Usually when you hear, “Let’s spice things up a bit” it carries a sexual overture. But today I would like to talk about spicing things up in the content of change. Change is a big part of life and for the most part change is good. But good or bad, we often don’t like change and rebel against it. Even when the changes God has for us are good, we don’t always go willingly. Today sisters, I’m going to challenge you to make a change and maybe even step out of a comfort zone.
When we use the word “rut” figuratively we are talking about a fixed or established way of acting, especially one that is boring or monotonous. A rut is not a place we want to be but we somehow find ourselves there. Ruts can also become comfort zones, even when it is not a good or healthy place. And with most people, moving out of a comfort zone usually is not on our top ten things we really want to do. Even when it means something better.
This blog has an audience of women in their 20’s to women in their 70’s. That challenges me to find common threads so that there is something for everyone. Spicing things up to a 20 year old is very different than that for a 50 year. Or is it? I found the common thread. ~Smile~
With today’s economy women young and older have found themselves having to cut back or tighten the budget. Then there’s the group of women who put themselves last never making it on the list and last but not least, we have those who have not felt the crunch of the economy, but still need a push to make change.
As I began to meditate on the blog for this week, I realized I needed to start with me. I can’t encourage others to try or do something that I haven’t tried myself. Yes girls after a long hard look….my ruts are the same old haircut, makeup, perfume, and clothes. Yup…Ponnie is in need of an overhaul!! But Ponnie’s pocketbook is expressing that at this time that is not possible. So, what can be done? The conclusion I came up with is that spicing it up doesn’t have to cost a lot, and you don’t have to do it all in one day.
I wanted a new scent for the winter so I went to Sephora’s. If you have never been you’ve got to check them out! Tovah is 16 and loves it, I took my girlfriend there who is 64 and she feel in love too. It is a place for every woman, no matter your age, skin type or complexion. Cosmetics, cosmetics, perfumes and more cosmetics! It is wonderful. I tried a couple of different scents, but I need to smell them for a couple of hours before I can commit, so I was given a sample of Vera Wang, (they put some in a spray container for you) and have worn it over 5 times and just adore it. Yes, this will be my new winter scent.
The next thing was to look at spicing up my wardrobe. I don’t work full time and even that has been affected and cutback, so I had to take a hard look at what to spend. If you have a black pair of pants, skirt or dress you can build a wardrobe just on that if need be. And that’s where I started. I’m going to purchase a really nice cabled cardigan sweater, a ruby sweater to wear underneath and a chunky necklace from Lane Bryant’s to wear with a black pair of trousers and ankle boots I already have. This all comes to a little over $150, but I have a $50 coupon. Adding this rust colored Nine West leather bag I purchased last month at Ross’ for $25, I will have a fresh modern look. This same sweater can be worn with a chocolate top and pants. Pair them with a colorful scarf and my(faux) red snakeskin purse, I have another totally different look. Scarves, necklaces, earrings and bracelets can breathe life into that same old outfit. A dark blazer can be worn with a dress, jeans, pants or skirt, and all you have to do is change the accessories and it won’t look like the same blazer or same bottom.
Makeup colors are different for the winter versus the summer. Fingernail polishes are deeper and so are eye shadows and lipsticks. I still have my summer bronzy look, so I’ve scheduled a trip to Sephora’s in a couple of weeks just to get a new lip color. I’ll be able to test as many colors as I want and get the assistance I need in making just the right choice. As far as my hair goes, I don’t like a lot of fuss and so I’m still in the exploring stages of something new. It could be a new hairdo or it might be a hat that really makes me look great!!!
Tovah and I like to look through fashion magazines, and when my 10 year old granddaughter Zoë is around she’s right in the mix too. In Style magazine is something we have fun searching through. Some of the styles are wild, but we like to talk about the crazy ones, pick out what we like and even try to find an expensive look on the cheap. Being in my 50’s and very close to 60, I’m not sure I would have ever purchased In Style had it not been for trying to teach Tovah the benefit of sophistication. But to my surprise and delight, it has also inspired me to try different scents, cosmetics and accessories. And I think it will inspire you too, so I am having a drawing for a one year subscription to In Style magazine. I know that some women say they don’t have time to read magazines, but I encourage you to start. The right magazine can be very inspiring, my favorite is Prevention magazine because it inspires me to make healthy changes in my life.
Don’t fret, I didn’t forget the woman who has already tweaked her winter wardrobe, has enough perfume, and is fighting the urge to buy anymore jewelry. For you I have two things. One, give some of your over abundance to someone else. And I don’t mean the old stuff, but give some of the good stuff. Women’s shelters are in great need of clothing, and there might be someone in your church, or family who could also benefit. Hording is an issue women have and pairing down is a good way to work on changing that. Second, change your surroundings. It can be fun and doesn’t have to cost a lot.
Painting walls a different color makes a room fresh and new. If you don’t feel like painting, then changing your bedcovers and throw pillows can turn a drab bed into one that is luscious and inviting. Rearranging the furniture and adding new lampshades or throw rugs and drapes can do wonders for any room. Whatever the change, start with something as simple as a new lip color, eye shadow or haircut. Maybe a can of paint from Home Depot. Bangles and a pretty scarf from one of your favorite shops. Take the first step by taking inventory and then add a little spice!
What inspired me was
Ester 2:12 (Complete Jewish Bible) Each girl had her turn to appear before King Achashverosh after she had undergone the full twelve-month preparation period prescribed for the women, consisting of a six-month treatment with oil of myrrh and six months of perfumes and other cosmetics for women. I ask you my sisters, “Are we not daughters of the King? Should we not be perfumed and looking good?” The answer is, “Yes!”
I pray that I have encouraged or even inspired you make change in any area that has become boring or monotonous in your every day living.
For the drawing: Please send an email to: <
hope2win_bloggdrawings99@verizon.net>; with your name, city and state in the body. You have until Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 6pm ET.
The winner will be announced in next week’s blog.
Have a blessed week women of God. And remember that sharing what you plan to do or have done to spice things up will only encourage others, so please write a comment.
Love & Hugs
A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.