Today is the infamous "Black Friday" a day where retailers used to find themselves in the black versus the red. But starting about 10 years ago, in order to try and insure better holiday sales, stores started being open on Thanksgiving Day and as early as 7am on Black Friday. Over the past few years I have watched as the openings became as early as 6am on Thanksgiving and 5am on Black Friday. But today some stores opened at 4am! And what is more amzaing is the fact that people stared lining up at midnight. Phew, now what has that got to do with the celebration of the birth of our Savior?
At the Walmart in South Philadelphia they needed a police presence to keep the 2,000 or so people (who had lined up for the 5am opening) orderly. At first they were running each other over with shopping carts, until the police brought order. Running to buy flat screen TV's and computers really doesn't seem to do much to enhance the fact that Christ was born so that He could die unless you are buying the flat screen for a shelter for homeless people or a children's home. Same goes for the computers. The truth is, this stuff goes on sale more than once a year and the best buys are not just at Christmas time.
What has happened to us as Believers? Why have we forgotten that a birthday celebration usually mean gifts for the one whose birthday is being celebrated? How much of our budget is spent on giving to Christ as Matthew 25:36-40, tell us. What are we teaching our children? Are we teaching them to think of others and their needs? Or are we teaching them to spend money they don't have? What about adopting the practice of exchanging gifts? By the way, is it still a gift if you exchange tit-for-tat? Are they watching us buy gifts out of obligation because someone gave us something and we feel we have to return the favor? I want you to consider something.....If Jesus should tarry, what will Christmas look like for your children as adults with children of their own based on what they have learned from us? Will it be one where they use this time to bring honor to God by living Matthew 25:36-40, or one where they are so stressed out from being stuck in traditions that are nothing but burdensome?
As a Christian tell me what Christmas really means to you. I want to be inspired by my sisters and brothers. I need to know that the world has not been successful in redefining the meaning of Christmas for us!
A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.