 20’s I felt dread, my early 30’s brought on a feeling of numbness and now that I’m entering my late 30’s and still single my focus has shifted. It’s time for “Self Love”. So I ask this question: What are you going to do for yourself this Valentine’s Day?

As women we often put our needs and desires last. Single women focus on their career, ministry, family and friends. Mothers often focus on the needs of the children and wives tend to their husbands first. It is very easy to neglect yourself in the name of love. Just today I went shopping to buy things I needed for the house, new bedding and a few goodies like DVDs and in the middle of the store aisle, my heart began racing, and my stomach and head started to hurt. I recognized that these sudden symptoms were not the beginning of a virus but due to me spending money on myself. Can you believe it? My physical symptoms were brought on because I began to think about the money I was about to spend and I hadn’t even made it to the checkout. LOL!

I actually began some internal dialogue in the middle of the store: “Self, I'm no longer denying or depriving myself of things I need or want. Taking some Excedrin and keeping it moving!” :) For me, I will drag my feet about spending money on things I need; it’s pretty sad, I will wait until things have almost fallen apart before I buy something new. You would think I lived through the Great Depression of the 1930’s! In fact, I’m writing this blog in a favorite shirt of mine that has a few holes in it. So my challenge is to do something nice for myself that’s non food related. I have decided I will go to a cosmetic store, have a makeover and purchase some makeup. I can’t stop there! I am the type of woman who wears lip gloss for a special occasion instead of daily. I will commit to wearing makeup daily; not because I feel I need to cover up something but just to brighten my day.

My question to you, wonderful readers is: What do you need to do as an act of self love? Do you need to buy some clothing or goodies like me? Maybe you haven’t been to the movies or to a show in a long time? Have you been holding back on fixing or buying a particular meal because you’re the only one in the family that likes it? When was the last time you had some quiet time to read a book or give yourself a manicure or pedicure? As you see, you can make this as costly or inexpensive as your budget allows. So I challenge you to do something nice just for you on Valentine’s Day and at least one day a month. Are you up for the challenge? I know I am.

In parting, I will leave you this quote from Oscar Wilde: “To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”

With sisterly love, Jennifer!

Ponnie will continue Part II of "Self Love" tomorrow. Hope to see you then.

Monday, February 6, 2012


A “Naysayer” is one who denies, refuses, opposes, or is skeptical or cynical about something, or as I like to say…a dream stealer or faith killer.

I’m pretty sure most of us have met a naysayer or two in our lifetime. In fact we might have played the role ourselves from time-to-time.

Naysayers are negative in attitude and are really no fun to be around. In the world, I understand that personality type having a place to flourish, but it is somewhat baffling as to why there are so many in the Body of Christ. I say that, because according to our Master we are to lift one another up, think more highly of others than ourselves, and above all else we are to love one another in such a way that those in the world will know that Jesus is our Lord. BUT, often that is not the case.

So, how do we deal with the naysayers in our lives or stop being one ourselves?

If you have a naysayer in your life, maybe it’s time to back off from them. That might sound harsh, but it’s a reality if you want to stop having their negative influence affect your life. What we need to grow and flourish in our Christian walk are people who know the Word of God, and live the Word of God. There are a lot of people out there that sort of know what the Bible says, but they are not living it. Jesus says that if we love him then we will obey him. Those are the type of people you want to hang around, because they will uplift you and encourage you to grow in the things of God.

Why do so many naysayers exist in the church? Well, I’m sure there are several reasons, but a biggie is, we have so many babies who have been going to church for years, think they know something (which they don’t) and their true lack of understanding of God causes them major problems—such as being very insecure, jealous and envious. This all translates into someone who relishes in squashing the dreams and visions of people because they can’t stand to see God move in the lives of others.

It’s natural to be excited when God gives us a dream or things begin to come together after years of working hard, and we want to share. But BEWARE! Beware that you don’t share with a naysayer. That personality type can suck the air and life out of you faster than you can blink your eyes. I’m sure some of you have experienced (probably more than once) what I am talking about. You were very excited after being at a conference or have a great revelation about things between you and God and once you tell the naysayer, all of a sudden you are discouraged and down trodden. You’re left scratching your head and wondering, “What happened?” Yup, just like that!

It is important to be around people who have great faith in God. Not just talking-the-talk, but those who really walk-the-walk! Because folks like that are confident and will be happy for you and walk side-by-side to help you. Why? Because that is what Jesus commands us to do, for those of us who are in the Household of Faith.

If you are a naysayer, then it’s time to figure out why? Why are you so insecure that you can’t be happy for others? Why are you one of those folks who add merit to “Misery loves company?” What is it that stops you from believing that God loves you as much as others? Why do you feel you have to be a “dream stealer” or a “naysayer”?

Sisters, I encourage you to read your Bibles, so you know what it says. Don’t just read scriptures here and there and pick out what you want, but read the entire Bible so that you really know what it says, what was going on at the time and who it’s really meant for. This will help you to know that you are on track with what God is saying and you will become good at dividing the Word and know the difference between a naysayer and a person filled with godly wisdom when you meet one.

If you have a dream that God has given you, make sure to only share it with one who will encourage and help you reach the goal that God has set before you. If you are one who is afraid to dream, get around strong faith people so you can be built up and encouraged in the things of of our Lord.

Love & Hugs

See you next Monday!